Title: Lil' White Lies
Author: Christine
Email: Xanderette43@hotmail.com
Rating: R
Spoilers: Three years after the season five finale ‘The Gift’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, blah blah blah... you know the drill by now.
Dedication: To Regina cause you rock girl! whooo whoo!
Distribution: My site Lil' Nibblin... also Railroad Stakes and Sunrises, Tremble, Aurora Borealis, and Original. Everyone else, you can take it, but just let me know where its going. :)

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Part Two

It was well past two o’clock in the morning when Dawn climbed in through the open window in her bedroom. She moved slowly as to make sure nothing fell and made noise. She tossed her jacket on the her silver butterfly chair in the far corner and opened her closet to get a pair of sweatpants and a tank top out. She quickly got out of her clothes and put on her pajamas while quickly searching her room for her diary.

She bent down underneath her bed and saw it laying there with her pen next to it. ‘Whew. I thought I lost it.’ Dawn picked it up and nearly screamed when she saw Willow and Xander standing in her doorway with majorly pissed off faces. ‘I am so screwed,’ Dawn thought as she quickly tried to find an excuse as to why she was well over two hours late.

Willow walked into the room and stared at Dawn. “Why were you late coming home Dawn?”

Dawn thought for a second then responded. “I um, I well Regina needed help cleaning up after the little shindig you know so well me being her best friend and all helped her.”

Willow looked back at the doorway where Xander stood and raised her eyebrows. He stepped up to where Willow was. “Why don’t you tell us the truth Dawn.”

Dawn’s eyes widened. How did they know she was lying? She knew that she wasn’t a terrific liar by any standards, but she knew her story was believable. “Guys, seriously, I was at Regina’s house.”

Willow sighed. “Dawn, Regina called six hours ago and asked if you were home because she wanted to go see a movie with you.”


Xander sat down on her bed and motioned for her to do the same. “Why don’t you tell us the truth now.”

Dawn thought for a moment. There was no way she could spill the beans to Willow and Xander about her and Spike. They’d kill her and then they’d hunt him down.

“You want the truth?”

Xander nodded.

“Well, I sort of have a boyfriend, but I’m just not ready for everyone to know yet, and I’m not doing anything bad with him, just hanging out.”

The angry look on Willow’s face faded a little as she took a seat on the other side of Dawn. “Dawnie, why couldn’t ya tell us? We’re your friends, we love you. You can tell us anything and we wouldn’t judge you ever.”

Dawn smiled at them but she knew that the statement Willow just made would be completely forgotten if they knew her ‘boyfriend’ was a bleached blonde vampire named Spike.

Xander ruffled Dawn’s hair and grinned. “See? Was the truth so bad?”

Dawn stifled a groan. It tore her apart by keeping something like this away from two of the people that meant the most to her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to tell them.... not tonight anyway. “Nope, it felt good to tell you.”

Willow smiled. “That’s the spirit! Now what’s the lucky lad’s name?”

Xander looked quizzically at Willow. “Lad? Are we in Ireland Will?”

Willow stuck her tongue out at him and then turned back to Dawn. “So what’s his name?”

Dawn said the first name that came to mind. “Billy.”

Xander and Willow smiled at each other and nodded. “That’s great Dawnie! You’ll have to invite him over for pizza or something one day.”

Dawn shook her head. “Well, um he doesn’t really like pizza, or a lot of food actually.”

Willow shrugged. “Well, we’ll order whatever he likes okay?”

Dawn nodded. “Sure Will.”

Willow hugged her and then took Xander’s hand as they got up to leave the room. They were at the doorway when Xander turned around. “Oh and if he ever hurts you, I’ll kill him.” He shut her door and she fell back on to her bed and picked up her diary.

‘Somehow, I don’t think he could even lay a hand on him if he tried.’

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