Title: Divinity of Hell
Author: Malana
Email: Malana@mac.com
Pairing: Willow/Lex Chloe/Clark
Disclaimer: I don't own any of them. Don't sue
Summary: Willow is sent to Smallville, trouble ensues *challenge response*
Spoilers: Smallville: Lionel is no longer blind, but he is still living in Lex's mansion. For Buffy: 4th season. Oz is gone. Pre-Tara
Warning: There might be slight Lana/Buffy bashing.
Distribution: Want it, take it, just tell me
A/N: I've just gotten into Smallville, and this is my first fic with it.

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The tour Chloe, Clark, and Lex had given Willow had been a lot of fun. Willow had gotten along really well with the group, and the four of them had agreed to meet for lunch the next day. Pete and Lana would be joining them.

Chloe was pleased that Pete would be coming with them. After all, he was her one of her best friends, and she thought that he would get along well with Willow. It had taken some convincing to get him to come, since Lex was going to be there. But finally, after some pleading on Chloe's part, Pete had agreed to come.

Chloe was less pleased that Lana would be coming. She felt bad about resenting Lana, but she couldn?t help it. She didn't understand what Clark saw in Lana. Yes, the girl was pretty. Yes, she was very sweet. But that's all she was. Lana just didn't have much substance. She was smart, and popular, but she didn't have depth, and she had a selfish streak a mile long. Chloe had noticed that any conversation with Lana, not matter what the topic, eventually turned into a conversation ABOUT Lana.

Now, maybe she was a little biased, but Chloe couldn't help but fell like Clark deserved someone better than Lana. Clark should be with someone, well, someone like Chloe. She had pretty much been best friends with him since she had moved to Smallville. And for much of that time she had a crush on him. No, it was stronger than a crush. Chloe loved him.

When he had gotten really sick, Chloe had become very frightened. She didn't even want to consider what she would do if she lost him. So, she had read him the letter she had written. A letter that confessed her feelings for him, a letter that had told him that she was his dream girl, a letter that told she was willing to wait for him. Of course, he had been unconscious at the time that she read it. She was willing to wait for him though, for as long as it took. But it had still hurt her a lot when he had murmured Lana's name.

As Chloe sat on her bed, thinking about her relationship with Clark, tears came to her eyes. She sniffled a little and angrily wiped at her eyes. She had told herself that she wasn't going to get so upset about him anymore. She would just have to be content with being his friend, and hope that one day he would return her feelings. He had once told her that he would never outgrow her. Chloe prayed that was true.

Suddenly there was a knock on her bedroom door. Chloe quickly stood, and glanced in her mirror, relieved to see it wasn't evident that she had been crying. She went to the door, and opened it, expecting to see her father, or Lana. Instead she found herself staring at her tall, handsome best friend.


Clark grinned at the surprise in her voice. "Hey, Chloe. I hope I'm not bothering you, or anything. Your dad said I could come on up."

Chloe shook her head, "No problem. Come on in." I swear, Chloe thought, if he's here to talk to me about Lana I am going to scream.

Clark entered Chloe's room, and sat down on her bed. "I was hoping you could help me with something. I need to do some research."

Chloe smiled brightly, "Clark, Clark, Clark. Whatever would you do without me?"

"I don't even want to think about that." Clark responded jokingly, though he did truly mean it. "Anyway, when you were explaining your meteor theory to Willow today, she muttered something under her breath. I don't think I would have noticed, except that what she muttered was really weird. She said something about a hell mouth."

Chloe raised an eyebrow. "A hell mouth? Clark, are you sure you heard her correctly?"

Clark nodded, "Very sure. It might be nothing, but it might also be Wall of Weird material, so I thought that you would be the perfect person to come to."

"Okay, Clark." Chloe smirked, "I suppose I can take some of my valuable time to help out my favorite guy. Let's get on my computer and see what we can find out."

Chloe sat at her desk and began working. Clark came and stood behind her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, thanks Chlo. I knew I could count on you. I always can."

Chloe said nothing in return, only smiled. Maybe for now he could only be her friend, but he was worth the wait.

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