Title: Come Back To Me
Author: Author: Tracey G
Email: sissa_003@yahoo.com
Summary: Takes place during Surprise. What if Dalton hadn't attacked them at the docks and Angel had left on the cargo ship?
Spoilers: Surprise
Rating: PG-14
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em so don't sue 'cause ya won't get much. Also the transcript I used to write this with was made by AleXander.
Dedication & Thanks: I really have to dedicate this to my best bud Christina. She must have spend an hour trying to help me come up with a title. It defiantly wasn't easy 'cause I was *really* picky. Thanks for helping even though I didn't use the one I told you I was going to use.

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Part 2

"Are you saying we're, like, married?" Buffy asked in shock.

"Well, not legally, but yeah, I guess you are," Willow confirmed.

"Why wouldn't he tell what it really meant? I mean it's not like I would have said no."

"He probably didn't want to scare you, or push you into something you didn't want to do." Willow said. "So, you really wouldn't have said no?"

"Really." Buffy turned and started down the hall. Willow fell into step beside her. "Soo... do ya think we'll get a honeymoon?"



Willow rolled her eyes. "Your boyfriend just left, for god knows how long, and all you can think about is a honeymoon?" Buffy shrugged. "Well is either thinking about that or the fact he might not make it back. I'd rather have the happy thoughts right now."

"Oh, I never thought about that way. I'm sorry.Continue thinking your happy thoughts."

"Thanks. I will. Do you want to sleep-over tonight? I could really use the company."

"Yeah, sure. We'll have to stop at my house to get my stuff, though."

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An hour later, after checking in with Giles and stopping at Willows' the girls walked into Buffy's room.

"So, how are you doing. And tell me the truth," Willow demanded, sitting Indian style on Buffy's bed.

"I'll be fine. Really, I will," Buffy said sitting across from Willow. "He'll be back. I know he will." Buffy felt tears start to well up in her eyes, so she changed the subject. "What about Oz?"

"He's cute, and smart, and funny," Willow gushed. "Best of all, he's not freaked by the slayer/vampire thing going on in Sunnydale."

"That's good, but if we keep this up the whole towns going to know about me," Buffy groaned.

"Are you going to see him again?"

"Friday night, 8:00, Sunnydale Cinema."

"That's great. I'm so happy for you." Buffy leaned forward and hugged her.

"Knock, knock," Joyce said as she walked into Buffy's room.

"Hey, mom."

"Hi, Mrs. Summers."

"I was just checking to see if you girls needed anything."

"Actually, we could go for a bowl of Ben and Jerry's. Right, Will?" Willow nodded.

"Two bowls of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream coming right up."

"Thanks," the girls said in union.

"Your mom's nice," Willow observed.

"Yeah, she has her moments."

"My mom just noticed yesterday that I switched to contacts."

"You wear contacts? I didn't even know you needed them."

"That's the whole point of contacts. I've been wearing them since I was 14. She walked up to me yesterday and said 'Willow, dear, why aren't you wearing your glasses.'"Willow rolled her eyes.

Buffy laughed." Ouch."

"Here ya go, girls." Joyce walked back into Buffy"s room carrying two bowls of ice cream. She handed one to Willow and one to Buffy.

"Thanks, mom."

"Your welcome. Well I'm going to bed now. I'll see you in the morning. Don't stay up to late." Joyce leaned over and kissed the top of Buffy's head. "Night, honey." As she straightened up she noticed Angel's ring on Buffy's finger."Where'd you get that ring?"

Buffy held up her hand. "This ring?"


"Oh, um, I got it from Angel," Buffy said hoping her mother wouldn't remember who he was.

"Angel? Your history tutor?"

"Well, actually we've kind been dating for the last 6 months or so," Buffy confessed. "Don't be mad."

"Buffy, he's older then you."

At that comment Willow started choking on her ice cream. Buffy and Joyce looked at her strangely.

"It, ah, went down the wrong way," she covered.

Buffy turned her attention back to her mother. "Please don't be mad. He's really nice and sweet, and gentle...."

"Alright. I get the point. Are you happy?"

"Never been happier."

"Alright. As long as your happy, I'll back off." With that she turned and walked out of the room.

"Well that went better then I expected." Buffy let out a relived sigh.

"She took that rather well." Willow agreed. "Sorry about the choking. I couldn't help it. When she said he was older, I almost spit out my ice cream."

"If she only knew."

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"Are you sure you'll be comfy there?" Buffy threw another pillow on to the inflatable mattress beside her bed.

"Yep." Willow flopped backwards onto the mattress. "Ahh, cozy."

"Alright then, Good night." Buffy pulled back the covers of her bed and crawled in, switching off her lamp.



"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Really? Cuz you don't seem it. I mean, Angel just left and I haven't seen you cry once."

Buffy rolled over on to her side. "Will, if I start crying now, I might never stop."

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