Fiction By Author
Carol A. Clarke - Email - Website
All Cheerleaders Do (FR-21) Cordelia/Harmony/Willow Basic PWP
Becoming Real Series (FR-21) Buffy/Tara/Willow/Other Duncan, the Renfield, wants to become real. Sequel to The Renfield
Shaking The Tree
Chains On The Mind
The Learning Curve
Pride And Falling
Seeing And Believing
Interesting Perspective
Truth And Point of View
Needing To Believe
The Heart And Feather Test
The Tail Pipe Affair
The Numbing Process
The Edge Of Sixteen
Leaving Tomorrow
Change (FR-13) Buffy/Willow When Willow tells Buffy she's gay, changes are in order. 1st in the CD Series
Completing The Circle In Rain (FR-13) Buffy/Willow Buffy reflects on her lives and rain.
Criticism And Spelling (FR-18) Willow/Faith Willow teaches Faith how to read, among other things.
Curiosity (FR-21) Cordelia/Kate Kate wants to find out more about Cordelia's past.
Dear B. (FR-15) Buffy/Faith Faith writes a letter to Buffy from prison.
Earth (FR-21) Willow/Faith, Buffy/Faith Secret events told from Faith's point of view.
Fear (FR-21) Buffy/Willow Willow breaks the news to Tara. 4th in the CD Series
The Other Mother (FR-21) Buffy/Willow Sheila Rosenberg finds out about the girls. 4th in the Strange Compulsion Series
Reality Check (FR-21) Buffy/Willow After Joyce and Giles walk in on them, Willow and Buffy have to answer some hard questions. 2nd in the Strange Compulsion Series
The Renfield Series (FR-21) Buffy/Tara/Willow/Other Tara is worried over Buffy's treatment of her sex slave.
The Finding
The Hurting
The Talking
The Blushing
The Shopping
The Learning
The Understanding
The Mating
The Excepting
Sleep (FR-15) Buffy/Willow Buffy and Willow reconcile. 3rd in the CD Series
Slide (FR-15) Buffy/Willow Xander talks to Buffy about the events of "Change." 2nd in the CD Series
Something For Sammy (FR-21) Buffy/Tara/Willow Willow and Tara dominate Buffy.
Something For Shadow (FR-21) Buffy/Tara/Willow The sequel to "Something for Sammy".
Stay (FR-21) Buffy/Willow Buffy and Willow finally come together. 5th in the CD Series
Strange Compulsion (FR-15) Buffy/Willow Joyce attempts to deal with her daughter's lifestyle. Set about a year after Reality Check. 3rd in the Strange Compulsion Series
Succubus (FR-21) Buffy/Other Buffy loses a fight but still gets a prize.
Waiting For Her (FR-21) Buffy/Willow As she waits for her lover, Buffy reflects on the changes in her life. 1st in the Strange Compulsion Series

No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.