The Making of a Man
©2003 Evenstar
"Miss Buffy? Miss Buffy, answer me please?! Mother have Worthington fetch Dr. Gaul, I fear she's been taken ill!" the man's voice cried. Buffy gave her head a shake and tried to open her eyes, finding only dizziness and swirling colors flashing. She groaned and tried to move, but felt hampered by something tight and heavy around her body. Simply breathing proved difficult."I think she's coming back to us. Miss Buffy, it's me."
"Spike?" Buffy groaned, recognizing his voice at least amongst the confusion.
"Spike?" a woman inquired, an older woman's,"William, what is she referring to? What spike?"
"I don't know mother," William replied,"Possibly something to do with the railway? Or those exotic lizards from the South America we saw last week at the Royal Conservatory, they had spikes down their backs." William returned his attentions to young lady laid out on the chesterfield in the family's sitting room. He pressed a cool wet cloth to her brow,"There, there, dear Miss Buffy, you're back with us." Her hand went to her forehead and covered his. She held it there, knowing their every nuance after being so intimately touched by those strong hands in the past.
"What happened?" Buffy asked,"Where am I?"
"Do you not recall? You're at home Miss Buffy. With mother and I."
"I....I don't remember.......why am I here?"
"You fainted," the elder woman spoke, standing behind her son,"We were about to sit down to dinner when you took a spell. You frightened us half to death, dear."
" this house?" The woman and her son shared a concerned look.
"You live here," William recounted,"You came to stay with us when you lost your mother, father and younger sister. You've been mother's companion for nearly a month now." Okay, Buffy, so not in Sunnydale anymore, the Slayer thought to herself, but that's alright because oh my god those...
"Eyes are so blue..."
"I beg your pardon?" Behind him Buffy caught his mother giggling, or rather, trying very hard not to. The strain of the breath in her lungs seemed to concern William, but he cast his eyes downwards under Buffy's stare and they seemed lost under his wireframe spectacles and errant locks of hair.
"Sorry...I'm just a little out of it. More like wiggy with a capital wig but I've done the wonky time thingy before, so as long there's no evil mummy hands waiting to strangle me I'll be peachy."
"Mother, I think she's gravely ill, her brain is in a fever, you can tell by the way she speaks. We need a doctor." Buffy rolled her eyes and sat herself up, William's hand and the cloth falling away.
"No doctors, I'm fine, completely recovered."
"Miss Buffy, you really shouldn't press yourself." William's hands had unwittingly placed themselves on her shoulders. He looked her square in the eye, attempting to be firm, but instead looking altogether utterly adorable. Buffy smiled at his sweet face, the innocence and concern for her compelled her to do so. He was nothing like Spike in appearance beyond those perilous, clear blue eyes and the sharp features of his face. His skin was a warmer color, his hair a rich dark blond and left to grow a longer than her vampire's. She wondered absently what it would be like to run her fingers through those lush locks, or tickle those completely un-Spike sideburns. His suit told her he was a gentleman, the room told her he was well off, then the crystal, china and artwork told her he was probably rolling in it. Buffy realized finally after the color of William's eyes that this situation she found herself in was beyond anything she'd ever encountered on the Hellmouth. She was dressed in full Victorian garb, corset included, which explained the total lack of being able to breath thing. Buffy gave her head another shake.
There had to be a reason why she was here. Her last memory before waking up from a supposed fainting spell was of closing the door in Giles' face after the wretched night of him and Wood nearly killing her Spike. No...there was more to it. Spike had come home much later, she'd been waiting up for him. She'd gone down into the basement...then it all got blurry.
"William, she should lay down, in her own bed perhaps," William's mother suggested. Buffy took in the other woman for the first time. She was elderly, with a kind face, few of her features however reminded her a William. He must have taken after his father,"Though I dare say the lady is unfit to walk..." There was a glint in her eye that Buffy caught. Mother was playing matchmaker it seemed, which Buffy found rather amusing.
"If you'll permit me?" William asked. With a slight nod of her head, Buffy found herself scooped up in his arms, the blanket falling away and she being carried from the room and up the staircase. Funny, she mused, she fit perfectly against his body, but she'd always known that. She let her head drop on to his shoulder and she sighed. He shuddered briefly with excitement of her hot breath against his throat.
"I feel much better William."
"I'm glad of it, you gave us quite a fright I must say."
"I didn't mean to. Please forgive me?"
"Of course, you know I will never hold a thing against you."
"Why's that?" Realizing he'd just let a hint of his true feelings towards her escape, he tried to cover.
"Um...mother holds you in high regard. You've been a godsend to her since your arrival. I know you were quite out of sorts when Mr. and Mrs. Summers were lost to tragedy...and your lovely Miss Dawn. It was lonely before you graced us." Inside his mind he was telling himself to hold his tongue, lest he allow another word of how he truly felt about the lady in his arms to be revealed. He'd kept himself guarded when it came to the young Miss Buffy Summers. Her brazen ways and carefree spirit filled him with joy, but he was unsuitable for such woman, but he took happiness from her presence nonetheless. For example, two weeks previously when he'd received an invitation to attend a gathering at the home of Miss Cecily Addams, he had surprisingly, to himself most of all, declined. He cited to his mother that Cecily's crowd bored him so and he much preferred quiet evenings at home with his books after seeing to his daily affairs with the estate. Before Buffy this invitation would have had his head in the clouds, nearing up to Heaven itself. Instead that night he had sat across the sitting room by the fire with a brandy in one hand and a book of sonnets in the other. Secretly he'd been watching Buffy as she tried in vain to crochet. His mother had spied the bemused smile on her son's face as he marveled at how no matter how hopeless Buffy and needles and spun linen were in combination, she continued to try. Anne had seen it then for the first time. Her son was in love.
William nudged open the door to Buffy's quarters with his foot, then took them inside, placing her down on the mattress and turning to leave.
"I need help please," Buffy said.
"With what?" Buffy huffed out a breath and stood up. She reached behind her and undid the top clasp at the back of her dress, then presented her back to him,"The buttons first, then the lace on the corset." When no response came, she wondered if he'd left, or perhaps, heaven forbid, fainted, but looking over her shoulder she saw he was still there. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. She supposed the bit of bare back she was showing him was equally as terrifying to the poor man."William, please, it's beginning to hurt."
"You''re in pain?"
"Yes, please help." With shaky fingers he attended to the dozen or so buttons that did up her frock. The material parted, suddenly becoming loose and flowing, dipping off her shoulders. William inhaled a shaky breath, his hands trembled so badly that when he made the effort to unfasten the knot at the top of the lily white corset that encased her slim body he could gain no purchase and instead merely brushed his fingers over her bare skin. Buffy curled her shoulders up and giggled. William furrowed his brow and mentally pictured this as a duty, and not the privilege it was. He untied the knot and hurriedly pulled the straps down, every tug revealing another inch of the curve of her spine. When he was done he backed away quickly, chastising himself for having lingered too long on drinking in her naked back.
"Good....goodnight!" He virtually leapt out of the room, closing the door with almost a slam. Buffy sighed and smiled to herself. That had been wickedly fun. Poor William. The Slayer was utterly perplexed and even a little frightened to be in the past, but William just seemed to make it all worth while. He was charming, sweet and so both like and unlike Spike that she couldn't seem to separate the two. This was him. Pieces of the puzzle that made up her heart seemed to fall into place. She loved him. Suddenly Sunnydale couldn't get any further away, this was exactly where she wanted to be.
She'd let down her hair and given it one hundred strokes with the silver handled brush from atop her dressing table and changed into the nightgown that had been laid out on the bed by one of the servants, she seemed to vaguely recall this so of every night. It was a thin linen of crisp white than hung diaphanously down her body. She was not however ready for bed and was sitting cross legged on top of the heavy tapestry like covers of the four poster bed.
There was knock upon her door and whoever was outside waited until she replied,"Come in?" she called back. A sliver of yellow light cut through as he opened the door. William stepped inside with a candle held aloft and shut the door behind him to prevent a draft from invading her room."William?"
"Are you well still? Cook can fix you a plate if you're hungry. Mother wished for me to check on your welfare before I retired and....and.......and now that I see you are back in good spirits, I'll bid you goodnight."
"William! Wait! Don't leave just yet, please?"
"Alright. Is there something you need?"
"Come here, sit down."
"It's late and I should..."
"Just for minute?" His mouth twisted up in a quirky way that Buffy found rather sweet, as if trying to work out a complex equation in his head. He placed the candle holder on the dresser and cautiously took a seat at the end of the bed, well away from her.
"Miss Buffy, this is not proper."
"Does proper really matter? We're alone."
"Yes, I am well aware of this fact, which is why I will be leaving you now." He went to rise, but she scampered over and moved her arm across his chest and kept him from rising.
"Stay...stay with me."
"I really cannot. If you do not wish to spend the night alone, perhaps one of the maids would oblige..." Her hair fell over one shoulder, shimmering like a shower of golden sunlight. He darted his eyes away from her as she moved to sit next to him. From the corner of his eye he could see a sliver of breast peaking over the top of her chemise. Buffy knew he was trying with everything in him not to look. She also knew this was not going to be easy, but she wanted this and more importantly, she knew William needed it. He seemed to have so little joy in him. Nothing but duty and responsibility and a serious case of sexual repression. She'd be gentle and careful. He was after all a virgin obviously, even at what she guessed to be closer to thirty than twenty - but he was still a man.
"William? Will you kiss me?"
"Miss...Miss Buffy, there is no agreement between us, I have not spoken....though you have no father..."
"Do you want to kiss me? Don't you think it would be nice?" He was wringing his hands in a nervous fit, but Buffy noticed it was in an effort to hide something besides nerves. He was visibly aroused by her mere proximity, a rather sizeable bulge having formed between his legs, not well hidden in this style of trousers. God, she thought, he's got to be dying here.
"Very....very nice, I'm sure, but..." he whispered. Buffy turned her head under his and caught his lips with hers. There was nothing wild and passionate about this one, it was soft and light and presumed nothing. She pulled back after a few seconds.
"You're a good man, William. Has anyone ever told you that?" She pulled off his spectacles and placed them on the bedside table.
" I should go..."
"Stay....stay." She kissed him again, this time with a little more fervor. He was so caught up in the moment, that the fact that Buffy was unbuttoning his vest and shirt went unnoticed until her warm hand had reached inside and touched his skin. He yelped like an animal that had just been caught in a trap."We mustn't!"
"Don't be afraid...I won't hurt you."
"This had gone too far!" She returned to his mouth, and he resisted for a moment, then somehow let her persistent tongue inside. He was uncertain of what to do now, but let her take control. Down below she was fiddling with his trousers, trying to get them undone and down his hips a little. When she succeed, his erection sprang free, long, thick and hard with pearly drops of precum already glistening on the head. She deepened the kiss, but as she did so, she carefully curled her hand around his hard shaft. He pulled away from her and looked down, eyes growing as large as the moon."Oh" He was paralyzed and Buffy wasn't quite sure if words would calm him. She could stop and let him leave, but she reasoned that it would probably damage him further. She knew it was inside him, the passionate man with a joie de vie that had needed a demon to bring him out.
She lowered her head down into his lap, rather excited herself to be touching him again like this. It had been so long since she and Spike had touched...done anything. Something was standing in the way - their history, uncertainty, danger, fear. She admitted that it was because of her that they hadn't reconciled. Because no matter how much she wanted him, how she'd totally forgiven him, or how firmly woven into the fabric of her life he was, she couldn't make that leap of faith she knew in her heart would bring her true happiness. She wanted to risk the pain, but she was a coward. Somehow though in this place, with the same man before his innocence had been brutalized by Drusilla and Angelus, she found it unnecessary to leap. She had already fallen. In her hands she held his erection. A hot, hardened column that certainly she was the first woman to have ever touched. His skin was unbelievably soft, from the nest of not so dark curls from which it began to the swollen head with which a velvety blanket of foreskin enwrapped it.
She bestowed a kiss upon the tip, it was as sweet as his lips. Just as her tongue began to caress it, he came suddenly, surprising himself and to a certain extent, Buffy herself. The white liquid spilled out and caught on her lips, more running down over her hands.
"Oh dear god!" he gasped, but certainly not from the ecstasy of the release. He was absolutely horrified, especially at the sight of Buffy's angelic face glistening with his cum."I'm so terribly came upon me suddenly. Please forgive me!" With one hand still lovingly massaging his softening cock, she reached over to the bedside table for her handkerchief to collect what she couldn't reach with her tongue. His eyes were wide and his body trembling as he watched her swallow and behave so casually about something that was fast undoing him. She smiled at him and wrapped both hands around his penis again.
"Don't be embarrassed. I didn't mind." He tried desperately to ignore what her soft, warm hands were doing, and gain the strength to put an end to this torture.
"I've shamed you and myself, Miss Buffy....please I must go...and we're to never speak of this again." She shook he head and continued to be worshipful of what she held in her hands.
"You don't really want to go, William, do you?" He resisted, even as his erection was returning.
"Yes, let me have my peace." She let go of him and got to her feet. She didn't quite move away yet, instead she reached out and touched his flushed, sweat dewed face. Her fingers played over the sharp jut of his cheekbones, her thumb over his trembling bottom lip, her index tracing across his closed eyelids.
"I want to give you peace."
"Then it is time for me to go...I shouldn't have allowed this, no gentleman would ever misuse a poor maid so."
"No misusing here, promise. I just want to make you feel nice, want to give you something special." He looked away from her, down at his half-hard cock jutting up from under his shirt and the trousers pulled down under his hips, he was so ashamed and embarrassed in this moment he thought he'd surely die from it. Buffy could tell what he was thinking and it saddened her."I'm sorry if I've hurt you...that wasn't what I wanted."
"I'm a man...this is my doing." She sighed and sat down on the bed next to him, too close for his comfort. She reached out again and he recoiled, but this time she took his hand in hers and brought it to her heart.
"Feel this?" He nodded.
"My heart...beating fast, as fast I imagine yours is. It beats for you." She held his hand to her, holding on stronger when he tried to pull it away. She unfastened the laces that trailed up the front of her nightgown until it was down to her middle. She opened the fabric and revealed to him her small, but perfectly lovely breasts. He seemed fascinated by them, their shape, every curve and slop that converged at a deep pink aureole and a pointed tip. Beyond his own volition, his other hand rose and cupped one, his thumb gently petting the nipple. Buffy gave a long soft moan and arched into his touch. His hand closed around it and squeezed and Buffy sighed such a sweet cry it nearly broke his heart. Then he pulled his hand away as if her skin were an open flame."Don't stop!"
"This is wrong....this is so wrong. I'm a knave, a foul and filthy man....God will punish." Buffy wanted to laugh, this was getting ridiculous, but she couldn't. All she felt was empathy and a strong will to protect him. There was no way she could end it now, and leave him sickened with himself, thinking sex was a dirty evil thing.
"God doesn't punish people for loving each other William." Her words seemed to spark something inside him, though likely just another panic attack. He looked in her eyes with awe.
"" She felt an ache inside, seeing him so overwhelmed with the notion. Buffy understood him better than he thought, she was sure. This was something she was all too painful aware of with Spike. All he ever wanted was to be loved. Buffy touched William's face and smiled.
"I love you, William." Suddenly she found herself surrounded by his two strong arms and pulled against his chest. Buffy held fast to him, burying her face against his neck and hugging him back. She breathed in his scent, so much of which that despite the bitterness of his sweat and sallow soap was everything Spike. Both men were one in the same. William she loved and Spike she loved. And this time she was going to make him believe it. She raised her mouth to his ear, nibbling slightly on the lob."Make love with me, William." His head dropped to her shoulder and he sighed.
"I've never...."
"I know, sweetheart, we'll learn together."
"I don't know what to do. I mean...I'm aware of what's to occur..." This time she did giggle a little. She pulled back and flipped her hair behind her shoulders.
"Don't worry and don't be afraid. This is going to be wonderful, I promise. It's a natural thing. Do you trust me?"
"I trust you, Buffy."
"Nothing you do will be wrong, okay? I want you to touch me...with your hands, with your mouth.....with this..." She lightly stroked the once again flaccid flesh hanging from his opened pants, something he'd oddly forgotten until then."There's no rush...just feel."
"I do want to...but where to begin?"
"Maybe you could kiss me again?"
"I can do that."
"And very well I might add." He seemed rather chuffed with receiving the compliment. He closed his eyes for moment, as if steeling himself before joining the fray of battle. His hand moved behind her neck and drew her back to him. He wasn't really sure of how to do it, but Buffy loved the passion behind it as he fumbled. She allowed it for a time before taking control. She slowed him down, stroked his face and gently massaged his tongue with hers until he got the hang of it. His kiss was something special, unique. He poured every ounce of his emotions, his need into it and drew it back out of her. Taking the lead for a moment, William took her by the shoulders and turned her down to the bed, still kissing her deeply. He moved on top of her, become a little more fervent, letting his instincts take over. Buffy's hands were pulling at his shirt, trying to get it off, but he was too focus on the one thing to allow her to do.
"Mmmm, William...stop." At her words, the uncertain, timid, frightened man returned. He rolled off her quickly, and nearly off the bed.
"I've hurt you? I'm sorry....I..." She rolled her eyes and looked upon him with nothing but love.
"I wanted to get your shirt off! You didn't hurt me, I know you would never never hurt me. Get undressed, pants too, then come here." He let out the breath he'd been holding and chuckled warmly. He was pulling himself in so many directions he hardly knew which was what and who was who."If you work yourself up any more, honey, you're going to give yourself a heart attack." He gave her a stern look and didn't budge. She slipped off the bed and let her own nightgown fall to the ground. She stepped over the white fabric and came back to the edge of the bed. William beheld this golden goddess with reverence. This was the inspiration he'd been searching for all his life, this was the embodiment of love. Dreadful words of prose swam around inside his lust addled mind, but now wasn't the time for words."Come to me, William." He did as she bade, dragging himself over to her, kneeling on the bed. She pulled off his shirt, revealing that hard muscled and exquisitely sculpted torso. Buffy bent down and pressed her mouth to his pectorals, making him shudder and gasp. When she dipped down to firmly tongue his nipples he couldn't hold back a groan.
She continued with her ministrations while she tugged his trousers down under his bum, squeezing the cheeks and making him give a sound she was certain was a growl. There was a little more of Spike in this man than she first thought. He fell back to the mattress and Buffy pulled his pants the rest of the way off, his shoes and socks also. Now that they were both naked, there was nothing to impede them. She came over him and lay down beside him, laying her leg between his two, her thigh rubbing against his heavy sac and slowly rising cock. She lay nestled in his arms and he held her close, still uncertain, still nervous.
"Do you love me?" Buffy asked. William had tears in his eyes, though none yet flowed down his cheeks.
"I've never know love...until now, until you. All this time I had ideal picture in my mind of who she was, the one I'm always writing about. I tried to fit it upon others, like a costume. But that moment, in the dining room when I thought you were in peril, my heart seized. If I were to lose you, Buffy, I could not endure. I love you."
"You won't lose me, we'll be together a hundred years from now!" He laughed then, and kissed her with confidence. He wasn't quite sure what to do with his hands, so they remained in the middle of her back. She was so soft and yielding to his every touch, every stroke of his tongue in her mouth, every time he squeezed her body tighter to his. They continued like this, with deep, needful, loving kisses for what seemed an eternity, until Buffy took the initiative. She took one of his hands and guided it down, between her legs and then pressed his fingers to her wet center. His eyes opened, a little amazed at the heat of her, the slippery coating on his fingers and the softness of her delicate skin."Feel that? It means I'm ready for you...that I want you." Keeping his eyes locked with hers he pressed on, surprised when he found he could sink the entire length of three digits inside. He moved them around inside her tight passage experimentally, stretching her, exciting her and himself in the process.
"Oh my areexquisite." Buffy gasped and spread herself more open.
"Oh William, that's wonderful, don't stop!"
"This pleases you?" She felt a pang of sorrow for him with his question, he was completely unaware of how much she was enjoying this.
"Very much....there's more..."
"There is?" She pulled him out of her and glided one finger of his between her swollen folds until the tip found her clitoris.
"Right there...oh...."
"This is....unexpected...."
"Be gentle, just rub slowly." He watched her face as his wetted fingers slid back and forth over the hardened nub. She contorted her features, bit her bottom lip and made moans and cries that thrilled him. All his Victorian proprieties were virtually forgotten, nothing mattered to him now but her pleasure - giving her pleasure, loving her. Cecily Addams and her crowd, hell, the rest of the known world be damned, this was who he belonged with.
"William!!" Buffy cried, her hips suddenly lurching off the bed, her hand grabbing his arm and her breath come in harsh pants. He felt her sex throbbing, the muscles below where he was touching pulsing. Carefully he drew his hand away and turned into her, pulling her close. After she calmed she held him too, still making little sighs of satisfaction,"That was perfect..."
"I did well?"
"I said perfect!"
"Oh don't ever be sorry! We've only just begun."
"I'm not sure I can..."
"Shhh...just feel, remember? Wouldn't you rather have something besides your fingers inside me? Hmm?"
"I...that is to say....alright, yes!" Buffy laughed and kissed his shoulder, then bit into it. It made him growl again. She pushed him on to his back and climbed atop him, sitting her wet center on his stomach. She leaned down and they met for another kiss, his hands fisting in her hair, relishing in how soft it was. She's swept him away, he decided, as if he were a damsel in some epic and she the brave warrior.
She felt him grow against her, felt that huge wonderful length of flesh coming alive for her. Rising above him she hovered over him and looked into his eyes as she impaled herself fully. The sudden envelopment of his cock in the snug sheath of her body nearly sent him over the edge instantly. She was blazing hot around him, so tight he feared she'd devour him, but she was so so soft and wet, and she'd said it was for him. Above him, illuminated by the the candlelight, she was glowing, as a goddess come down to bless him. His hands glided up and down her thighs. She was happy being with him, he was learning, letting himself feel it. She placed her hands on his chest and leaned over him."I do love you, William, remember that, never forget it." He was unable to answer her back, too overwhelmed by the myriad of sensations coursing through him. She lifted herself off him slightly, the cool air making his slickened cock twitch."Help me a little, okay?" His hands went under her and eased her almost all the way off him, until only the blood engorged head remained inside. She pushed back down until she had all of him, then he raised her up again,"Just like this, lover."
They were slow at first, submersing themselves in the glorious feel of it, and all the while he watched. Spike had always done that, watched her. William seemed fascinated by the sight of his cock disappearing inside her, then reemerging slick with her juices, that was until he bucked up once to meet her descent and she gave a sharp cry. This of course immediately had him panicked. He'd have gone soft if Buffy hadn't done something purely wicked with her inner muscles. He shuddered from the ecstasy of it, but he primary concern was her.
"My love? I've done something wrong!?"
"No! No. Something very right! Do it again, there's a spot...inside me.....oh William it's so good!" This idea he definitely approved of, that there were more ways to give her pleasure. He knew that there were books written devoted to this act, that his so called peers visited with prostitutes, or had their way with shy, insecure servant girls, but this had never been for William. His first kiss had been only half an hour ago, now he was making love to a woman. In this moment he vowed to devote himself heart and soul to finding every spot that made her body sing for him.
He thrust up each time she slid down on his hard length and each time she made that noise! Her moans, gasps and cries were a symphony to him, her body pure poetry in and of itself. His constant state of awe permitted him a smile and when Buffy saw that he was losing a few of his inhibitions she stepped things up a notch. She rode him harder and faster, placing her hands on either side of his head and leaned over him. Sweat flew off the tips of her bouncing breasts and he caught the drops on his tongue.
They were getting ever closer to orgasm, William's hard-on felt now somewhat painful and Buffy seemed hypnotically lost in the rhythm. Her eyes had closed and her mouth had fallen open, her hot breath soothing over his own flushed face. He craned his neck up to kiss her, but her lips proved evasive so he allowed her to reign over their lovemaking and moved his hands up her back to pull her down to him. He was learning fast, this kiss was perfect, deep and sensual and every nuance reminded her of Spike. He stroked the roof of her mouth with his tongue, then curled it around hers and drew them both back into his mouth.
Buffy's movements atop him slowed until she was only rocking on him gently. William's hands roamed over her back, down her ribs, heat trapped between their bodies. Wondering from the previous time if it could be done again so soon, William insinuated his hand between them, exploring the hot, slippery place where they were joined, carefully feeling around until he located that wonderous little nub. He strummed it gently, just like she said to. She broke off the kiss and her forehead fell to the pillow and she seemed to be crying, but she assured him it was in pleasure by gasping I love yous in his ear.
It came upon her slowly, he wasn't exactly aware of it himself until suddenly he found he couldn't breathe. She was practically sobbing out her climax while the flesh gloving his cock began to tighten around him. He lay there shaking, clutching her while wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her, centering around their joining. He thought he was dying. Inside his head he counted each pulse of her sex around him, an effort to keep himself from loosing consciousness. It was not long before it was coming upon him too. It had never been quite this intense. Often he had woken from shocking, sexual dreams, cock hard, or rather softening in wet sheets; even the attentions earlier from her mouth weren't comparable to this. He felt the pain in his tightened up balls, coupled with the vibrating muscles of his abdomen. The pressure became greater, the ache unbearable to the point where he thought he was going to be sick. Then, miraculously it was leaving him. His blood was thrumming and screaming inside, his skin felt unbelievably hot and he didn't know if he simply couldn't open his eyes or if he'd gone blind altogether. He was emptying streams of his liquid into her womb and her body was accepting it and milking every last drop from him. It was divine.
He wasn't precisely sure how long it was before they moved or spoke again, it could have been a century for all William knew. His first clear knowledge of coming back to himself was Buffy brushing his wet hair from his sweat drenched brow. He had gone soft, but somehow she held him snug inside her. She was kissing his face, gossamer light touches on every feature. He exhaled a long breath, but as he tried to form words, none were forthcoming.
"Still with me?" Buffy asked, smiling at him, her skin glowing golden in the dim candlelight.
"Pardon me?" He closed his eyes, mentally cudgeling himself.
"What I meant to say, was that you are beautiful."
"'re beautiful too. Thank you."
"Oh, love...I am the very spirit of vexation! I have no words! To think that only an hour ago I was.....I was..."
"And the spirit of what? Does sex make you all poety?" He was perplexed. She smacked her brain, well educated Victorian gentlemen would never be able to grasp the finer points of Buffyspeak. Despite the fact that they'd just had glorious, earth moving sex, fueled completely by love, he was embarrassed."William?" He looked up at her, lips tight and eyes full of both love and fear. She knew how monumental this had been for him. She flashed to memories of when she'd taken Spike the first time, this same man had that look on his face now."Hey, hey...William....look at us, feel us...this is real."
"It feels like a dream. I fear that I will wake come dawn and I will be alone again, as always, forever. That I will be reminded how unworthy I am of loving a woman, being loved by her. I've been so lonely....for....for so long...." Buffy frowned and looked down on his sweet, innocent face. He truly was Spike, becoming a vampire had changed nothing about his core self, this soul inside him, this light had only been dimmed by the demon, never snuffed out.
"William, answer a question for me?" He nodded weakly, avoiding her eyes."Do I inspire you? Are there any poems inside you head just for me?" Before Buffy could register the change that had come over him he'd flipped them over, instantly growing hard again. Buffy was wide eyed, shocked and delighted! There was a deep rumbling sound in his chest, one Buffy knew well. There was a bit of a bad in her sweet William. He arched his back and pushed into her with his renewed erection, in turn Buffy raised her hips up to him. Without knowing anything much beyond sordid rumors spoken in hushed corners at college or dinner parties about how it was done, William knew how to make to love to his woman.
He moved over her with long, slow thrusts, almost upon his knees for a stronger, deeper penetration. There was a wicked gleam in his eye and his poetry was bloody awful as he composed strings of words together exhaulting her beauty as he pumped. Nonetheless, Buffy was thrilled, nothing had ever been sexier to her than William's mid-coitus recital of prose. Between stanzas he suckled at her nipples.
Several hours later, when they were spent and beyond exhausted, yet still too elated by what had occurred and fascinated by each other's bodies to sleep, William and Buffy basked in the after glow. They were still atop the bedcovers, but the curtains around the canopy bed at been drawn shut, leaving them in a cocoon of body heat and darkness. Buffy was propped up on an array of feather down pillows, with William's head resting down low on her stomach. She'd been soothingly stroking her fingers through his long wavy hair for some time now, just listening to him breathe. He toyed with the fingers of one of her hands, often bringing them to his lips to dot the tip of each digit with a kiss. He was finding comfort in nudity, with her, modesty had no place here. When he asked, she promised to show him more ways to please her, to worship her. She told him about what marvels his tongue could do to her sex. He was eager to try then and there, but she told him they should save a little mystery for tomorrow night.
"All this time, my love, I never noticed how very pretty your hands are," he mused. She stopped her motions and lay her hand on his cheek.
"It's dark, you can't see my hands. Also, you don't have your spectacles on."
"The heart sees all when light is stolen from us." Buffy smiled, he really was bad with poetry, but he was wonderful with other words,"My sweet girl, I do love you so."
"I've loved you for a long time. I always too afraid to show it."
"There will be no more of that, this I declare here and now!" He turned over a bit and kissed her stomach,"We'll tell each other every day! May we tell mother?"
"You want to tell your mother we had sex?!"
"No! Of course not! Do you wish to kill the poor woman? I want to tell her of our impending nuptials."
"Uh...we're getting married?"
", of course...I cannot call myself a gentleman if I am not married the woman with whom I have just.......done what I've just done with. I will make an honest woman of you!!" He sat himself up and even in the dark she could see the uncertainty that marred his face,"Unless....unless of course you do not wish to have me as husband..."
"Oh, William...I....."
Buffy cried out as the Prokaryote stone left her body and rattled on the concrete floor, rolling away from her. She stared at it for a moment, its shiny black surface making it visible in the darkened basement. She had remained awake all night, waiting until she'd heard Spike's return. She'd gotten out of bed and followed him down into the basement after a while, hoping he was asleep already. She just wanted to see that he was alright. Getting into a big conversation about what had occurred at Wood's was on her list of things she least wanted do, right behind tackling the mountain of a mess that was the kitchen. He'd dropped his leather duster on the floor at the bottom of the stairs and kicked off his boots as he'd lumbered towards his cot. He'd been sprawled on top of the sheets, sound asleep. She'd carefully inched towards him and knelt down beside him. His face was burnt and bruised. She'd maneuvered her legs out from under her and in the process, kicked at the discarded stone accidentally. She picked it up, and before she knew what was happening the thing liquefied and began to crawl up her skin towards her eye. It was inside her before she could stop it or call for help.
Now it was a stone again and she was out of her mind and back to reality. Next she became aware of the fact that from beside her Spike had reached out and grabbed her wrist."Buffy?" He had that same timid and uncertain look in his eyes that she'd seen on William just seconds ago.
" wasn't real?" He was about to say something when the tell tale sounds of people waking upstairs interrupted. Potentials pounded upstairs to the bathroom or into the kitchen for breakfast, and to create even more mess. Buffy bowed her head and fought back tears, begging the Powers to send her back to William this instant.
"Buffy!" Spike demanded, sitting up and trying to get her attention. Above them the door to the basement opened. Buffy heard Spike growl,"Sod off!!"
"Spike?? It's important!" Willow called back,"Is Buffy there?" The vampire let go of Buffy's wrist and got out of bed, stalking over the stairs. Coming to the bottom he gave the witch a nasty glare, one that nearly incited the redhead to flash him her own scary face.
"What do you want?!"
"The...the Prokaryote Stone."
"What about it?"
"Giles didn't know...I just figured it, it needs to be smashed otherwise whoever picks it up is gonna take a not so pleasant tour in Spikeland." The vampire flinched and looked over at Buffy, still sitting on the floor by the cot,"That's not to say that...that you have a scary issue filled psyche full of violence and....and bad stuff..."
"No, 'course not, Red. Close the door, I'll take care of it." She hesitated,"Now Willow!" Once she was gone Spike turned back to Buffy.
"Love, get up off the's cold." She moved lethargically, uncertain and climbed on to the cot, laying her head on the pillow. The tears came then and Spike heart ached with want to take her pain into himself, spare her all this torment that kept coming and coming. He took up her former spot on the floor and cocked his head to one side, looking over her."Sorry for the interruption pet. Now, I believe you were about to answer a question." She looked confused, worried,"Do you wish to have me for your husband?" The light that came through her eyes then humbled him. He raised his hand to her face, stroking her cheek,"Don't rightly know what the stupid bloody rock did inside your pretty little head, but it was least it was inside my noggin'. I'm not him, not anymore...but he's still in here, and he loves you. So...."
"It joined us...I mean, it put me inside your head....I think..."
"Something like that. It wasn't an actual memory or anything, mother and I lived alone. The stone just wove you into my memories....wove our memories...or created new ones......bloody hell, I don't know what I'm saying!"
"You're doing okay. Keep going."
"I'm not a man of words. Always tried to be, always failed."
"I seem to recall a few well chosen words."
"Buffy, my poetry was awful."
"Yeah, honey it really was, but I wasn't talking about the poetry."
"No. But I loved the poetry, really. I loved that you meant every word...god, I do love you. I love you." She saw William before her then, sweet and timid and always uncertain and convinced he was beneath her."You believe me, don't you?"
"I..." Maybe he didn't, she feared. William was so eager and desperate for her love and now Spike, after a century of learning to keep himself guarded when he needed to survive was too scared to let it be true. She knew once he did he'd be completely vulnerable. She backed away until she was against the wall and for an instant he was wounded, but when she opened her arms to him, he smiled and began to lose is fragile persona. He crawled into bed and burrowed against her, hiding his face between her breasts and letting her wrap him up with her arms and legs. She kissed his hair and rubbed his back,"Believe that I love you...and that what happened was real, real for us. I love you, Spike."
"I love you, Buffy. Bloody hell woman! You seduced and deflowered me!" They were both laughing.
"Yep! And you loved it..."
"I was such a virgin.....I'm never going to live this down am I?"
"I think you'll manage. I think I feel kinda honored. I mean, it's not like I'm going to take up deflowering sensitive Victorian men as a hobby like decoupage or something, but I'm in with the idea of having one all to myself. What do you say?"
"Answer my question. Be my wife?"
"Yes, William, I'll be your wife. On one condition."
"And what pray tell is that?"
"We gotta get us one of those big beds!" He bounced a little on the cot and winced when he heard one of the springs give way.
"Agreed. Until then though..." He began to nuzzle her neck, pressing kisses on her skin.
"This one will do just fine."
"You really love me? Here and now, as I am?"
"I do. I love you, Spike. Now, tell me again how my eyes are as jewels of the Sea of Eire betwixt with the fiery amber of Valhalla's hearths...."
Making of a Man II
©2003 Evenstar
"William...I..." She reached for him, but he backed away, cringed even.
"I've...I've been such a fool...honestly, to think that a woman such as yourself....that any woman would want me for hers..."
"Oh for crying out loud!" She took hold of him by his shoulders and pulled him back to her, tossing him down the bed and slipping her body over top his until she was straddling him. She'd taken him completely by surprise and now found himself with his wrists pinned over him against the headboard. The weight of Buffy's slight body on his was rather welcomed, but he was as confused as ever."You might wanna try actually letting me get a word in edgewise before you get all shirty on me!"
"Beg pardon?"
"You better beg. William have the past five hours meant nothing to you? Do I have to tell you that I love you every two minutes so you remember to believe it."
"Would be nice."
"I absolutely, totally wanna marry you."
"So stop with the insecurities and....and...stuff..."
"I promise to try, but Miss Buffy, you must understand that before tonight I had never known....never been touched." There was that utterly irresistible sweetness that she loved right before her. She lowered her gaze and a smiled tugged at the corners of her mouth.
"Every day, I will touch you, touch every part of you." Her hands released his wrists and slid themselves down the lengths of his arms, the over his shoulders, up his neck until she cupped his face. She wished for good old electricity then, just so she could see his features more clearly. She didn't dare open the curtains now that this cocoon of theirs was warm and snug. She bent her head and pressed her lips to his, insinuating her tongue between them, then deep into his mouth. She detected a smile from him as he kissed her back. His arms wrapped around her and held her down on him, the taut points of her nipples creating a lovely friction on his chest.
This little sojourn back to William had been Spike's idea, in fact he'd asked her if they could, please. After their day spent alone in the basement upon her returning from her first visit inside her vampire's mind, spent primarily making love, they had not smashed the stone as Willow had insisted. Instead, Spike had inconspicuously pocketed it. A few nights later when time allowed, Buffy had gone downstairs with him and was met with his request. He asked her if she could please do something for her, something he never got to do in life and so desperately wanted to. She was a little hesitant, the Prokaryote stone rated very high on the oogy-ness scale, but those soulful blue eyes were begging her. She couldn't refuse. And now she was quite pleased she hadn't. William was so soft and so warm, an interesting, but not necessarily better contrast to the vampire.
William broke off their kiss and sat them up, causing Buffy to feel a little wary. He looked as if he had an ominous speech to give,"Miss Buffy..."
"William, before you start, I think you really should just call me Buffy. No need for formalities here, 'cause hey, naked and pleasantly sticky with you."
"No I suppose not. Not after you've given me the gift of your body....of your soul, I dare say, if you have indeed promised yourself to me?"
"There is nothing I want more than to be Mrs. William...." Oh crap. Buffy realized she had absolutely no clue under the sun what his last name was. Why oh why didn't I ask Spike? Well, Buffy, because he couldn't talk what with your tongue down his throat. Shut up. Stupid brain. Cover, quick. "I want to hear you say it...."
"Mrs. William Harcourt."
"Buffy Anne Harcourt, wife of Mr. William Harcourt. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" William's face looked full of pride, he obviously agreed."Now, back to what you were going to tell me a moment ago?"
"Right...right...Well, my sweet angel, to begin with, I love you." Buffy gave a little giggle, snuggling her nose under his chin and if there happened to have been any light, he could have seen her blushing."But furthermore, I confess, that am as a man lost and wandering through thick, black woods, no end in sight." Buffy scowled and rolled off him, putting a little distance between them so she could listen to what sounded like an epitaph to their life together rather than a blessing. William was pained when he sensed that his words had wounded her heart. He always thought himself good with words, but expressing his innermost thoughts plainly without the thin veil of poetry he knew was terrible, eluded him."Perhaps we could be under the covers before I attempt to explain myself." She nodded and crawled to head of the bed and over the pillows, letting him pull down the heavy layers until the crisp white sheets were found. He let her ease in between them, catching her hiss against how cool they were. He joined her, covering them both up to their necks. The slight gap between them felt like the expanse of the ocean, something William could not abide."I think we ought to be a little closer, don't you?" He felt her nod against her pillow and he pulled her into his arms."Tad warmer?"
"Getting there. Maybe if we were enen closer..." She pressed her fingertips into his arms, trying to pass her intent through touch. William understood, he'd been becoming increasingly aroused with each passing second under the covers. Making love as they had, without the false sense of security of being under said covers, had not irked him, being as the entirety of the occurrence had undone him as if it were a religious experience. But now, he wished for things to be slightly more to his comfort. Being in bed, in the traditional manner promised to give him just a little.
Buffy gasped when she felt his hand delve in between her knees, slowly travelling up the length of her inner thigh. He touched inside with his fingers, finding her ready for him, still marveling at the mere presence of it. Everything that lay between her legs, the silky, clinging viscous moisture, the delicate and hot skin and especially the tightness of it, how even around his finger she had to stretch to accommodate him. He moved around, caressing the curve of her bottom, then eased under the back of her thigh, lifting it up and over his hip. He touched the head of his cock to her opening, spreading the lips apart.
"May I come inside, Miss Buffy?"
"Come inside me, William." With a single thrust he was sheathed to the hilt, ecstatic to have joined with his goddess once more. His hand at the small of her back pressed her even closer until their stomachs were flat against each other. He shuddered and let out a slight cry from the heat of her, the slice of heaven gifted to him.
"Oh, love, my golden girl..." Buffy tucked her head under his chin and stifled a moan. He filled her up nearly to a point after which she could bear no more, but never too much. Just perfect."Buffy, what I am meaning, what I am heart...rather..."
"Shhh...." Buffy soothed him with tender strokes of her hand on his shoulder,"Take your time....I'm not going anywhere. Not that I could, we're kinda anchored." She gave him a little squeeze inside and she got the growl she'd wanted from him. William and growlies? Rated 10 on the orgasmo-meter.
"Most men of my age have made their fortune, gotten their wives and have children by now, mothers stowed away in apartments or country homes. I can't say as to why my life had to take so abnormal a path...why no lady ever spoke to me, why no man ever saw fit to call me friend. I manage the money my father left us. I educate myself. I read and I sleep cold and alone night after night after night. There's been no joy for life inside me....none at all." Buffy ignored the stray tear that fell down her cheek and hugged him close."You came to us a month ago, your family taken from you, the burden of your father's debts on your shoulders, suitors of the worst character proposing to take you as theirs...foul men that would use you callously...oh to think that one of them would have had you..."
"You have me now, only you will ever....keep talking..."
"I fell in love with you the in the very first moment I laid my eyes upon you and I grew fearful. You see why it is that I am lost? There shall never be another in my heart, never another shall alight my soul as you Buffy....god I love you so much. Promise me you'll never leave me alone! Please Buffy, I couldn't bear it! I cannot go back to those cold, awful, sterile wanderings!"
"William, no! I'll never leave you...I couldn't either, go back to being alone...I need you. I love you!" The emotions poured from them and manifested with the crushing movements of their bodies. The position was a little awkward as he started trust into her urgently, however nothing in the world could have ceased him from making love to the woman who was promised to him. Buffy let him continue in this fashion, knowing that his need was overcoming what he'd learned about lovemaking this night. Still, it was not as if this wasn't exceptionally pleasureable to her, it just lacked technique. His hand went down between them, searching for and finding her swollen clitoris, desperate to have her come around him once more. Buffy cringed and shook, quickly pulling his hand away."Mmm...honey, not so's kinda sore. We've been doing this all night long." William froze, perplexed and ashamed.
"I've hurt you? I didn't know...I....oh dear...."
"Hey now, don't get upset..." Buffy rolled on to her back, taking him with her. She settled him deep between her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist,"Be gentle...just back and forth....the rest will take care of itself."
"I have so much to learn."
"William, you're a wonderful lover...there are so many different many different pleasures. We learn together how to do this. Make love to me, William." He rose above her, arching his back and sinking in deeper, eliciting a gasp of delight as he touched the edge of her womb,"Yes! William..." Her legs tightened around his torso and she in turn arched up into him, pressing her breasts to his chest and holding on for dear life. She sought his mouth, needed the attendant comfort of his lips. His mouth was so soft and kissing him was as emotionally connecting as the friction below. After spending all the hours of the night making love, their energies were waning. William let himself go heavy on top of her, still pushing gently to and fro inside her. Buffy twisted her hips just so, helping his cock to stimulate the bundle of already over stimulated nerves at her top wall. The kiss was reaching a fever pitch, hands clutching fistfuls of hair, bodies perspiring and moans of rising ecstasy filling the room.
"Oh Buffy! I love you! darling Buffy!" William chanted this to her as he came. The sensation of his warm semen filling her womb brought her to orgasm. This one started deep in her belly, making her feel slow and tight. Soon she was shaking from the intensity of it, words failing her as infinite prisms exploded behind her eyes and her entire body went rigid. The climax carried on and on, and as it died down, William started to move again and a new one began for her, swelling the last one back up higher than the first. The enduring pulsing around him made him hard again, bringing Buffy to yet another orgasm, and then another, and another after that.
"'t...won't end! Oh god! William! William! William!"
Buffy was wakened before the rising of the sun by sweet birdsong outside her window. The absolute last thing she wanted to do was move, especially with William sleeping soundly with his head pillowed on her breasts, but she didn't think it was exactly a good thing for the servants, or heaven forbid his mother to catch them naked in bed together. She just prayed no one had heard them the night before. She looked down at William, sleeping as peacefully as Spike used to whenever she'd allowed him to be in her arms last previous year. Buffy let out a contented sigh, but knew that their time was over for now. Just one more thing to do, but that would come later.
"William? Honey? Wakey wakey." She tapped his cheek, rousing him from sleep. He opened his eyes and gave her a rather dopey grin,"You need to go." His first few moments of blissful wakening disappeared into a hurt frown.
"But last night..."
"Was glorious. The household will be waking up any minute now and we probably shouldn't be caught naked together in bed, don't you think?" He shot up like he'd been struck by lightening, a strange creeping terror washing over him.
"Oh dear lord....we shouldn't, I mean, it was beautiful, wonderful....but..."
"What are we to do?"
"You sneak across the hall to your bedroom. I'm going take a bath and relax, maybe sleep a little more, somehow wrench myself into that god awful corset and then come down for breakfast with your mother."
"Oh...well, that's rather simple, isn't it?"
"And then tonight I'm gonna sneak into your room and you can do me upside down for all I care. Actually, I do care, that could be fun!" He dropped his forehead to her shoulder.
"You've been my undoing, woman."
"I prefer to think that I've made you. Neither of us is whole without the other, William. But, unless you want your mother calling me a filthy strumpet for corrupting and taking advantage of her sweet better go." He sighed and nodded in agreement.
"A single second away from you will be a thousand years of torture."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"Then when I return to your arms, Buffy love, I will love you one hundred fold!" Buffy laughed, every word spoken from him brought her joy. Loving him was making her happier by the moment, and helping her affirm just how phenomenal a person Spike truly was.
"You two have been as thick as thieves all morning!" William's mother exclaimed, looking back and forth between her son and ward, who were sitting across from each other at the breakfast table. Buffy and William had made a concerted effort to not smile at each other this morning, but the knowing looks between them, the quick glances that made the other one blush couldn't quite be hidden from a very observant mother. Not to mention the fact that Buffy had managed to slip off her shoe and had placed her foot in his lap, then proceeded to massage him until he's grown hard. She half expected William to die of embarrassment, but instead found that he was accepting the fact that he was a man and one who was in love. He'd glared back at her with such lust cloaking his eyes that it turned out that she was the one who'd been overcome. She took her foot away and concentrated on her eggs."If I didn't know any better I'd wager that you two are keeping a secret from me."
William cleared his throat and scoffed,"Honestly mother, to think such a thing." He gave the game away by looking over at Buffy and smirking. The Slayer stifled a too feminine un-Slayer like little giggle and took a sip of her tea.
"William John Harcourt and Miss Buffy Anne Summers! You are keeping secrets!"
"Well, perhaps just a small one."
'William! I insist you tell me this instant!" There was an amused aire about Mrs. Harcourt, picking up on the happiness of the couple.
"May I, Miss Buffy?"
"Of course," Buffy replied. He made a motion to Buffy and she rose from the table, walked behind William's mother to come and stand at his side. William rose too, and took Buffy's hand in his, holding it close to his heart.
"Mother, something wonderful has occurred. I have asked Miss Buffy to become my wife and she has consented." His mother's tears came instantly and she frantically searched for her handkerchief to catch them."Are you happy mother?" She nodded her head, feeling foolish for being so happy. She went first to Buffy, embracing her tightly, then drew her son in as well.
William held the two most important women in his life in his arms and for the first time ever, held hope for his future.
As the stone slipped from Buffy's body she muffled her out cry into Spike's pillow. Beside her the vampire caught the once again hardened Prokaryote Stone, this time in the security of a silver locket that hung from a chain around Buffy's neck. He closed the stone between a picture of Buffy and a picture of himself. It was his gift to her, their secret. He kissed her cheek and rubbed her back until she recovered, then she turned into him and pulled him close.
"Alright, love?" he asked, whispering in her ear.
"Yeah, just fine, Spike. Did I do good?" She pulled back and saw the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"Did you see how happy she was? Oh Buffy, thank you." She brushed her lips over his and urged him to continue,"I took her life, I turned her into a demon....I took the one person who truly loved me and destroyed her...but you, my sweet love, you let me make her happy. I don't care that is wasn't bloody real. I remember the look on her face when I told her that her son would have a wife, would be happy. Thank...thank you so much."
"Spike, honey, there's no need to thank me, I love you. It's made me happy to do this for you."
"And you were so gentle with"
"I was so terrible before. I know I can't take it back, but I thought if I could make things good for William somehow..."
"It made all the difference in the world, pet. It absolutely did. This Prokaryote merging we've been doing, it's just another depth to our loving each other, you getting that?"
"Yes, I know it isn't real, but it seems like it is. It's so wonderful, isn't it? I love you so much and I love William too and I know he's you. I love you both, but I know you're one....I'm in love with one man only, you getting that?"
"Don't fret over it, love. Demon and soul are comfortably one."
"Then why the secret? Shouldn't we tell the others about us? I thought you'd want that."
"Part of me does. I half wish they've come down to this dank basement for a spot of midnight laundry or something and find us shaggin' like bunnies on this old cot...but I can't have them thinking you're neglecting the mission, especially for me. One hint of that and the Watcher will start carving a fresh stake for me."
"Don't talk like that! I can't imagine....promise me you won't ever leave!" He sighed, wishing the words he was about to speak were the god's honest truth, but he knew they both knew that there were no guarantees either of them would survive the impending showdown with the First Evil. Still, just saying the words was enough.
"I promise, my beautiful Miss Buffy, I will never leave you."
The Making of a Man III
©2003 Evenstar
"William!" Buffy whispered hoarsely in his ear,"We can't. Not here!"
"But I must have you, my love!" William exclaimed as he pulled her into the alcove near the pantry at the home of William's colleague from the Gentleman's Literary Club. There was a party going on not two rooms away, all of London's high society gathered. Three weeks ago, at another event held by the Addams' family, which included William's former infatuation Cecily, William had announced his engagement to the ravishing Miss Buffy Summers. The other women, who had always scoffed at the mere notion of William as a potential suitor, suddenly became curious as to what this seemingly bright young woman saw in the meek little poet. The men on the other had, though wondering the same thing, saw William in a new light. Of course, he was deemed their equal for the simple fact that his fortune rivaled and in some cases surpassed theirs. Furthermore the youthful Miss Summers looked upon him with such devotion and admiration that they wondered if there was more to William than met the eye.
It was obvious that William and Buffy were in love.
"But we could get caught!" He growled at her ear, gathering up the layers of her gown and petticoat in an effort to reach his prize.
"Danger and intrigue, darling Buffy, makes this all the more exciting." His hands slid up the back of her bare thighs. Buffy had foregone several layers of Victorian garb, none of the constricting undergarments appealed to her. The corset however seemed a necessary evil, the dresses didn't fit properly otherwise."Now who's the saucy one, eh?" This was in reaction to finding her sweet center naked and exposed to him, already wet with desire. He went to kiss her, but she stopped him with her index finger on his lips.
"You'll mess up my face. We have to go back into the party after." He conceded and went for her neck, but she impeded him there also,"They'll know..."
"Perhaps I wish them to know, know that this fiery goddess is mine."
"And what will they think of me? That I got your fortune by using my body and not my mind or heart?"
"God, never,'s simply not true!"
"But they don't know"
"My wife will be held in the highest regard by them all. I'll never shame you. Perhaps then...."
"We should be quiet." He cocked his head to one side, rather surprised,"I love you, and in two weeks we'll take our vows in a church, before God, promising ourselves to each other forever. In my heart, you're already my husband."
"Buffy, you've been my salvation!" Spike's words from just before she'd taken in the Prokaryote Stone this last time echoed in her ears. She smiled at William and pulled him into the shadows and up against her. Her back was against the wall, the two of them completely concealed as William fumbled with his trousers at the same time as keeping Buffy's skirts up. Once his erection was finally released, he took hold of her by the hips and lifted her up. They locked eyes as he lowered her down on him. He penetrated her slowly, pulling her down on him and stretching her until he was fully engulfed inside her warmth.
He rested his cheek next to hers, so he could talk in her ear as he fucked her. He put her back against the wall, holding her up on his cock and ground against her hard. He heard her stifle a cry and it thrilled him. He moved slowly, holding her thighs around his waist, barely thrusting, just enough to make her melt and quiver all around him. Buffy gripped his shoulders for support, ankles locked behind him and bucked her hips to meet each thrust.
"Tell me you love me, Buffy," William begged, moving quicker, desperate for release.
"You know I love you, William. I love you so much. Don't ever stop! Want you with me always...always! William!"
"" He'd called her pet, just like Spike did. Her orgasm was instantaneous. William was stalled when she clamped down on him. She had him at a vice grip, massaging his cock with ripples of her muscles, wringing his own release from him. He shot one long stream of hot liquid into her accepting, hungry body, feeling himself milked for every last drop.
It was some time before William could get Buffy to unhook her legs from around his waist. Suddenly realizing that his trousers were down around his ankles and that his intended's silky white thighs were clutching his hips was mortifyingly embarrassing. He'd let his passion for her get the better of his gentlemanly ways. It both thrilled and terrified him. He was hot under the collar, sticky with their cum, and it felt marvelous. He pulled himself from her and put her to the ground, bestowing a chaste kiss upon her cheek before seeing to himself. When he'd righted his clothes he attended to her kindly. Flipping his handkerchief from his breast pocket, he knelt down before her. He ran the square of silk under her dress and up one thigh erotically, cleaning off the trickles of his spendings that ran down from her center. He did the same to the other leg, then gently caressed her swollen sex until she came again against his hand. He folded the handkerchief into a small bundle and tucked it inside his jacket, then extended his arm to Buffy.
"Shall we, dear one of my heart?" She accepted his arm and was escorted back to the party as if their tryst had never happened.
"Always a gentleman," she mused as they inconspicuously became a part of the crowd.
"William, old chap," a man named Hornby declared, patting William on the back,"Lord Melchet and I were just discussing the finer points of Aristotle's works on comedies and wanted your insight. Old Melchy'd mentioned you wrote a thesis your last year at college. Join us in the study, won't you? Have a snip of brandy?" Buffy had her own flash of insight then, these men were holding William in a higher esteem because of her association with her, her acceptance of him. These men might actually consider him worth being friends to, true colleagues at least. She was changing this poor poet's life in more ways than one. She wasn't about to let him pass on the chance.
"Go on, William. I've been meaning to give my regards to Miss Addams," Buffy said, putting on her best rehearsed Victorian speak. William was absolutely chuffed at having Buffy's support, not however aware that if these guys were just trying to get him alone so they could dig up dirt on Buffy's supposed honor as a lady, she'd have to go and see if Angelus was still in town. With a kiss on her hand William relinquished her company and strode off with the other men.
"Harcourt, I dare say your fiancé is rather a fine lady," Hornby said as he led William to the study.
"Miss Summers is by far the most kind, noble and gracious, wild rose of America to ever cross over to our side of the Atlantic."
"Indeed, and few of that stock ever make such a good match."
"Perhaps that is so, Hornby, but I assure you of my love for the lady. In turn her love for me is genuine. I would take her were she clad in a peasant's robes with the calloused hands of a hard day's work or likewise if she were dressed in all the finery of royalty."
"Such praise indeed. Your absence was noted earlier."
"The room was feeling a bit close, Miss Summers and I took in a bit of fresh air," was William's confident reply as they entered the study.
In a quiet corner off the one side of the room three young women were talking in hushed voices. Buffy approached them with a deep knowing smiled on her lips, rather enjoying the lingering swollen heat between her thighs from William's lovemaking not five minutes ago. The ladies were hovered around a book of some sort, snickering and whispering at whatever they were looking at. They stopped when Buffy came near, closing the book up. Miss Addams, who was holding the hardcover, looked up at Buffy and offered her the most saccharin smile she could muster. Buffy knew precisely what sort of lady Miss Cecily Addams was. Though this timeline was altered, the true one remained and Spike had confessed the entire night of his turning to her a few nights ago. It was then that Buffy had this wicked little idea of getting to know Miss Addams better. Or at the least toss the notion of Victorian virtues out the window and sticking it to the bitch. She kinda regretted making William behave tonight, considering what she had in mind presently.
"Hello Miss Summers," Cecily spoke with all the grace the snake in Eden could provide.
"Miss Addams, I've not yet had the chance to congratulate you on your engagement to Lord Dandridge," replied Buffy.
"I thank you kindly and congratulations, Mr. Harcourt." The girls all held in their laughter, must've been hard in those corsets.
"Thank you, I know we'll be very happy. It's not often that a woman is lucky enough to find a man who loves her soul more than her dowry." That seemed to give them pause, knowing full well that there was no love between Cecily and Dandridge, it was purely a financial transaction between her intended and her father.
"Has he written you any of his poems?" Bitch, thought Buffy, you have no idea who you're up against.
"Several, he recites them to me while we're making love. He's getting better at it, the poetry that is, he's already an absolute artist with the lovemaking." There was a collective gasp from the trio of snobs. The book slipped off Cecily's lap and fell open. Buffy just about burst out laughing herself when she saw what they were looking at. Open on the page was a scientific illustration of male genitalia. Buffy picked up the book and examined the page, frowning."Kinda small, don't you think? I mean, compared to William that is. No, really. We're talking huge." The girl beside Cecily, named Harriet Windling, rose and snatched the book from Buffy's hands.
"My father is the Prince of Wales' personal physician I'll have you know," she said.
"Okay, hooray for you. Was that your round about way of saying you stole it from your father? Cause, eww!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Seriously, stop with the looking and go for it! There's tonnes of hotties here tonight." The three girls were getting rather huffy at Buffy's bold, brazen manners."Calm down or you'll all faint and I am so no gonna do the fanning, smelling salts thing for you." I have got to get these girls HBO, maybe a little eye opening with Queer as Folk. Cause you know, men are like a dollar bill. One crisp slip of green, cool, what's better than that? Well, two of them! Buffy, get back on topic!
"Are we to believe, Miss Summers, that you have already surrendered your virtue! Unmarried?!"
"Oh pffft! What's with the medical text book? You're not going to learn a thing about it from there. My advice, ladies, forget money, status, manners and anything else you've been told about how to behave. Find a good man who will love you with with all his heart and soul, who will fill your life with passion, poems, laughter and so much love that you think you can't possibly get and happier and then he does something so simple as smile at you from across the room, or he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, and then you fall in love with him all over again. A good marriage isn't based on money or what other people will think's about blood, soul, heart and fire. That is William Harcourt. And hell, he's fantastic in bed." The other three ladies stared at Buffy with mouths agape and a collective swooning appearing immanent.
William appeared behind Buffy, gently brushing her shoulder with his fingertips to alert her to his presence."Good evening ladies," he acknowledged briefly, but all his attention belong to Buffy."Darling, would you care for a dance? There is waltzing in the ball room."
"That would be lovely," Buffy smiled. William turned to go and offered her his arm. Buffy flashed the still shell shocked girls a winning smile and then held her hands up approximately a dozen inches apart and mouthed the word huge at them before turning towards William and slipping her arm around his. Harriet fainted dead away.
It was becoming routine now, Spike would wake a few moments before Buffy, and was able to catch the Prokaryote Stone in their locket, safe and private for next time. It was taking longer for Buffy to rouse herself from the experience, and now needed for Spike to bring her back the rest of the way with a few gentle slaps to her face or a good shake. When she opened her eyes she smiled at him and stretched out.
"That was fun!" she said, feeling extremely satisfied with putting Miss Addams in her place, in addition to the pantry sex.
"I can't believe you did that!" Spike exclaimed.
"You're not upset are you?"
"Bloody hell! 'Course not! That was brilliant, love!"
"It was pretty snarky though....nah, I did good. And so did you, you naughty little Victorian you! Sexually repressed no more! Taking me like I was a wanton hussy! In the pantry no less."
"Well, you weren't wearing underwear. If you hadn't wanted me to do anything about it, you shouldn't of told me whilst we were getting hors d'oeuvres." He sighed happily, but grew serious. He rolled her over so they could face each other in bed and stoked her cheek with the back of his hand,", my sweet love, those things you said about me. Thank you."
"I was just being honest. Those chicks needed their feathers ruffled anyways."
"No one's ever stood up for me before and certainly not for me when I was human. So I thank you."
"Oh Spike, I love you, baby. I'll always stand up for you."
The Making of a Man IV
©2003 Evenstar
"If you're not ready, William, you don't have to," Buffy cajoled. William was back in her arms, his warm cheek laying on her chest between the valley of her breasts. They were nude and laying atop William's own bed with the afternoon sunshine blanketing them in warmth and light. Buffy's legs found their way around his torso and her were hands running through and through his long hair. They'd spent the afternoon in rapture, making love and saying beautiful words to each other. Buffy sipped a spirit from a crystal flute, her head swooning from the alcohol and the innumerable orgasms William had given her. Fortunately for them, Anne was away calling on her society friends until the evening. The servants were well aware of what was occurring upstairs, but held their tongues and stayed below.
"No, my love, I wish very much to do this, I'm merely uncertain that my abilities will be apt or sufficient to do you justice." He huffed out a breath of frustration and hid his face against a breast, squeezing her tight. Buffy replaced her glass on the night table and gave him her full attention.
"You're joking, right? William are you aware of the fact that you are by far the most spectacular lover on the planet?"
"Generous endowments that you claim I have, coupled with my love for you does not make me a spectacular lover as you say."
"I'd have thought the multiple orgasms would have been a good enough clue."
", forgot about that part."
"Gee thanks." He leapt back from her, suddenly horrified with himself.
"I've insulted you! My apologies, sincerely. Buffy you alone have shown me that there is another, more soaring, glorious side of life! Passion and physical sensations I never dreamed existed!" Buffy laughed softly and pulled him back down to his original position.
"You're so sensitive, William! Is this a Victorian thing? 'Cause this kind of hyperness is gonna make you pop a blood vessel! I have complete confidence in you. It's a very intimate thing I'm suggesting, and yes, it does take a certain amount of skill, but I know for a fact your instincts are amazing and there is nothing that you can do that won't bring me incredible pleasure. Are you ready to try?"
"Yes, my love. Tell me how?"
"Start like you always do, kiss me, taste my skin, work your way down." He took her breasts in both hands and pushed them together until the nipples near touched, and he could lave his tongue over them both at the same time. He licked her with the tensed tip of his tongue, until her nipples hardened and stood taut. He sucked vigorously on one and then the other until Buffy was mewing like a kitten. He slid steadily, slowly down her stomach, all the while worshiping her flesh with kisses and languorous long licks,"William, that's wonderful...mmmmm..."
He took hold of her knees and pushed them apart, until she was spread wide open to him,"Such a beautiful flower." Buffy blushed at his compliment, not exactly sharing in the analogy, but certainly appreciating the sentiment."A unique fragrance, sweeter than spring blossoms, heady like the finest wine...."
"Really not, honey, but thanks for saying were about to..."
"Yes, yes, of course." He nuzzled along the line of soft curls with the tip of his nose, tickling his cheek as he slid further down. He had vague memories then of falling asleep out alone in some far off field at the country house when he'd been a small boy. Like now he'd been exhausted from playing, hot and soporific, totally happy. Laying down in Mother Earth's bosom, a bed of sweet grass to cradle him, he'd never felt so sublime, until now. His fingers danced around the outer lips, testing and teasing, his head lulled against her inner thigh. Buffy was twisting and whimpering with anticipation, which served to excite her lover more."How you tremble for me, Miss Buffy. I do please you, do I not?"
"So much....William, please!" He surge against her, pressing his lips to her sex, slipping his tongue between her folds and giving her one long lick from bottom to top. The tangy, full flavor of her was a divine elixir to him.
"Ambrosia!" he exclaimed, smiling brightly up at her. Buffy laughed out loud and tossed her head back into the pillows. This was going to be an afternoon to cherish. William dove down again, still uncertain of how to proceed, but eager to give it that old college try. He imagined this oasis before him were as if he'd been traversing the arid desert on hands and knees, wishing every moment for death, yet struggling on and then was rewarded for his determination and faith with this eternal spring. He closed his eyes and consumed his love.
His tongue pierced through and deep up inside her, making Buffy cry out and clutch angry fistfuls of the bedspread. Her dramatic reaction only made him increase the ardor with which he was pleasuring her. He curled his tongue, twisted it, drew it back, then plunged in again. The plains of his face rubbed hard against her swollen nub, the duel sensations driving her mad. He tongue slipped out of her and slid up to swish over her clit. She jerked and moaned so loudly he feared she'd disturb the entire household. Though at this time he honestly couldn't' have cared less. He merely wished to make her sound out like that again and again.
William focused all his efforts on the tiny nub. That all her heartiest, strongest pleasures came from this one spot fascinated him to no end. He flexed his tongue to a hardened muscle, flicking and swirling around her clit. Buffy was writhing and sobbing, her stomach tightened and her thighs beginning to vibrate. William knew she was very close, therefore he increased his torment of her one hundred fold, then stabbed two fingers inside her, finding that sweet spot of softer tissue and pressing.
"Oh god! WILLIAM!!!" She nearly sent him careening to the floor, as it was, he was bucked off of her to the other end of the bed. She was crying and moaning and shaking, lost in an orgasm so powerful that it consumed her entire being. For all this time, William's cock was straining out away from his body, fully hard and aching for its own release. Possessed by a purely carnal, animal need to mate, William crawled over top Buffy and penetrated her to the hilt. She screamed and was sent spiraling into another, more powerful and intense orgasm. He tried to move, to thrust, but her passage had clenched down on him so tightly that his own climax was upon him even before he could realize it.
Buffy wrapped him up with her arms and legs and squeezed him with all her might. She felt his essence filling her womb, washing her with warm seed as he professed his love to her over and over.
When enough time had passed, he lift himself up a little to look upon her face. Though drenched with sweat, she was smiling, eyes bright and full of wonder.
"I love you, Buffy," William said, pressing his forehead to hers.
"I love you, William."
"Did I do good, my Miss Buffy?"
"You did....OH!!!" He'd only been soft inside her for a few seconds and suddenly he was at full erection again,"William! You did very good....let me be good to you now."
"You're always good to me."
Buffy clung to her last memory with William, and all the ones of Spike. There was nothing left to hold on to, nothing but memories and regrets now. She wasn't always good to him and she should have been. She lay alone on the floor in a dingy motel room. They were half way between the crater where Sunnydale and the Hellmouth once were and Los Angeles on the way to see Angel. She was next to the bed, the thought of being in it alone was sickening. She was curled in a fetal position, clutching their locket to her breast and she was sobbing, remembering his final moments.
"I love you," she spoke through her tears, their hands clasped together, burning with an eternal flame.
"I love you too. I love you forever. NOW GO!!" he shouted. The ground shook and they were torn apart,"BUFFY GO!!" With the last of his strength he pushed her away," have to go on of us has to." She sobbed as she ran and left him behind. The light of his soul consumed him and burned him from the inside out until nothing was left but her memories.
Buffy tore the locket from around her neck, about to throw it, but it seemed as if an invisible hand stayed her. An idea was formulating itself, pushing past the grief in her mind. She opened the locket and looked at the stone. It really wasn't much, just a sliver of shiny black rock. The Prokaryote Stone had opened her to a whole new world, one without trials and tribulations, vampire and Slayers. There was her and there was William and a simple, normal life full of love and laughter. Her fingers hovered over it and she wondered if when she touched it and it turned to liquid, if would it take her to him, or being as he was dead, would it take her to a thoughtless, loveless void? A leap of faith was in order. Buffy closed her eyes and steeled herself, ready to do it.
"No, not here," she spoke aloud, closing her locket back up. She could almost feel his arms coming around her, pulling her back against him. She imagine his mouth at her ear, professing his love and devotion. She felt her soul stirring, longing to be wherever his was. But she couldn't have that here. She got up off the floor and straightened her clothing. She went into the bathroom and washed her face clean of her tears, then gathered the few possessions she had with her and left the room. She knocked on the door of the room which was occupied by Willow, Kennedy, Vi, and Dawn. To her surprise, Andrew answered. After the moment passed, he stepped aside, finding the room was full. Xander, Giles and Robin were also gathered.
"Buffy!" Willow gasped, rising from the bed where she was sitting and came over to her friend, pulling her inside. Buffy kept her eyes fixated on her sister,"We thought you'd still want to be alone, otherwise we'd have asked you..."
"It's okay's good you're all here. I've come to tell you.....that...." She knew she was crying, because Dawn was crying too,"I'm leaving. I'm going to go and be with him." Dawn turned away and into Xander who seemed to have a sort of quiet anger to him. He couldn't look at Buffy.
"What are you suggesting Buffy? Surely, you're not referring to..." Giles stammered.
"Spike. Who else, Giles? Whoever else?" She looked over each of them, knowing the time for confessions was upon her,"The last words I said to him were I love you. I was going to stay with him until the end, but he wouldn't let me. He thinks that I should go on, have that perfect, normal life I thought I wanted, but the truth is, all I want is him."
"So suicide is the answer? You'd dishonor the sacrifice on the chance of the unknown?"
"I have faith....and it's not like that....the Prokaryote Stone..."
"Buffy!" Willow exclaimed,"Don't tell me you've and Spike? With the stone? How long have you been doing this? Do you have any idea of the side effects? You could've be trapped inside Spike's mind forever! If you do it too many just won't come back!"
"We didn't know, we didn't care. We were together. You don't understand, none of you do! This past month we've been together, we've been so in don't understand! I don't want to live in a world without him! Will, you know, don't you? How hard it was without Tara, how bad it got?"
"I do, but Buffy....this is different. This is so different. At least think about this...we..."
"Willow, c'mon...please..." Buffy backed away from them, suddenly feeling defensive. She should've known they couldn't comprehend the depth of her love for Spike. They all came at her at once. There were accusations, demands, laments, pleas and Buffy felt as if Sunnydale and the Hellmouth was caving in on her just like it had Spike. One among them however was able to see past their own grief and accept the truth of Buffy's. This poor young woman before them, who was rapidly folding in on herself, had saved the world, a lot, and this time had paid a price greater than her own life. Her friends had torn her from eternal rest in Heaven, and now they would deny her the small of piece Heaven Spike had returned to her through his unconditional and undying love. Imagining Buffy living to old age with the void of a whole man consuming her heart and her soul was a worse fate than her leaving them now.
Dawn had always been somewhat, if not wholly selfish, for most of her time on Earth. Buffy had died for her! But this time the truest test of love between the sisters would be from Dawn letting Buffy go.
"STOP IT!!" the younger Summers screamed,"Leave her alone!" Dawn ran towards Buffy and wrapped her arms around her broken down sister, letting Buffy crumble into her.
"Dawnie, I'm sorry...I won't go, I promise...I'll stay with you....we'll...we'll go away somewhere, just you and me. We can start over and I'll wait to be with him," Buffy sobbed to her sister, the child that had been made from her own being's essence. Dawn gave Buffy a reassuring squeeze, and then let her go.
"When you get to wherever it is you're going you tell him for me that he better take really god care of you, or else!"
"And you tell him that he and I, we're still friends. Okay?"
"No, Dawn, they're right....I'm only 22, I should be living, it's what he would've wanted."
"Buffy, the only thing Spike ever wanted was for you to be happy. Can you be happy without him?"
"I could learn."
"Which is a no. I'll be okay, Buffy, without you. They'll take care of me until I can take care of myself."
"Time's wasting, he's waiting for you."
"I love you, Dawn."
"I love you too, Buffy." She hugged her sister again and went to say goodbye to her friends. She saw understanding and acceptance from some of them, others she'd have leave to sort our their feelings towards her in the coming years. She looked long on Xander, Willow, Faith and lastly Giles before returning to Dawn. Her sister gave her a little wave and without another word, Buffy turned and ran.
Buffy had been walking for one night and one day into Death Valley. It seemed appropriate somehow that this was where her Slayer's journey would end. She'd picked the desert because it fit. The First Slayer had come from a land of arid sands and heat, of the brutality and blood of fighting every day just to survive. She slept on a bed of bones and here Buffy would lay down her own life. But was it really death? Or just being reborn? She would fall under the spell of the Prokaryote Stone one last time and her soul, her true self would be free. The desert would take care of her body, and her bones would become dust, like his.
She was filthy and exhausted, but there was a quiet calm inside her that sustained her on this final journey. She found a spot, in the center of a megalithic circle of sharp jutting red rocks. She had gathered enough wood to make a small fire before she'd reached the desert. A fire that likely wouldn't last more than a few hours, more than enough time to do what must be done.
The flames rose high, licking the dusky sky that was streaked with pinks and violets. There was a definite sense of deja vu, hearkening back to the first vision quest Giles had taken her on. She thought life was complicated then! However, at present, things were very simple. She really had no clue where the stone would take her, but she had enough faith to risk it. He was worth risking the pain.
Buffy lay herself a short distance from the fire, turned on her side so she could peer hazily at the flames, letting them lull her into a state on the cusp of dreaming. She let her hair fan out behind her, milling with the sand. She cast a furtive glance at the new moon and the stars, smiling to herself in this purely peaceful place. She slowed her breathing, closed her eyes, opened the locket and touched the stone.
When she opened her eyes again the room was dark, save for a sliver of moonlight coming through William's bedroom curtains. Across from her on a lounging chaise was a long satin and lace gown draped over the red wind velvet. It was her wedding dress. Buffy's other senses began to awaken also. The bed was warm and her naked body was nestled back against a man, his arm around her waist, his soft cock pressed to her backside, and his chin was burrowed deep into the hollow by her collar bone. There were golden wedding bands on their fingers. In his sleep, he squeezed her tighter and murmured her name. Buffy looked towards Heaven and said a prayer of gratitude, tears coming unbidden to her eyes.
Her hand went to wipe them away, but his arrived first, along with a kiss upon her jawbone.
"You're happy, aren't you, my love?" her husband asked in a hushed voice.
"Yes, I am....never so happy in all my life," Buffy replied. She turned herself around in his embraced, her eyes falling on the sharp features of his beautiful face. She touched his cheek, then his lips with her fingertips,"I love you so much."
"I love you too, Buffy." Her fingers went through his bed tussled hair, smiling at how shaggy and unkempt he was. It must've been a wonderful wedding night. She lamented a bit that she couldn't have woken up with him a few hours previously. It didn't matter, they had forever now. He looked up at her hand playing in his long locks and he scowled. He took her hand away and it left Buffy confused.
"Dunno your opinion on the matter, Slayer, but first thing tomorrow I'm shaving off these sodding sideburns n' getting a haircut. Screw Victorian fashions n' all that rot, I look like a damned poof. Not sure if there's anything that can be done 'bout the color tho. Bloody shame if you ask me, but I'll manage somehow." He cocked his head to one side, and smirked, obviously holding in his laughter at the astounded, shocked look on her face.
"Yeah, love?"
"In the flesh, and speaking of flesh, yours is lookin' might scrumptious right now....fancy another go? Or a first go, since you just got here. You have any idea how boring it is here without you? All I could do to not go out of my bleedin' mind!"
"What?" He was having too much fun at her expense. Buffy forcefully pushed him back and climbed on top of him, straddling his middle.
"Spike?" She was shaking, tears streaming down her face, hands running maniacally over the plain of his chest, touching him and making sure he was real. He stopped her frantic movements by taking hold of her wrists and pulling her down to him.
"It's me, Buffy." He kissed her and wrapped her up in his arms. She melted into him, still crying, but now with tears of joy. He rolled them over, hardening cock nudging into her soft center, then sinking in. Her legs locked around his waist and he settled down, letting her tight sheath massage and warm him while he gently kissed her. He parted their lips from each other after a time, hands stroking her face and wiping away her tears.
"Dunno. No bloody clue, actually! Time's different here, I just know I've been waiting for you and now you're here."
"I used the stone, one last time. Willow said I probably wouldn't come back, to them. I don't want to go back."
"The only way to stay forever, pet, is if you died too and I don't want that..."
"Too late."
"What? Buffy no!"
"I...I...I had to be with you, Spike. I couldn't live without you, please don't be angry."
"I'm not. It's just....I wanted you to live, be happy, have a family, grow old. I would've waited."
"I wouldn't have wanted any of that if it wasn't with you. I know, Spike, know it with my whole soul, if I'm not with you, I'm nothing."
"You're not nothing, you're everything."
"This is it then? Really? We don't ever have to be apart again?"
"No, love, never again. I'm not sure where we are....but this place is forever. I don't know how it will go, if we're alive here, if there are others - I haven't been beyond our bedroom. I don't know if the whole world's out there or just London. I don't know if we'll have babies, or if we'll grow old. I just know we'll not be separated again."
"I promise, love." He kissed her again, and made love to her for the first time since they died. Since they were reborn.