This site hosts fan fiction based around characters from Buffy the Vampire
Slayer and Angel the Series.
writers hosted on this site acknowledge that BtVS and Ats are the property
of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and their associates. No copyright infringement
is intended. No profit is made from the fan fiction on this site.
The fan fiction on this site contains scenes of both homosexual and heterosexual
relations. By entering the site, and reading the fiction, you are confirming
that you are of the legal age to read such material.The authors hosted on
this site are in no way insinuating that the actors of the shows are homosexual.
Updates to the fiction part of this site are made three times a year, coinciding
with updates to SDFA, and submissions are always accepted provided they fit
the submission guidelines.
I'd like to thank my gracious webhosting provider company, Modern-World.Net,
and I'd also like to thank you all for your continuing support, without you,
Shadows & Dust would still be a dream floating around in my head...