11th June 2006 Authors:
44 Fiction:
79 News:
Categories: These
just weren't working, so unfortunately they had to go... Info: Round
13 of SDFA is a normal round but please, read the rules - it's
important you do, because if you don't and you nominate, I'll know, and your
submission will be deleted. If you have any ideas for new categories/layouts
etc, you can email them to me or fill in the suggest
form and if you would like to leave comments about this layout,
or the site in general (I'd love it if you did) please use the guestbook (see
navigation above). That's it! Happy nominating. Announcements: Well, SDFA is back,
and with this return come the long awaited winners of the twelfth round of awards.
Obviously, the delay in these is obvious, and for those who have seen the site
recently, you’ll be aware that the site has been closed since October
2005 - nearly six months - it’s hard to believe. I’m not happy
that I had to close, nor am I happy that it has taken so long to get these awards
awarded, or the next round together. That said; I am glad that I’ve come
to a juncture that has allowed me to re open SDFA. I’m not starting again
- it’s a straight forward continuation, with the exception of one thing
- and that is that positions for judges will be open to apply for. To those
of you who have offered to help out, you know who you are, and have been contacted
already, to those interested in judging, just send me an email with the required
info on it (see on site) and we’ll take it from there. I’ve had a
horrible 2006 so far, and we’re not far into the year, I’m not going
to go into it, but I’ll be updating my LJ soon, for those who are interested
in knowing what’s been going on. I’m still
planning on SDFA having three rounds a year. A Beginning, Middle and End, which
comprise of two months of nominations and two months of judging in each. Obviously,
as this round is starting in April instead of May, I’m just splitting
the time up equally. If all goes to plan, which it should, Round Thirteen nominations
will close in mid June, and winners will be announced just as Round Fourteen
begins in September (check the site for dates).
Founded: 10th August 2002
Nominations are now CLOSED. I'd like to thank everyone who has participated
this round, and wish all of you the best of luck.
If you are judging for an award SDFA has been nominated for, you can still view
the nominate page. Instructions are shown after clicking the nominate link in
the navigation above. Speaking of nominations, SDFA is entered into the Best
of the Best of the Lie To Me Awards for the So Beautiful Award. Go vote!!!
Want to Judge for SDFA? Click here
New Categories:
The Sombrero Award
- Best Humourous Fic
The Moriati Award - Best Villain (can include use of 'canon' villains)
The Ensnared Award - Best HP/BtVS or AtS Crossover Fic
The Spirit Award - Best Poem
The Voice Award - Best Feedback
Hi everyone.
As always, I’d like to extend my thanks for all of the support you have
all given in the past, and continue to provide, and hope that you participate
in this, the Thirteenth Round of Shadows & Dust Fanfic Awards.