Angel's Secrets
Welcome to Angel's Secrets, one of the largest and oldest places on the Net dedicated to the character of Angel and to the WB series of the same name. You want news? pictures? fanfic? a chat room? episode reviews? a message board free of pop-up ads? We've got all that and more. Enjoy!
Our search for the best Angel and Buffy quotes
has resumed. The polls will now last two months, instead of one, to (hopefully) give more people a chance to vote.
Cast your votes, then see how visitors ranked more than 100 quotes so far: Angel, BtVS.
Other Content
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Respond to the confirmation email, and you will be added to the mailing list. Usually, I send one email every two months, and if I have any Buffy-verse news, I include that as well.
Other Site Info
We have joined forces with a couple of other sites to bring you an even wider range of content.
If you enjoy this site, please let me know. Thanks!
Angel's Secrets is a rusted-crush production. All content original to this site is © 1998-2006 by Anne and any reproduction other than for personal use can have legal consequences.
Note also that this site is completely unofficial. It is run by a fan who has no connection to the show.
partnered with ~ Laugh Lines, Love Lines ~
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