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Episode Name: The Witch
Season: One
General gist: The sunnydale high cheerleading squad are holding try outs and the top candidates for the place keep mysteriously have to drop out due to spontaneous combustion, going blind etc. It’s the Scooby’s job to find out who's the little witch that’s making it all happen.

Best bits: When Buffy's under a spell and gets a bit energetic during cheerleading practise and dancing around her house singing "Macho macho man! I want to be a macho man!"
Reason to watch: Season 1 was all very light-hearted and happy and this is just a really funny episode that’s not too serious and has loads of funny lines and scenes in it! Plus Buffy cheerleading! Classic!

Favorite quotes:

WILLOW: Your the slayer and we're like the Slayerettes!

XANDER: I laugh in the face of danger and then i hide till it goes away!

GILES: You have a sacred birthright, Buffy. You were chosen to destroy vampires, not to... wave pompoms at people. And as the Watcher I forbid it.

GILES: But that's the thrill of living on the Hellmouth! There's a veritable cornucopia of, of fiends and devils and, and ghouls to engage. Pardon me for finding the glass half full.

BUFFY: What? Oh, I'm, I'm fine, y'know? What, like, I can't be in a good mood? Is it, like, a new house rule? Fine, y'know? It's just fine, fine, fine, 'cause... I'm a macho, macho man! I want to be a macho man! Macho, macho man! I want to be a macho man!

AMY: I'm just happy to have my body back. I'm thinking of getting fat.
BUFFY: Y'know, I hear that look's in for spring.

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