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win an award
If you would like to win an award then you're in the right place! Just use the form below and choose which award you would like and i'll get back to you as soon as possible! I've decided that a new requirement for any of the awards is that u have to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Most sites do this so I thought that as I'm bothering to go to your site you should at least be bothered to give me your opinion on my site! Thanks! :)

The 'extremely edible' award is for sites that have brilliant graphics and site content. Basically, the really amazing sites!

The 'Beautiful butterfly' award is for sites that have amazing graphics, content doesnt matter!

The 'Integral Intellect' award is for sites that have amazing content, graphics doesnt matter!

The 'Precious Potential' award is for sites that have potential to be really good sites, sites that are perhaps just starting out.

Your Name:



Site Name:

Award you're applying for:

Have you sign the guestbook?


be kind, rewind