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Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay
Willow was clearly established as straight. The first two people she loved were male, both breaking her heart in some way. But that was before she met Tara.

They meet at a Wicca group at the college; Tara is drawn to her as she seems to be the only actual Wicca in the Wicca group. Later, when the residents of Sunnydale lose their voice, Tara goes to find Willow and they end up fleeing the Gentlemen together, a group of evil demons trying to steal seven hearts. They hide in a laundry room and Willow tries to use her Magic to move a soda machine in front of the door, but fails. Tara slowly takes her hand and they both try, with a wonderful result.

They get together often to do Magic and Willow goes to see her with a spell in mind. To conjure the Goddess Thespia to see if there is any demon energy in the area. Unknown to Willow, while her eyes are closed, Tara sabotages the spell for an unknown reason.

Faith comes out of her coma and hits the streets. Willow and Tara help look for her, but don’t find anything. They have a conversation where Tara lets slip that she feels like none of Willow’s friends know she exist and Willow explains to her that she likes to think of Tara as just hers.

Tara: “I am, you know.”

Willow: “What?”

Tara: “Yours.”

Willow later takes Tara to The Bronze and spots Buffy, she introduces Tara to her and leaves to get a drink. While she is gone Buffy says some very hurtful things to Tara, and points out that Willow is no longer seeing men. Willow and Tara go back to Tara’s place and Tara suggests to Willow that Buffy isn’t in her body because her energy was very fragmented, like it was forced into her body. They do a powerful spell together to conjure what they need to reverse the spell and it works.

The pivotal point of their relationship comes when Oz returns from Tibet, in control of his wolf. Willow talks to Oz all night and the next day reveals to Buffy about Tara.

Willow: “It's complicated.”

Buffy: “Why complicated?”

Willow: “It’s complicated…because of Tara.”

Willow then goes to Tara’s dorm room and tells her that her life was just beginning to get good again, and Tara is a big part of that.

They also get themselves a cat, to share. They call her Miss Kitty Fantastico.

Oz goes looking for Willow, and thinks he has found her when he smells her, but it is Tara instead. He asks her if she is involved with Willow, she says she can’t talk about it and he loses control of his wolf and goes after her. She is rescued by Riley and his initiative friends, who take Oz away. She hurries to find Willow and the Scooby Gang save him. Willow brings closure on her relationship with Oz and goes to find Tara.

Willow: “Tara, I have to tell you...”

Tara: “No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love.”

Willow: “I am.”

Tara begins to join in the Scooby Gang’s activities more, especially when things begin to get a little rough with Adam. During an argument with the Scooby Gang, that Spike causes, Willow reveals to Xander and Giles Tara is her girlfriend.

Xander: “Tara's your girlfriend?”

Giles: “Bloody hell!”

A few months later, it’s Tara’s birthday. Tara explains to Willow she doesn’t feel part of the group, and as much as Willow protests, it doesn’t change Tara’s mind. Xander and Buffy are struggling with what to get her and talk about how they don’t really know her, although they think she is very nice. Tara and Willow return to the Magic Box to find Tara’s brother there, who is then joined by the rest of her family. She doesn’t look pleased to see them. Her father has come because he manipulates the woman in the family by telling them they have a demon within them, and only their family can help. Tara panics, she doesn’t want her friends to know and so does a spell to hide demons from them. The Magic Box gets attacked by demons but they can’t see them. Tara turns up and undoes the spell. Her father tells her she has to leave and she gets upset, saying she is very sorry and she just didn’t want them to know.

Mr Maclay: “The girl belongs with her family. I hope that's clear to the rest of you.”

Buffy: “It is. You want her, Mr. Maclay? You can go ahead and take her. You just gotta go through me.”

Tara is finally accepted as a member of the Scooby Gang, and Spike proves that Tara isn’t a demon.

Tragedy strikes in the form of Joyce passing away from a brain aneurism. Tara comfort’s Willow.

Tara: “We can be strong.”

Willow: Strong like an Amazon?

Tara: Strong like an Amazon, right.

She reveals to Buffy that her own Mom passed away when she was seventeen. She says it wasn’t sudden, but it was still a shock and offers her own words of comfort to Buffy.

Later, while getting ready to go to a culture fair, Willow and Tara talk about how strict Buffy has come with Dawn, and Willow gets annoyed at Tara for acting like she is the only one that can understand what Buffy is going through. Willow also adds Tara has been doing Witchcraft for longer, and feels she is the lesser person. Tara lets slip is frightens her how powerful Willow is getting and although she tries to take it back she further adds that she think eventually Willow will ‘change back’ and not be gay. Willow storms off upset.

Tara sits on a bench at the fair, looking depressed when a hand slips into her own. She smiles, thinking it is Willow but discovers it to be Glory, an evil god, looking for her key to get back home, who happens to be Dawn. Glory’s minion tells the others Glory has gone to get her key, thinking it is Tara, and Willow rushes off to find her.

Glory breaks Tara’s hand and continues to talk about how there is no one there to help her, and eventually licks the blood she has got from Tara’s hand. She is shocked to discover Tara is not the key and tells her she will let her go if she tells her who the key is. Tara looks at her defiantly and Glory puts her hands into Tara’s brain and makes her go insane.

Willow: “She's my everything.”

In her rage, Willow goes after Glory with the darkest Magic’s she can find and is only saved by Buffy. The next day they are sitting in Tara’s room eating lunch, when the room begins to shake. Glory appears and Tara reveals Dawn is pure green energy i.e. The Key. They go on the run, but their lucks runs out and Dawn in taken.

The fight really begins with Glory, after Tara leads them to her as Glory calls all the people she has done mind wipes on. Glory has put up a large tower which Dawn is on. Willow does a spell and Tara’s mind is returned to her.

Tara “Willow ... I got so lost.”

Willow: “I found you.”

The fight continues until only Buffy and Dawn are left on the tower. Dawn’s blood has already opened up a portal and creatures from hell are entering the earth. Buffy realises what she has to do and jumps to her death, closing the portal.

It’s three months later, and Willow hasn’t accepted Buffy’s death, in fact she has been researching into a spell to bring her back, as she died from mystical forces, not natural. Tara supports her, and Willow, Tara, Anya and Xander bring Buffy back from the dead.

Willow and Tara get into a fight about the amount of Magic Willow is using, for unnecessary things. Willow deals with this by doing another spell, a spell to make Tara forget the argument. A demon named Sweet comes to town and makes the residents of Sunnydale sing what is really on their minds. Tara sings a beautiful song to Willow, saying her life was bad until Willow came into it, making her life so much better and she can’t quite believe it, therefore believes she is under a metaphorical spell.

Later, talking to Dawn, Dawn says how glad she is Willow and Tara made up and Tara leaves to go to the Magic Box for proof Willow has done a spell and finds it. She then sings that she really was under a spell, and she must leave Willow, even though she sincerely doesn’t want to. She gives Willow another chance, and tells her not to do Magic for a week and Willow agrees. She leaves the house and Willow immediately does a spell to take away Buffy’s memories of Heaven and Tara’s memories of the arguments. The spell goes wrong and the whole group lose their memories. Willow and Xander wake up together and so assume they are together, but even with no memories, Willow are Tara are attracted to each other, but the spell gets broken and Tara leaves Willow, very upset.

Willow battles to give up Magic over the year and succeeds, so Tara returns to her.

Tara: “There's just so much to work through. Trust has to be built again, on both sides…you have to learn if ... if we're even the same people we were, if you can fit in each other's lives. It's a long... important process, and ... can we just skip it? Can-can you just be kissing me now?”

They make up and spend the night together, finally happy. They spend a lot of time in bed, and also looking up information on the Trio of Nerds that have been bugging Buffy all year.

They are kissing in their bedroom, when Tara spots Xander, who makes up with Buffy after a big argument about Spike. Warren, one of the nerds, runs into the garden with a gun in his hand and fires and hits Buffy, as he turns, a stray bullet hits Tara and she falls onto the floor. Willow, desperately tries to wake Tara up and when she can’t, her eyes go red. She invokes the demon that brought Buffy back, but he says he can’t do it as Tara has died naturally, of human means, Willow screams and kills the demon.

Willow in her grief, goes the Magic Box and sucks all the dark Magic out of the books, her eyes and hair go black. She finds Warren, tortures and kills him, then goes to find Andrew and Jonathon, who have been hidden. She tries to kill anyone that gets in her way, including Buffy. Giles comes back from England, with very strong borrowed Magic, which Willow takes. This is Giles plan, as she is now connected to everything, including human pain, but it backfires when she decides to end the world to stop it.

Xander finds her and tells her what she means to him, repeating 'I love you.' He keeps going until she collapses into his arms sobbing, the dark magic draining from her, leaving an inconsolable Willow.

Willow spends the summer in England, learning to control her Magic. She returns to Sunnydale and visits Tara’s grave.

be kind, rewind