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witchy willow

Name: Willow Rosenburg
DOB: 1981
Significant others: Mother; Father; Ira Rosenburg, Girlfriend; Tara Mclay (before she died) and Kennedy
Status: Girlfriend but nothing serious
Education: High school diploma and went to college for quite a bit, didnt quite graduate due to the college being swallowed up with the entire town
Employment: Full-time badass wicca
First Appearence: Season 1, Episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth"
Last appearence: Season 7, Episode "Chosen"
First line spoken: "Oh, really?"
Last line spoken: "Yeah, The First is scrunched so... what do you think we should do, Buffy?"
Nicknames: Will, Red, the net girl, wiccan girl
Previous Boyfriends/Girlfriends: Oz (Daniel Ozborne), Tara Maclay, Kennedy

Willow Rosenberg is Buffy Summers best friend firstly, and a bad ass Wicca secondly. They first met when Buffy first came to Sunnydale and choose to be friends with Willow and Xander instead of Cordelia and all the "cool" kids. To begin with Willow was quite shy and wasn’t used to being around boys, apart from Xander who she had a huge crush on. Buffy helped bring out Willows cool side and Willow helped in many ways with Buffy's slaying. Her and Xander helped Giles do all the book work and research stuff on the internet and using her computer hack into police databases etc. She was a bit of a techno computer geek and this proved to be very useful. Willows first encounter with magic was in season 2 when she performed the curse to restore Angel's soul. This was the first real big spell she performed. In season 3 her powers grew even more and she tried to learn more and more magic. A real turning point was in season 4 when she met Tara who was another Wicca. They did many spells together and Willow started to surpass Tara. Tara also became Willows girlfriend when she realised that she was gay and in love with Tara. In season 5 Tara began to be worried about Willows use of magic and this all came to ahead in season 6 and Tara left Willow. Willow realised she had a problem and tried to stop doing magic. Tara and Willow got back together briefly before tragically Tara was shot by Warren. Willow's grief then drove her to seek vengeance on the trio and she turned to black magic. In the end Xander managed to bring her back to her real self before she destroyed the world. In season 7 she was very weary about her powers as she didn’t want to loose control again. In the finale she saved the day by performing a spell to make all the potential slayers, actual slayer and her hair turned white like a goddess! Also in season 7 she found a new partner, a potential slayer named Kennedy. The less said about her the better! Overall Willow was a true friend and a loyal partner. Well apart from that one time when she cheated on Oz with Xander but hey we all make mistakes!!

Willow Quotes:
Season 2
"Well... Well, why do you think she went to that party? Because you gave her the brush-off! And you never let her do anything except work and patrol! And I know she's the Chosen One, but you're killing her with the pressure! I mean, she's sixteen going on forty! And you! I mean, you're gonna live forever! You don't have time for a cup of coffee?! Okay, I don't feel better now, and we've gotta help Buffy."

"Love makes you do the wacky. "

"Great, I'll give Xander a call. What's his number again? Oh, yeah, 1-800-I'M-DATING-A-SKANKY-HO!"

Season 3
"Well, the Slayer always says a pun or a witty play on words, and I think it throws the vampires off and it makes 'em frightened because I'm wisecracking, okay, I didn't really have a chance to work on that one but you try it every time! "

"1430! Buffy, you kicked ass! Okay, so academic achievement gets me a little excited"

"I'm a witch! I-I can make pencils float. And I can summon the four elements. Okay, two, but four soon. A-and I'm dating a musician"

"Why do demons even come here? I mean, don't they know how bad we are?"

Season 7
"Hell happened? Yeah. This big evil that's been promising to devour us-well I think it's started chomping."

I'm talking. Don't interrupt me, insignificant man. I am Willow. I am death. If you dare defy me, I will call down my fury, exact fresh vengeance, and make your worst fears come true. OK? "Xander, newbies. Let's ease them in to the whole "jokes in the face of death" thing. "

"Ha! That was nifty."

Quotes said about Willow:
Kennedy: "OK, I dig the way you always turn off the Moulin Rouge DVD at Chapter 32 so it has a happy ending. I like the way you speak. It's interesting. And your freckles...likeable. I'm not so into the magic stuff. It seems like fairy tale crap to me, but if it matters to you... You care about it, so it's cool."

Faith: "Willow's not driving stick anymore. Who would have thought?"

Oz: "Because she never said anything like that to me like that. We talked all night, and she never- No, stop!!! Is she in love with you? Tell me! Is she?"

be kind, rewind