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who are you

Episode Name: Who Are You
Season: Four
General gist: Faith has woken up from her coma and has swapped bodies with Buffy. Whilst Buffy in Faith's body has been kidnapped by the watchers council and on her way back to England, Faith in Buffy's body has some fun being bad!

Best bits: Scene in the bronze with Spike when she gets him all wound up!
Reason to watch: Love Faith, love Buffy! Buffy when she's being naughty is always entertaining and it’s a very original episode.

Favorite quotes:

Giles: W--um, if-if you are Buffy, then, uh, then you'll let me tie you up, w-without killing me. Until we find out whether you're telling the truth.
BFaith: Giles, Faith has taken my body, and for all I know, she's taken it to Mexico by now. I-I don't have time for bondage fun.

Xander: We kinda have a romantic evening planned.
Anya: We were gonna light a bunch of candles and have sex near them.
FBuffy: Well, we certainly don't want to cut into that seven minutes.

Spike: Oh, fine! Throw it in my face! Spike's not a threat anymore, I'll turn my back! He can't hurt me.
FBuffy: Spike? Spike. William the Bloody with a chip in his head. I kind of love this town.
Spike: You know why I really hate you, Summers?
FBuffy: 'Cause I'm a stuck-up tight-ass with no sense of fun?
Spike: Well . . . Yeah, that covers a lot of it.
FBuffy: 'Cause I could do anything I want, and instead I choose to pout and whine and feel the burden of Slayerness? I mean, I could be rich. I could be famous. I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know why I don't? Because it's wrong.

FBuffy: Why, yes, I would be Buffy. May I help you? Buf-fy. You can't do that - it's wrong. You can't do that because it's naughty. Because it's wrong. Because it's wrong. You can't do that. It's wrong, I'll kick your ass. I'm gonna kill you.

If you want more then go check out my mini site for the ep Who are You

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