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top 30 btvs episodes
I've thought long and hard about what my favorite Buffy episodes are and i've come to the conclusion that I can only get it down to my favorite 30 epiosdes and these are them. I've chosen at least 2 ep's from each season and they appear in season and episode order, I can't force myself to choose an overall favorite! I definitely advise that you see them all if you havent before, and if you have, well then go and re-watch them now cuz you know its worth it! Anyway enough of me talking...

Episode Name: Welcome to the Hellmouth - Season: One
Synopsis: "Series premiere; Buffy moves to Sunnydale and must stop the Master from rising."
Reason for watching: First ever episode so kinda important and its what got me hooked! Plus its worth it just to look at the dodgy dodgy outfits. There's some classic line's in there and set's up the whole scene really!

Episode Name: Angel - Season: One
Synopsis: "Buffy and Angel share their first kiss, and she finds out who he really is."
Reason for watching: Ah the real begining of the Buffy/Angel love story, the good old angsty days! We get to learn who angel really is and there's some funny scenes, especially when Buffy think's Angel's read her diary!

Episode Name: Nightmares - Season: One
Synopsis: "People (including Buffy and pals) are haunted by waking nightmares as fear becomes reality."
Reason for watching: Scary stuff! I just think its quite a cool concept and is very funny and revealing in parts. I just really enjoyed watching it, different from the every day kill the vampires kinda stuff!

Episode Name: Prophecy Girl - Season: One
Synopsis: "A book of infallible prophecies predicts that Buffy will face the Master in a battle to the death - hers."
Reason for watching: Full of action and drama and is the season end and leave's you wanting more! Also some classic lines, "I may be dead but at least i'm pretty, which is more than I can say for you!". Its most definatly full of action, drama and comedy the whole way through!

Episode Name: Innocence - Season: Two
Synopsis: "A rather shocking turn of events occur after Buffy's birthday when her and Angel consumate their love and it all goes wrong from there onwards! Also Xander and Cordelia's shocking secret is revealed."
Reason for watching: Well there's a whole lotta angst in this episode! It'll make u laugh, jump and mostly cry! Angelus is a god and comes out with some funny lines and there's great scenes with Dru and Spike. A lot is revealed and it deals with some pretty serious issues and cliches too!

Episode Name: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - Season: Two
Synopsis: "Things get dangerous when all the women in Sunnydale - except Cordelia - are after Xander due to a love spell gone wrong."
Reason for watching: Its sooooo funny watching all the girls throw themselves at Xander!! Its good to see episodes that are dedicated to the scoobies with less Buffy for a change, plus Xander was on top form in season 2!!

Episode Name: Passion - Season: Two
Synopsis: "Angel continues to torment Buffy; Jenny tries to curse Angel with a soul again, but he stops her - permanently."
Reason for watching: Its a very important and pivitol episode in season 2 and helps us to learn abouts Angel's past. It also has some very moving scenes in it to do with jenny and its just so much fun to watch Buffy in pain! :p

Episode Name: I Only Have Eyes For You - Season: Two
Synopsis: "The tortured ghost of a former student haunts SHS, reenacting the murder/suicide he committed."
Reason for watching: Very clever and different episode and it makes me cry so much every time, you feel so bad for Buffy in this one.

Episode Name: Becoming - Season: Two
Synopsis: "Angel prepares a ritual to awaken a demon that will suck the world into hell; Buffy prepares to kill him, but is torn when Willow discovers the ritual that could restore Angel's soul. Buffy's life is a mess when her mother discovers her secret life, and she's expelled from school and forced to make a heart-wrenching decision when both Angel's and Willow's rituals succeed. "
Reason for watching: Its like the best episode ever!! Makes me cry sooooo much! I've seen it about 35 times, no joke! Its got some wicked fight scenes in it and some witty lines and dialogue from most of the characters.

Episode Name: The Wish - Season: Three
Synopsis: "The demon Anyanka grants Cordelia's wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale, creating an alternate reality in which vampires rule."
Reason for watching: Another very differnt kind of episode and its just very cool to watch. I personally love the very poignant ending when everyone is killing eachother. Plus vamp Xander and Willow are just sooooo sexy!

Episode Name: Bad Girls - Season: Three
Synopsis: "Buffy's new Watcher comes to town; Faith lures Buffy into her world of reckless abandon, with fatal results."
Reason for watching: Ah Buffy misbehaving with Faith! Need i say more?! I like seeing Buffy's wild side and any ep with Faith in it is good in my books! It also show's how ever action has concequences... ooh like the following episode!

Episode Name: Doppelgangland - Season: Three
Synopsis: "Anya wreaks havoc again when a spell goes awry, bringing Willow's vampire doppelgänger into the Buffy-verse."
Reason for watching: Vampy willow rules and the bit at the end with Percy is priceless! Some very funny scenes "I'm so evil and skanky, and i think i'm kinda gay!" Oh the insight!

Episode Name: Enemies - Season: Three
Synopsis: "Faith and the Mayor conspire to steal Angel's soul, but they aren't the only ones with a secret conspiracy."
Reason for watching: I love Angelus and Faith so this is just bliss for me! Very nicely done and i really didnt see it all coming!

Episode Name: Earshot - Season: Three
Synopsis: "Buffy is infected with the uncontrollable ability to read minds, which threatens to drive her insane; it also unearths a plot to commit mass murder at the school, and the gang must save the day."
Reason for watching: Very very funny! Listening to xander's thoughts and how cordelia really does just say what she's thinking! Classic! Plus Buffy looks so cute in it!

Episode Name: Graduation Day - Season: Three
Synopsis: "While the Mayor prepares for his diabolical transformation on graduation day, Buffy battles Faith to save Angel's life. As the hours tick away to graduation, the impending doom of the Mayor's ascension hangs heavy with the gang. With Angel near death, Buffy must risk her own life in an effort to save his."
Reason for watching: Well this episode has just got everything, explosions, dying loved ones, big slayer fights, loss of virginity! What more could u ask for! When everybody fights it just gets me everytime! Such a good episode!

Episode Name: The Freshman - Season: Four
Synopsis: "While Willow blossoms in the college environment, Buffy has a difficult time adjusting, and her Slaying suffers because of it."
Reason for watching: I think Sunday was such a cool vamp! It has a lot of issues that lots of people encounter when starting college/uni for the first time and it also has some very funny lines in it! Made me giggle!

Episode Name: Beer Bad - Season: Four
Synopsis: "Buffy drowns her sorrows by drinking with some upperclassmen, but Xander grows concerned when they start to get in touch with their primordial roots."
Reason for watching: Hehehe cave woman Buffy! Enough said.? OK so most people don't particulary like this episode but i think its very very funny. Especially the scenes with cave woman Buffy beating up Parker! "Parker Baaaaad!"

Episode Name: Something Blue - Season: Four
Synopsis: "A spell by Willow goes awry, causing Giles to go blind and Buffy and Spike to fall in love and get engaged."
Reason for watching: Sooooooo very funny and yet heart wrenching at the same time. You feel terrible for Willow yet everything she creates is so very funny! Plus its the start of Spike/Buffy love... kinda! Oooh and yay D'Hoffryn!

Episode Name: Hush - Season: Four
Synopsis: "After the residents of Sunnydale lose the power of speech, Buffy battles strangely silent assailants alongside an incredulous Riley."
Reason for watching: A very original and well written episode, its amazing how entertaining an episode with no speech can be!

Episode Name: Who Are You - Season: Four
Synopsis: "While Buffy is mistakenly kidnapped by the Watcher's Council, Faith wreaks havoc in Buffy's life."
Reason for watching: I love this episode so much, as much episodes with Buffy and Faith in it the better! I love the way Faith wrecks Buffy's life and Buffy get's to experience how crappy Faith's is!

Episode Name: The Body - Season: Five
Synopsis: "Buffy and the gang are overcome by grief when tragedy strikes and they are robbed of someone they hold dear."
Reason for watching: Its just so sad, make's me sad just thinking bout it. I think its very well written and really deals with the issue of death very responsibly and truthfully.

Episode Name: Forever - Season: Five
Synopsis: "Buffy is comforted by Angel, who comes back to Sunnydale after he hears of Joyce's death. Meanwhile, Dawn decides to perform a spell to bring her mom back to life."
Reason for watching: Buffy and Angel goodness, also we really see how much Spike cares for Dawn and helps her through things and we see Buffy break down and its just so sad.

Episode Name: The Gift - Season: Five
Synopsis: "Buffy must square off against a true god when Glory prepares to use Dawn to break down the walls between the dimensions and unleash Hell on Earth."
Reason for watching: Uh hello?! The 100th episode and it ends with a very important death. Need i say more?

Episode Name: Once More With Feeling - Season: Six
Synopsis: "A mysterious force impels the Scooby Gang to burst into song, revealing their true feelings. Buffy admits that she was pulled out of heaven, and she and Spike share a kiss. Musical episode, with the cast doing their own vocals."
Reason for watching: Its a musical! So funny and sad in parts. Very revealing and just really very funny to watch them all dancing around!

Episode Name: Tabula Rasa - Season: Six
Synopsis: "Despite Tara's misgivings about her overindulgence in magic, Willow does a spell that goes awry and gives the Scoobies amnesia. This is the last straw for Tara, who breaks up with Willow and moves out."
Reason for watching: Quite cool how things could turn out! Very funny stuff but the ending kills me everytime! :'(

Episode Name: Grave - Season: Six
Synopsis: "Giles faces off with Willow, but she drains him of his powers. This much power causes her to feel all the suffering in the world, so she decides to end it — the world, that is. Xander finally gets through to her, and he saves the day by doing so."
Reason for watching: Its so sad to watch Willow go off the deep end yet oddly entertaining! I love witchy willow and its nice to have a finale thats not all about the slayer.

Episode Name: Him - Season: Seven
Synopsis: "Dawn and Buffy (and then Willow and Anya) fall for the school quarterback, whose jacket is enchanted. Meanwhile, Xander and Spike become reluctant roommates."
Reason for watching: Another very very funny episode! Loving Willow trying to turn him into a woman! Its quite lighthearted amoungst all the seriousness of the rest of the season.

Episode Name: Storyteller - Season: Seven
Synopsis: "Andrew films the Scoobies for a documentary on Buffy, while Sunnydale High is rocked by a sudden outbreak of student violence. Xander and Anya reconsider their relationship."
Reason for watching: Andrew is a god!! He's just so funny and its a very Andrew-centric episode! Also vital in the whole "the first" story line. Plus i love seeing things from his very funny perspective!

Episode Name: End of Days - Season: Seven
Synopsis: "Faith and some of the Potentials are injured by a bomb. Buffy retrieves a mystic scythe and uses it against Caleb; Angel turns up to give her a hand."
Reason for watching: Its Angelicious my friends! So good and Caleb just annoys me so i love it when he has to 'Split'!!! Also a nice loada action and Buffy regain's the upper hand on things.

Episode Name: Chosen - Season: Seven
Synopsis: "Buffy comes up with a plan: The gang makes an attack on the First's army, aided by Willow, who performs a powerful spell to imbue all of the Potentials with Slayer powers. Meanwhile, wearing the amulet that Angel brought, Spike becomes the decisive factor in the victory, and Sunnydale is eradicated. Buffy and the gang look back on what's left of Sunnydale, deciding what to do next...
Reason for watching: Its the last ever episode! Thats reason enough! Plus its just such a good ending and full of action and sadness and witchy goodness! Oh i feel like crying just thinking bout it!

Episode synopsis from everything else is copy-right to me

be kind, rewind