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Angel: I mean, the last time I tourtured somebody, they didn't even have chainsaws.
Angel: I knew you'd like it, I found it in a quaint little shop girl.
Angel: Why Ms. Summers... You're beautiful!
Angel: Dru... Save me some!
Angel: Yeah baby, I'm back!
Buffy: There's something you forgot about too... sunrise. It's in about nine hours moron!
Buffy: Hi! I'm an enormous slut. Hello! Would you like a copy of the watch tower?
Buffy: God! I'm so mentally challenged.
Buffy: What are you doing here? Five words or less!
Spike: Out. For. A. Walk... Bitch!
Dracula: You are magnificent.
Buffy: I bet you say that before you bite all the girls.
Drusilla: Do it again! Do it again!
Drusilla: You see Miss Edith... If you've been good you could watch with the rest.
Drusilla: Psst... We're going to destroy the world... want to come?
Drusilla: This is so disapointing.
Drusilla: Where have you been? The sun is almost up and it can be so hurtful.
Faith: Before we get started, I just want you to know, if you're a screamer... feel free!
Faith: Finally decided to tie me up huh? I always knew you weren't really a one slayer guy.
Faith: What you gunna do B? Kill me? You become me. You're not ready for that... yet.
Spike: Thats right, I'm back and I'm a bloody animal.. yeah!
Spike: The biggest, badest, mother...ahh!!
Spike: And your what? Shocked and disappointed? I'm evil!
Spike: The girl needs some monster in her man... and that's not in your nature.
Willow: Thats right puppy, Willow's gunna make you bark!
Willow: I love this part.
Xander: You love all the parts.
Xander: You're in love with a vampire, what are you out of your mind?!
FBuffy: Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know why I don't? Because it's wrong.
FBuffy: So Willow's not driving stick anymore. Who would have thought?
FBuffy: Spike? Spike. William the Bloody with a chip in his head. I kind of love this town.