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reasons for loving season one

1. It's the beginning of a very long obsession, it’s what got me hooked.
2. Angel. I can remember the exact moment that I first saw "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and I said to my mum "Oh my god that man is so fit!". From then on I had to watch it every time for him and for just how totally cool the programme was!
3. My domain and main website is named after one of my favourite scenes in "Welcome to the hellmouth" when Buffy and Angel first meet. He says "I know what you're thinking, but don't worry, I DON'T BITE!"
4. Buffy and Angel loving! I'm a big B/A shipper and this is when all the magic began. When they knew it was wrong and tried to resist temptation.
5. Buffy's first death. So heartbreaking and yet so cool when she's revived... "Oh look, a bad guy!"
6. The very funny dialogue, especially from Xander, he really shined in Season's one and two.
7. It just seemed so original and different to everything that was on when it first began.
8. The laughable clothes! Soooo 90's! Plus apparently my male friends love it because SMG always used to wear *tiny tiny* skirts and knee boots!
9. Willow's geekyness
10. Everything. The storylines, outfits, characters, dialogue, fight scenes, the whole shebang!

be kind, rewind