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Episode Name: Sanctuary
Season: One
General gist: Everyone's out to get Faith, including Buffy, who makes a visit to LA to help Angel. Upon arrival she discovers he's helping Faith. The police are also out looking for Faith, not to mention the watchers council! Angel must help Faith seek redemption and avoid being killed!

Best bits: Heartbreaking moment between Buffy and Angel and great fighting on the roof!
Reason to watch: An episode with Buffy and Faith... what more reason do you need?! OK how bout loadsa violence and Faith looking pouty!

Favorite quotes:

Wes: Bitch. Not you, obviously.

Buffy: So you decided to punish her with a severe cuddling.

Faith: I screwed her. Not to mention her boyfriend, only him literally.
Angel: Faith you and I never...
Faith: No, not you, the new one.

Angel: Everything OK in there?
Faith: It was touch and go for those four minutes you left me alone but somehow I got through it!

Faith: What you gunna do? Throw me off the roof... again?!

be kind, rewind