Episode Name: Rm w/a vu
Season: One
General gist: Cordelia's fed up of living in a cockroach infested apartment and comes to stay with Angel, beggining him
to help her find somewhere to stay. Doyle finds her a top notch apartment, but not is all as it seems as she apparently has a room mate of
the supernatural kind who doesnt appreciate her being there!
Best bits: Cordelia's "the bitch is back" speech!
Reason to watch: The introduction of phatom dennis who i love! Plus classic Cordelia which is always good!
Favorite quotes:
MAUDE: You don’t have friends. Why would anybody care about you? Nobody really cares. You don’t deserve to
live here. You don’t deserve anything.
Doyle: Ah - Angel Investigations. We hope you’re helpless. – No, wait, that’s…
Cordelia: I’m not a sniveling whiny little Cry-Buffy. I’m the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history.
I take crap from no one.
Maude: You're going to make yourself a noose and put it around...
Cordelia: Back off! Polygrip. You think you’re bad? All mean and haunty? Picking on poor pathetic Cordy? Well,
get ready to haul your wrinkly translucent ass out of this place, because lady, the bitch is back.