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2. In 'The Harsh Light of Day' what is the Gem of Amara suppose to do?
Kill vampires Make whoever wears it invincible All the above None of the above
3. In 'Fear, Itself', who is dressed as what?
Buffy as Little Red Riding Hood, Xander as James Bond, Willow as Joan of Ark and Oz as Oz Willow as Little Red Riding Hood, Xander as God, Buffy as Joan of Ark and Oz as James Bond Xander as James Bond, Buffy as Little Red Riding Hood, Oz as God, and Willow as Joan of Ark
4. In 'Pangs', what special even is going on?
Thanksgiving Christmas Easter
5. In 'Hush' how long has Tara been practicing Witchcraft?
Always "Since I, um, was little" Since her mom died a & b c & b
6. In 'A New Man' which birthday of Buffy's is everyone celebrating?
17 18 19
7. In 'Goodbye Iowa' what is the code the Initiative give for Spike?
Hostile 16 Hostile 17 Hostile 18
8. In 'This Year's Girl' what does Faith dream about?
Buffy chasing her Cigars and a tunnel Both the above None of the above
9. In 'Primeval' what room is the secret lab behind?
413 314 313
10. In 'Restless' what does Xander say (in his dream) to Principle Snyder right before getting up and leaving?
"Did I ever tell you how happy I was you were eaten by a snake?" "I'm leaving now" "I'm getting a cramp"
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