Objective: You must prove your BTVS season three knowledge and answer 7 questions correctly or you will be a big zeppo! JavaScript required!
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Buffy Faith Kendra Kennedy
2. In which of the following episodes does Buffy not dream of Angel?
Faith, Hope and Trick Anne Revalations None of the above
3. In which episode does spike return?
Graduation Revalations Lover's Walk He doesn't
4. In which episode does Xander say; “Well, I just wanted to say that your impersonation of an inanimate object is really coming along. ”?
Beauty and the Beasts Dead Man's Party Helpless The Prom
5. In which episode does Xander and Willow play footsie?
The Prom Band Candy Lovers Walk Revalations
6. "Touch me and I'll kill you" Who did Buffy say that to?
Xander Angel Giles Spike
7. Who referred to Giles as a cross-referencing fool?
Buffy Willow Cordelia Xander
8. Who's eleven hundred and twenty years old and just wants a friggin' beer!
Spike Kralic Angel Anya
9. Who is Willow talking about when she says "I think we broke her!
Debbie Cordelia Buffy Amy
10. Who is this quote about; "When he rises... you'll wish I'd killed you all."
Mayor Wilkins Angelus Balthazar Acathla
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