August 2005
Kinda relaunched the site with loads of new content, brand spanking new design and graphics! Took me ages but hopefully everythings updated and I hope everyone enjoys it! I got rid of the counter as I don't feel I need it anymore, also same with the polls and the tag board has gone as it was just open for spammers!
June 2005
New site design again along with some new content and just generally keeping things going. A lot of new icons and art as thats what I mostly do with my time at the mo. I've finished uni and looking for a job, also quite busy with my Livejournal communities so less time for other stuff but I'm still adding stuff and the site is really not dead! In fact I just renewed my domain so don't fear! :)
October 2004
Big site re-design again! Brand new style and layout so I hope you all like it. Super busy at uni so trying really hard to
keep up with all the updates! New content on the way too. I still haven't got the net in my house yet so not being able to
do lots of updates but I'm working on it!
August 2004
I've had a major cull of my sites recently. Closed about three down but I have opened another two up so I'm making up for
it. Got bored with the awards site, we were getting quite popular but I just can't be bothered with it anymore. Opened up a
review site called Biteable and also I now own a SMG site
which is rather cool. Apart from that I'm doing really well with the picture galleries surprisingly enough! Also worked on
some new content and more on the way. Going back to uni soon so there will be a slight break while I’m internet free but I'll
be back with loads of new content!
July 2004
Well there are big changes going on! I've completely re-designed the site, I think the navigation is far superior now
and I think the site looks much more professional. I've done similar re-designs on two of my other sites too. I'm
very very proud of how it all turned out, I’ve put so many hours of work into doing it and I hope it all paid off.
I've moved host's as the others were ripping me off so hopefully things will be good with the new ones :s the bad point
about this move and redesign is that I have to start all over again with the picture galleries! Grrr! Anyway that’s this
months news.
June 2004
Happy 2yr Birthday to us! Two years at my domain! I can't believe it! :) Anyway I’ve got another new layout up! I'm
obsessed I know! More time to work on the site in theory as I’m back home from uni. I've got to do work experience, work and
work on my final year project but hey! I love being busy! HA! Yeah right! Anyway sorting out the gallery's more and thinking
about closing one of my other sites and opening a new one. If anyone's interested in helping me out then please
contact me.
April 2004
Well Uni has really manipulated a lot of my time as usual and it doesn’t help that for some unknown reason my laptop is refusing to
go online. I've had a few traumas since October, broke up with my long term boyfriend which destroyed me for a while and I had no
motivation for anything, also a lot of work as I’m in 2nd yr, and just a whole of general crap to deal with. I'm better now, back for
Easter, got a lovely new boyfriend and once exams are out of the way I’ve got all summer. Trying to decided what to do with all my site's
at the mo. I know I won't have much time for them next year what with it being my final year but I really don't want to close any. And
with Angel being cancelled means there won't be much new stuff around. I'm thinking bout keeping this site as just a general site still about
all the cast members or something. Not too sure.
October 2003
Well I’m back at uni so I didn’t have the net for like a month until we sorted it in our house which was killing me! I've made
a new B/A layout which I’m well happy with and I’ve been trying to expand the Ats content in the site and I've have so many pictures
to add its stupid! I think I’ve managed to add a lot of content which I’m happy of because I did want people to like the site for its
content as well as its layouts which seems to be happening. I've been getting positive feedback about stuff which has made me so happy!
I even won an award for best content which I never thought would happen! There’s a lot more to do and there's no way I’ll be closing
down anytime soon!
July 2003
Well I’ve created another new layout! I can't help it! I get bored easily! This one is using screen caps from the
episode Beer Bad. I quite liked this episode purely because Buffy looks so cool as a cave woman! lol. I know most people don't
like the ep but I hope everyone likes the layout! I've put a new poll up asking what everyone wants to see more of content
wise in the site so I can expand and give the people what they want! I've added a lot of fan art and wallpapers recently and
I think people have liked them too. I'm quite happy with the way the site is progressing, seem to be getting more popular and
more and more hits every day which is making me very happy! :) We also won best Buffy site at the Judgement awards which means
a lot to me as they are well known and respected in Buffy circles so I was so proud about that. Anyway here's hoping we grow
and grow!
June 2003
Well I listened to the poll and created two new layouts featuring Buffy and Spike and the other with Angel and Buffy.
These were the two most popular ideas for a new design and I couldn’t choose so I created both of them I was quite pleased
how they both turned out and everyone seemed to like them. I've added lots more content in the random section with a few of
my weird little ideas! I'm planning on expanding the content even more, trying to come up with new ideas. I haven’t focused
on the galleries so much at the moment but I will try and finish putting them all online. Even though the end of Buffy has been and gone
this site will not close. Who knows, I may even try and put more angel stuff here as its not been cancelled.