Lilah Morgan is the ruthless, devious, and cut-throat lawyer from Wolfram & Hart that always seems to interfere with the AI gang's plans. We first see her trying to make a deal with Angel in "The Ring." She later became co-head of the Special Project division at Wolfram & Hart. We don't really know anything about her past. She's single, and very goal oriented - spending all of her time trying to further her career. Wesley was the only man she ever became involved with seriously. Otherwise, the only time she ever got hot and heavy with anyone was Angel. But to be fair, it wasn't really him in his body. The contract she signed with Wolfram & Hart extends after death, giving them the power to use her any way they see fit. They use her once, as a messenger, to give Angel the opportunity of a lifetime. Just not her lifetime.
Lilah Quotes:
Season 1
"Green is my favourite colour. I look good in diamonds, and I love riding in limousines."
"Remember when Robert Price let the senior partners down and they made him eat his liver? I don't know what made me think of that."
Season 2:
"I heard, Henderson actually pulled her first born out of company day care and offered it up too. Brown-noser! My mother was right, I should've had children."
Season 3:
"Oh, like your 'lets torment Angel with building code violations' idea? Uh, so Machiavellian! We'll just down him in red tape."
"Vampire, cursed by gypsies who restored his soul. Destined to atone for centuries of evil, wacky sidekicks, yada, yada. I'd have him killed myself, except the people I work for have this 'policy."
"So what we're dealing with is a single-minded vengeance machine with a blood lust to match. That's just so awesome."
Season 4:
"Sun's bad for your complexion. Ask Angel."
"Good news is, you might've done me a favor. Soon as he dried off, Angel kicked Connor out of the hotel. Poor little guy, friendless, like Connor's gonna need someone who cares, like a big sister, or a...Mrs. Robinson, if that's what he's into. I thought you liked the bad girls, Wes."
"Oh, God. The return of the moral high ground? This is that 'guilt is it's own punishment' thing, isn't it?"
"If I'd thought you'd ever trust me, I would've never played you like that."
"It's my inner megalomaniac. I, uh, rebel at serving coffee."
Quotes said about Lilah:
Angel: You screw with me and you screw with me, screw with me. And now, I get to screw with you.
Angel: And you're an evil bitch.
Cordelia: You, who are actually responsible for the entire thing, feel nothing at all, because you are a vicious bitch.
Lorne: I think not speaking would be a really good look for you.
White Room Girl: Your fingernails are pretty. I love red. You have a taste for red too...and revenge. I know. It's so much more fun than forgiveness."
Cordelia: I know. Why do you think I let him out, you stupid bitch?
Lorne: Wesley, would you please warn this walking infection that I haven't forgotten how she poked my head open like a Capri-Sun. And while my love for humanity allows me to tolerate her presence, if need be I will smack her down! Be a doll. Thanks.
Angelus: Boo! Oh, and Lilah, I had such high hopes for us; your devious mind, my killer instincts. What a team we would have made.