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oh how i hate that farm boy

Long time visitors and friends of mine and the site will already know that I have a huge dislike/hatred for Riley and despite him being gone for a long time now I still feel the need to rant about him! It could be that I’ve been re-watching season 4 and 5 episodes quite a bit and it’s renewed my hatred for him. I'm definitely a B/A shipper all the way but I can tolerate other Buffy relationships, well ok that’s a lie. I quite like some aspects of Buffy and Spike but as a whole, when it comes down to it methinks Buffy should be with Angel always. So therefore you may think that my hatred for Riley is because I’m just bitter that she's not with Angel. Well in some aspects yes. I hate him because he's taken Buffy away from Angel. Yeah I know angel left her but I mean it in a different way. Her heart wholly belonged to Angel and then Riley came along and took a part of it away from him. However this isn’t the only reason I hate him. I also dislike him because he's just such a farm fed Iowa boy, all pure and good and this is not how Buffy like's her men. In the words of Spike "She likes a little monster in her man" . I firmly believe this. Many people may argue that Riley was good for Buffy because he never caused her any real heartache and made her cry like Angel did. I don't agree. When there's no arguing or fighting or crying then there shows there's no real passion in a relationship. If you can't be bothered to argue with a person then I think it just shows that you don't care enough to feel angry. Angel's whole speech in season two about Passion is definitely something I agree with. There just wasn’t any passion between them and that’s what made it so easy for her to get over it when he left her. There was no running away and crying for hours. There was no real strong emotion and that’s why he wasn’t really a big threat.

Another reason I hate him is of course the whole him being a vamp junkie! What was that about?! The man knows how evil etc vamps are yet he becomes a blood junkie. It’s just so very stupid and showed the weakness of his character. He wasn’t man enough for the slayer and he soon came to realise this. Personally I think Adam would have been more suited to the Buffmiester! Ooh and another thing... Riley up and left when Buffy needed support the most. When her mother was ill and eventually died. He didn’t come back for the funeral. Yeah yeah he may have been "un-reachable" but still. If he cared enough about her he would have tried to find out how her mother was. Anyway... I suppose it all ended well, at least he got married which meant he wouldn’t be coming back to bother our girl.

Visitors Comments:

Lily : "There's nothing like rewatching S4+5 to reignite the Riley-hatred :D My god, he's soo annoying. Jumping out at Buffy like an attention starved puppy and whining on and on. Her mother's dying for &*^ sake! God, what a loser. I remember my whoop of sheer joy when Riley told Xander that he knew Buffy didn't love him cos I knew he was gone. Wow, I really feel better too. This is great, you're practically providing a community service here, rofl :)"

GMB loves Angel : "I HATE RILEY! He's so self-centered and whining about how Buffy's not paying attention to him, while at the same time, she's struggling with her mom being seriously ill. I'm a serious B/A, but Spike got my respect there, when he put aside his own wants and comforted her when she went through such a rough time. Riley puts his orders and the initiative before Buffy, he even accused her of murdering Walsh, even though Walsh had in fact tried to murder her. In the beginning I hated him for being the substitute, but he made it to the top of my hate-list just being himself. He's about himself all the time, he can't handle her being stronger than him. She's stronger than Angel and Spike as well, but *they* can handle it. And the fact that he doesn't trust her. Angel doesn't like Riley one bit when he comes down face to face, but he trusts her. Riley was being so childish, refusing to leave Buffy and angel alone in her room, like he could stop it if she wanted to dump him! Anyway... Riley SUCKS! Why they had to bring him back for one episode I will never know... GRRRRRRRR"

Kat : "I think we can all say that Riley was brought into Buffy to fill Angels place. Which was just wrong! Riley is a big, drugged up, cow-loving, farm boy soldier who thinks he's like a superhero or something!"

Sensue: "I just keep remembering the part in "Hush" where he smashed the wrong thing and Buffy had to tell him it was the box. That was really stupid of him. Of course, it's going to be the box with the weird writing on it. DUH, Riley!"

Nikole: "I LOVE RILEY!!!!!111!!! heehee. Just not with Buffy."

Lauren Jeanie: "I like every pairings thrown at us on the show, hinted at, or things that fans come up with that make no sense at all. I love everything from Angel/Buffy to Giles/Oz. BUT, my only hatred is... you guessed it: Riley! I cannot stand him. He is so "innocent" and "sweet" that it makes me sick. I did not like him with Buffy at all. I wanted to reach into the television and shove him off the nearest cliff. That bastard never loved her anyway! He abandoned her for sex with vampire or something (I saw the episode twice, but I still don't quite understand what he was really doing) and then he ran away to another country! He was so not right for her. Anyone but him would have made her life more bearable (preferably Angel). I Hate Riley Finn."

Shadowhawke: "Riley is totally unsuited for Buffy, and I hate it how self-centred he is when her mother is dying! I mean, get over it! She's stronger than you, and she doesn't need you to protect her! (Spuffy all the way!!!)"

Liv Sol: "I hated Riley from the first time I saw him on BtVS. Then I thought, hey, prejudice much? Maybe the fact that he looks inane has nothing to do with his personality. Well, my first impression turned out to be correct all the way. He's stupid, he's whiny, he's ugly and he doesn't deserve Buffy. And the main reason I hesitate to buy season 4 & 5 on DVD is because then I'll have to see him again and get all upset. And oh yeah: when I watched BtVS for the first time on television, I couldn't wait for the next episode, 'cause I was hoping he'd die a terrible, terrible death. Or something like that."

Binka: "In some ways I agree lulu, but i think the important thing to realize is she used him. She never loved him. He was easy and safe and a stepping stone to let her move on (not away from angel, cos I'm with you in the whole b+a=OTP thing) but to actually let her have a life. you know, to not just wallow. I think it was a very real relationship, as much as it didn't make exquisite viewing. but I can't say I hate Riley. I'm mostly just blah about him. every now and again he said something amusing. Sort of.... hmmm"

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By the way I stand by my comments but I just print the comments I get sent! Don't blame me if you don't like the visitor comments, I only take the blame for my insults!

be kind, rewind