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Episode Name: Earshot
Season: Three
General gist: Buffy gets blood of a demon on her when she kills one of them and it turns out that she gets infected with an "aspect" of the demon. This being telepathy. She starts hearing everyone’s thoughts and she hears in the cafeteria that someone plans on killing everyone at school the next day. The voices get too strong and apparently if it doesn’t go away it'll drive her insane. With Buffy in bed and going crazy it’s up to the Scooby’s to find the killer before its too late.

Best bits: Buffy and angel's little talk when she's trying to find out what he thinks of faith but she can't read his thoughts. Very romantic and funny. Also just Xander in general thinking about sex all the time!
Reason to watch: Season 3 was the best season in my opinion and this is just a classic. Good dialogue and quotes and Buffy looks hot in it! Tackles some very real issues in America today and it’s just an all round very funny and dramatic episode
Favorite quotes:

ANGEL: Hey, I won't let anything happen to you if I can help it. No matter what, I'll always be with you. Hey, I'll love you even if you're covered with slime.

BUFFY: Is this the thing? The aspect thing? Because I gotta say, if it is, it is way better than a tail. I mean, I have a hard enough time finding jeans that fit right.

BUFFY: Look, the thing about Faith, I'd understand. You know, she has, you know, that whole bad girl thing working for her.
ANGEL: Kissing her meant nothing. I don't want a bad girl. I've done that before. I've lived a long time Buffy, and I'm past that. I've been with dozens of girls like her. More.
BUFFY: Oh this honesty stuff is fun.
ANGEL: I mean, there's no comparison. In two-hundred-forty-three years, I've loved exactly one person.
BUFFY: is me right?

ANGEL: And Buffy, be careful with this gift. A lot of things that seem strong and good and powerful, they can be painful.
BUFFY: Like say, immortality?
ANGEL: Exactly, I'm dying to get rid of that.
BUFFY: Funny.
ANGEL: I'm a funny guy.

XANDER: (V.O.) What am I gonna do? I think about sex all the time! Sex! Help! 4 times 5 is thirty. 5 times 6 is 32. Naked girls. Naked Women! Naked Buffy! Oh stop me!
BUFFY: God Xander! Is that all you think about?
XANDER: Actually... bye.

BUFFY: Why are you...? You had sex with Giles?! YOU HAD SEX WITH GILES?!
JOYCE: It was the candy! We were teenagers!
BUFFY: On the hood of a police car?!?
JOYCE: I'll be downstairs. You feel better.

WILLOW: So you're feeling better about Angel?
BUFFY: Well, we talked, and then he ripped out the heart of a demon and fed it to me, and then we talked some more.
WILLOW: See! That's how it should work!

GILES: Feel up to some training?
BUFFY: Sure. We can work out after school. You know, if you're not too busy having sex with my MOTHER!

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