Season 1, Episode "I Will Remember You", The Kiss in Sunlight
This is definitely one of my all time favourite B/A scenes. The moira demon just turned Angel human and after eating a large amount of food he sets off to find Buffy. She's out in the sunshine and suddenly turns round, like she can feel his presence and along he comes. He walks straight out of the shadows and into the sunlight and just kisses Buffy passionately in the sunshine. It's so romantic and beautiful. A scene that all B/A shippers waited for, to see they're favourite couple finally in the sunshine in a passionate embrace. Beautiful.
Season 1, Episode "5 x 5", Faith dancing in a club
I adore faith so much and I love it when she dances like a slut!! This scene was so good and very Faith. She's dancing in a club to a wicked song ("Living Dead Girl" by "Rob Zombie" if you’re interested!) and tries to steal a bloke off some girl. The girl doesn't appreciate this and Faith smacks her in the face and starts a fight. She dances like nobody's watching and I love that. Even though a huge fight is occurring around her she carries on dancing whilst beating the crap outta everyone! It's such a violent and wicked scene. Plus she's wearing this wicked top in it, which I just love! :p
Season 1, Episode "City of", Drunk Angel
This is right at the beginning of the episode and show's off Angel's acting skills when he pretends to be a drunken idiot at a bar when he's really just watching a group of vampire's chatting up some girls who are soon to be their dinner! He's sitting on a bar stool talking drunkenly about a blonde "hottie" girl and is clearly off his face to the people around him. As the vamp's leave he follows them and kicks the crap outta them and has this cool little contraption where stakes come out of his sleeves!
Season 1, Episode "In the dark", Spikes monologue
This has to be the single funniest scene of all and Buffy and Angel combined in my opinion! Spike's come to LA and he's spying on Angel from above and is watching him talk to a girl who he just saved. Spike looks down on them and makes up his own dialogue of how he thinks the conversation is going! It’s bloody brilliant and just rips it out of Angel completely. Defiantly one of my all time favourite scenes!
Season 1, Episode "Sanctuary", The end scene with Buffy and Angel
This episode was a heartbreaker to some B/A shippers I think. Faith always seems to get in between the two of them and she defiantly did in this episode. Even though I love B/A I still thought this episode was really well done. It was a heartbreaker but so well acted and written in my opinion. I love it when there's a Buffy/Angel/Faith story arc and this is no exception. The last scene broke my heart so much when they're such bitches to each other but they both had it coming. Though I did make me feel better when Angel went over to see Buffy to make up!
Season 1, Episode "She", Angel and Wes dancing
"She" as a whole isn't an amazingly good episode in my opinion but the party scene at Cordelia's with Angel and Wes dancing is just classic! They are so very very funny! I just love the way they dance and embarrass themselves so much! Its just pure comedy and they look so cute!!