Eviiiill Vampire Willow
Evil vampire willow is definitely one of my favourite evil characters. I loved the episodes 'the wish' and 'Doppellgangland' as she was so very cool in them! The brief history of it is that in the episode 'the wish' Cordelia wished for a world without Buffy and in this dimension without the slayer willow and Xander had been turned into vampires. This is the main focus of the storyline as they are very powerful servants of the master and they basically rock! Vampire willow is a bit weird and into pain and making a rather dirty and tortured Angel suffer! It's all very kinky and cool and her relationship with Xander is very bizarre. Her evil character then returns in the episode 'Doppellgangland' as Anya and willow accidentally bring vampire willow to their own dimension where she tries to wreak havoc and take over the bronze and make things how they are in her world. It's all very cool and there's a wicked moment when vamp willow comes on to normal willow and licks her and later normal willow says 'She's so evil, and skanky... and I think she's kinda gay!', which of course was an indication of her characters future relationship with a woman! Well evil willow is all very cool and kinky and into wearing tight leather and torturing and playing games with Angel, Xander and poor innocent humans!
Evil rating: 8/10
Glory was a hell god who was exiled from her own dimension when the other gods that she ruled with felt threaten by her power and thought she was becoming too strong and after a long battle they won. She was banished to our reality forced to share a body with a mortal male, Ben. Glory was the big bad for season 5 and she was pretty psychotic! She liked to suck peoples brains out which stopped her from being quite so crazy. One of the worst things she did (in my opinion as a big Tara fan!) was that she managed to suck Tara's brain which left Tara like a crazy person! As big and bad evil goes I think she was pretty evil as she's one of the few evil's that Buffy's faced that managed to hurt one of the Scooby’s. She was also very powerful and was only defeated when Buffy beat her to a bloody pulp and she went back inside and Ben emerged. Buffy was too nice to kill him so Giles had to do it for her! Overall I think she was pretty bad as she had good fashion sense, she was a god and she was bloody insane! However not one of my favourites.
Evil rating : 5/10
Eviiiill Vampire Xander
Vamp Xander only appears in one episode of BTVS which was 'the wish' when Cordelia wished that Buffy had never come to sunnydale which resulted in an alternate reality where things were a lot darker and the vamps, led by the master, were in control of the town. And sitting at his right side was Xander and Willow. Xander was oh so sexy in this episode, being all evil and kinky with willow. He takes revenge on Cordelia for all those pained years of high school torture and kills her right in front of Giles. He's so very sexy in leather in my humble opinion and they sooo should bring him back! However he doesn’t do much evil, and seems more into watching willow torture Angel than anything else but u got to give him bonus points for being so goddamn sexy! However he does come to a miserable end, being staked by Buffy without a second thought!
Evil rating : 6/10
Angelus is definitely my favourite evil character. Maybe it’s because he's so sexi or maybe it’s just the leather!! He first appears in the episode Surprise when, after having sex with Buffy for the first time Angel looses his soul. The first time we see him on screen as Angelus is my favourite. He's so sexi and evil and you can tell from that first line, "I feel just fine", that all is not going be well for Buffy and the gang. Angelus is definitely one of the most evil characters that have been on Buffy. We learn of his past and the terrible things he did such as turning Drusilla insane and then into a vampire. Then when he turned evil he started doing all the terrible things to Buffy. This of course made amazingly entertaining television. Ok so I love the slayer but it’s so much more fun when she's in turmoil. Though I am a big B/A shipper so it broke my heart but the leather made up for it! Tee hee hee is anyone noticing a leather theme?! Ahem.. Moving swiftly on.. Oh yeah this was the main time we saw Angel evil but luckily the writers have been able to bring him back occasionally in flash backs and in other episodes such as Enemies when he pretends to be evil to get information from faith. That is one of my personal favourite episodes. He of course has been heavily featured in a few seasons of Ats which I just adored!
Evil rating : 10/10
As evil goes I suppose Adam was a killing fiend but he was lacking a certain something in my opinion. He was just a programmed machine and lacked a real lust and enjoyment for the kill, he wasn’t very creative as he was created for just the purpose of killing and creating an army. Personally I prefer more ingenious and passionate evil characters and Adam was lacking a certain something. However I did love the whole machine gun in his arm thing so you got to give him points for that!
Evil rating : 4/10
Poor old Sunday... only in one episode but oh what an episode! I loved the ep "The Freshman" and this is mostly because of Sunday! I just thought that she was beyond cool! The hair, the outfits, the way she spoke... everything! Her and her minions were wicked and I loved the way they operated and they were just typical student! Brilliant! As murdering fiends go she wasn’t too violent, more into feeding than murdering to hurt people, but still so cool! I even love the moment when she gets staked and looks down at her top as if to say 'Look what you've done to my top!'. Bring back Sunday is what I say!
Evil rating : 7/10
Ah how I love faith! The poor little twisted girl! The rogue slayer is a deadly thing and she's one of the worst evil characters there was! She has the power of the slayer and combined with her twisted and un-stable mental attitude she's a powerful weapon. Our first meeting of her is in "Faith, Hope, and trick" and it pretty much sum's her character up! She's a slutty, dancing queen who loves slaying and men and this is why I love her! Plus it’s the leather trousers and slutty outfits that just make her that much cooler than the rest! Kind of spoiled it when she turned all good and repenty but oh well!
Evil rating : 8/10
Well William the Bloody is a very long-standing character in Buffy and Angel. He started off as the very violent boyfriend of crazy insane Drusilla and has ended up being another vampire with a soul in love with Buffy! He's been on the show since season 2 and I definitely think they made the right choice in continuously bringing him back and making him a regular on Buffy and Angel. He's a very funny character and is very deadly, a very good ally and big bad at the same time. At first I didn’t like the whole Buffy/Spike love thing but it’s most definitely grown on me. He's most definitely a bad ass but he has softened once he got his soul back but is still there doing the damage to the demon kind!
Evil rating : 8/10
The Master
The Master was our big bad for season one of Buffy the vampire slayer but he has returned during flash back and ulternative universe episodes in other seasons. The master is the head of the order of aurelias and is one of the oldest vampires and his face is permenantly in vamp mode. It was written in a prophecy that the master would rise and kill the slayer. This happened but Buffy was brought back to life via CPR and proceeded to kill the master. The master also sired Darla who in turn sired Angelus. The master was definetly one of the biggest badest mofos! We don't really see him doing much of the killings that he is legendary for but we know that he is fearless and evil and commanded most of the vampires in sunnydale. He's not one of my favourite big bads but he does have a permenant place in Btvs history!
Evil rating : 7/10
Caleb was featured in season 7 and he was the first evil's little bitch! He was one of its weapons on earth, a perverted, murderous preacher who hated all women. He controlled and commanded the bringers and was made uber strong by the first. I loved his death the most about him! Again not one of my favourites but an evil bastard all the same.
Evil rating : 9/10
The First Evil
We first met the first evil in Amends when it was trying to convince Angel to kill himself. Not that exciting but it almost worked! The first is incorporeal and will only be corporeal when the balance between good and evil has tipped so that evil is winning. Hense the first evil decided to declare war on the world and create its ubervamps! It was a very good plan and all until the slayer came up with a better one. As evil goes I know its supposed to be the root of it and it does have an effect on others but hey its all talk and no trousers ;) Still I did find that story arc quite entertaining and it did force its minions to kill many and it convinced some of the potential slayers to kill themselves and doubt Buffy.
Evil rating : 7/10