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I was so angry when I saw the end of the season 7 episode of Empty Places. I couldn’t believe what everyone was saying to Buffy and how they actually threw her out of her own house! These people are supposed to be her best friends and they just turned on her. I especially couldn’t believe Giles and Willow. These are the people who supposedly love her the most. They cared enough to bring her back from heaven just so they could have her around. She died for these people on many occasions and has averted countless apocalypse’s and saved their lives, not to mention everyone else's, yet still they don't appreciate her judgement. How dare they throw her out of her own home. She's the only one apart from Xander who worked to give them income. It’s her house for god's sake! They all just lived there rent free, sitting around moaning about everything. Dawn was the worst about the whole thing. Now I do hate dawn quite a bit but she's started growing on me since she's gotten older. But how dare she throw her own sister out of her own home. Its not dawn's home. Dawn is just mystical energy and not even a real part of the Scooby’s or Buffy's family. She shouldn’t even exist. And how dare she be so terrible to her sister who died just so she could save that little brat. She's brought her up since her mother died after being ripped out of heaven but nothing is obviously enough for this girl. Buffy never made any doubt in anyone's mind that everything they do to try and defeat the first would be hard and many of them would die. Xander is always complaining that he's never allowed to do anything important, well now we know why because he goes and gets hurt and blames Buffy. It’s just terrible how they could betray her like they did. The only decent one out of the lot of them is Spike which is an odd thing for me to say! I was so glad when he came back and had a go at them all and made them feel terrible because that is what they deserved. I love it when he started fighting with Faith too. Though can't really blame Faith because she didn’t mean to turn everyone against Buffy. Anyway end of my rant...

Visitors Comments:

Kaitlyn : "I agree about 'empty places' no matter how bad the attack of Caleb went I couldn't believe that everyone would turn on Buffy. I mean it isn't like everyone else hasn't screwed up once in a while. I thought that everyone (especially Rona who I really can't stand') was really harsh, after everything Buffy had been through to just abandon her. I have a hard time believing the scoobies would instantly turn to Faith because hello? Evil bitch who tried to kill them. I was really proud of Spike when he appeared, and I was glad that Willow, Giles and the rest had the decency to look ashamed, they had no right to tell Buffy what to do, since she was always there for them. She had a job to do and yes she was sometimes mean and cranky but being in charge of all those girls wasn't easy on her. Besides in the end it was Buffy who had the last laugh since she found the thing(I'm wary of spoilers here) that could stop Caleb. Rock on Buffy."

GMB loves Angel : "I think Spike said it well enough for all of us, when he adressed this issue to the gang. I understand Joss for doing this though, as this really taught Faith about the aspects of leading, even managed to bring Buffy and Faith closer in the end, but I cried so hard for Buffy there..."

Jade: "I will never get over that scene. After seven years of incredibly hard work,they just turn against her. She had never once led them wrong before, they were all pretty much still there, weren't they? The ones that were gone were not Buffy's fault. I just sobbed my way through that, unable to believe them."

Lauren: "I felt a bit sorry for buffy but what anya said about her was true she does think shes better than everyone else ie. in When She was Bad. Also, spike only stuck up for her cos her fancies her! She could have killed all the potentials and he'd still stick up for her. I like buffy and she deserved to lead them into battle but she did need a few home truths. and remember when buffy told giles she didn't need him around nemore after all he'd done for her! Plus she blamed faith for it all when it wasn't faiths fault."

Remco:"It was a logical plot move. Buffy made a huge mistake before, and was making one again now. She was going to lead them in what maybe was going to be one more trap. Later it turns out that she was right all along, but they couldn't know that...and neither could Buffy. However, I think the gang overreacted by throwing her out. She's always been there for them, and there are other ways to show your dislike of the plan."

Jade:"In regards to Lauren: What Giles did for her? Abandon her when she needed him, so sweet of him. Yes, I get she had to grow into her own person, but he didn't have to leave the country. Also, I don't recall her putting the blame on Faith, she said, "It wasn't just Faith. It was all of them." And of course you stick up for the ones you loves if you believe they have been treated in a terrible way, which is what Spike did, quite justly."

Michael:"I really hated the end of that episode, too. But like someone said, it was a good plot point. I don't agree that it was to teach Buffy a lesson, though. She gains back the self-confidence she'd been missing for a long time. And she does it one her own. With Spike's help, of course. :) The Scoobies learn the lesson in that story, IMO. Giles finally accepts that he doesn't have all the answers. He never did. Faith learns that being a leader isn't all that it's cracked up to be and don't even get me started on the Potentials. Come on! Capture a bringer and interrogate him? Because they're *so* reliable and trustworthy. That plan was even more stupid than Buffy's! Does Buffy feel superior? Yes. Because they made her that way. It's a conditioned mentality. For seven years these people have looked at her to solve all their problems. Like she was some kind of mother. And then when she messes up or doesn't live up to their expectations, they rake her over the coals and have interventions. In the end, Buffy no longer holds her friends opinions above her own. She's her own woman. And a hero.

Jenna: "I can't believe them! Buffy saved the world for 7 years and protected them all for 7 years and after all she's been through for 7 years, they don't give her some respect and they dont even consider the options! They were wrong to just throw Buffy out of her house! I would've said, "Excuse me? This is my house! If you're gonna treat me like that, then you don't need to be here, so YOU can get out!"

Ling: "The only moment when I HATED the Scoobies! Esp. Molly and Willow, Dawn an Anya! Poor Buffy :("

Fray 101: "Quote from Xander in "Dirty Girls": But you doubt her motives, you think Buffy's all about the kill, then you take the little bus to battle. I've seen her heart, and this time-not literally. And I'm telling you, right now, she cares more about your lives than you will ever know. You gotta trust her. She's earned it." Quote from Xander in "Empty Places": "I'm trying to see your point here, Buff, but I guess it must be a little to my left... 'cause I just don't." Yes, I know he lost an eye (but then Buffy lost her life - TWICE) - but forgetful much?"

Morgan: "Let's face it, there were many "plot points" I'm sure we all disagreed with, but having all of Buffy's friends turn on her that way was simply ooc. The Potentials, Robin Wood, Anya and even Faith might turn on her, but Willow (who murdered Warren and Buffy still embraced?), or Giles (who is a sexy man who should be spanked now and then, I volunteer, but is her Watcher and should always stand by her), and Dawn (yeah, where does the "green ball of light" get off having ANY say)...I kinda forgive Xander 'cause he lost an eye and that's pretty traumatic so we can say it was the trauma talking, but rather than Buffy being tossed out, she should have told them all to sit and spin then walked out on her own. (Btw, I have my own rant about the whole "all Potentials are now Slayers" crud they did, but that's another rant for another day, lol.)"

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