Blair Provence
"The Abyss Series"
Buffy, Giles, Willow
and Xander cope with the events of the Spring Fling and a not-so-happy birthday.
B/G, NC17
Alternity Series"
The Ascension has passed, but greater threats are left
behind. Buffy and Giles are left to make decisions that no one in their life should
have to...
B/G, NC17
"Faith's Consequences"
What really drove Faith to join forces with the Mayor at the end of Consequences?
An episode gap-filler.
"The Futures Series"
This is potentally a new series focussing on Buffy and Giles, the year after
graduation. In this story, Buffy and Giles begin a new year, confronting
both promise and pain.
B/G, NC17