"Even Angels Do Stupid Guy Things"
Author: Pamela
Contact: destructo-girl@cox.net
"That was fun Sweetie, thank you." Buffy smiled as she and Angel walked to her front door.
Angel smiled back at her as he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her. "I'm glad you liked the movie."
"It was so sweet! I can't believe Kevin Costner is still hot at his age!"
"What?! How old is he? In his 40's? What about me? I'm pushing 250!"
Buffy laughed and kissed him. "Well, you're still a major hottie so you're exempt"
"Oh, I am?"
"Yup." Buffy grinned, looking deep into his chocolatey eyes. "So... what do you have planned for tomorrow?"
"I told you, it's a surprise."
Buffy pretended to pout. "Pweese? Just a little itty bitty hint?"
Angel shook his head sternly. "Nope."
Buffy sighed dramatically. "Fine."
Angel leaned down and kissed her again. "I'll call you and let you know when to be ready and what to be wearing tomorrow."
Buffy raised an eyebrow. "Is this just your way of controlling me?"
Angel moved a hand to his chest. "Oh! You figured me out!"
Buffy giggled. "I knew it!"
"I wonder where I slipped."
Buffy moved back over to him and rubbed up against him. "Come on, the suspense is killing me!"
"No." Angel replied firmly.
Buffy sighed again and opened her door. "You're such a pain sometimes."
Angel smiled. "You too Darla."
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he was toast.
Buffy's jaw dropped. "What?!"
"Uh... Darling... I meant... Uh... you're a pain sometimes too Darling."
Buffy crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, I'll give you pain!"
"Honey, I'm sorry, it was just a little accident."
"What? Were you thinking about her?"
"No! It's just that she and I spent practically an entire century together so it was... habit..."
"Habit?! Well, I think you better ditch the Darla habit and grow a Buffy one!" Buffy told him in an offended tone. "Remember that BUFFY is here; BUFFY is alive; BUFFY is shutting the door now!"
She slammed the door shut. He was in serious trouble.
Angel sat on the side of his bed, contemplating what to do. He needed to go into romance overdrive. Last year, Buffy had received a dozen beautiful roses from him, not a bad touch; unfortunately, the death threat that accompanied it kind of made it lose the effect.
"Let's see... candy! Candy is good! Chocolates! Buffy loves chocolate, and maybe I can find somewhere to order more roses than I already had coming." Angel said aloud. "But I need something else... something really special..."
After a while more of fruitless brainstorming, Angel sighed and decided to call in reinforcements. He looked at a list of telephone numbers Buffy had given him of places she could be reached. Reluctantly, he dialed the number.
"Oh good, Cordelia, you're home." Angel said.
"Well, it's a Saturday night, I suppose I could be on a date- but oh! I am dating Xander, the king of all losers!"
Angel chuckled, never one not to enjoy a good Xander-bashing.
"Angel, why are you calling? Is something wrong with Buffy?"
"Well... Not wrong exactly... you see, she's really angry, and I need your help..."
The End