Author: Nymue
Email: mllenymue@aol.com
Notes: text enclosed in /…/ is a flashback to Buffy's confession (sorta)
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no; it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken,
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass more;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But it bears out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error, and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.
- Master William Shakespeare
For the first time in one hundred and fifty years, I am speechless. Even now, hours later after she cried herself to sleep, emotionally exhausted I cannot even begin to fathom
It wasn't ME she fell in love with. I was not the one to show her that the world is not black and white. It was not ME that made her realize that a demon can love and I'm not the one who marked her.
Although, come to think, mayhap it was
She told me that she had to hurt him, anger him, to get him to drink. She brought his demon ME! to the surface and he fed on her luscious blood, tasted her silken skin and claimed her with his fangs. He marked her, showing to all the world that she was his beloved mate, his Buffy.
/ " when you kiss me, I want to die." /
And then his idiot soul walks away from her.
/ "You don't want to be with me?" /
Fool. I know that she fears his demon, and frankly, I would likely fear him too. For I know that what she now suspects is true.
He was mad, utterly and completely insane, and worse than Drusilla because he still had some semblance of sanity. To have lived with a soul strangling his needs, desires and urges for a hundred years must have made him so. I cringe at the thought; to think that had Darla survived the same would very likely have happened here
How horrible a fate! The perfect punishment, as the Rom must have known. Not only did they return the soul, the conscience, but they succeeded in ripping him from the security and support his family and clan, casting him adrift in a sea of isolation and guilt. Nothing existed for him, I'm sure, nothing but remorse.
Until he saw her and found a reason to live again.
/ " I saw you called. It was a bright afternoon out in front of your school. You walked down the steps ... and ... and I loved you." /
Oh, it sounds melodramatic, but I know it happened because I felt the same.
From the moment she entered this world I knew my life was changing. The air shifted and carried a new scent that intoxicated my senses, my blood quickened and I hungered for something completely unknown yet utterly familiar. Then when I gazed upon her in the dark room of that moldy house, I knew beyond reason or sense, I knew she was mine. Her arrival in my world was not a coincidence because I knew without being told that she was born for me.
I know because those feelings have surged within me once before, on the fateful night I first set eyes on my Will.
And somehow, someway my Otherself demon and soul managed to walk away from both his mates. I suppose I can understand why he feared to stay with Buffy, I know I would never be able to abstain, but he should never have lied. A Slayer with a normal life? Ridiculous.
/ " You deserve more. You deserve something outside of demons and darkness. You should be with someone who can take you into the light, someone who can make love to you and children."
"I'll never have a normal life."
"Right, you'll always be a Slayer. But that's all the more reason why you should have a real relationship instead of this, this freak show." /
Buffy would no doubt have had a fuller life, but it would never have been remotely "normal." Has he forgotten that Slayers cannot have children? Lovely little safety valve courtesy of the Powers That Be. Mayhap my Otherself did not kill that particular Watcher
Well, that is neither here nor there.
She fell in love with his soul and that love was reciprocated, but she never realized that his demon loved her as well. No doubt, his madness prevented him from showing her how a demon loves, and she is only now learning the truth. Moreover, unleashing that madness on the world would be utter folly. Raising a demon to bring hell on Earth? What WAS he thinking?
/ "You are the one thing in this dimension I will miss." /
Mmmm I doubt he was thinking. His obsession with an unresponsive Buffy likely drove him over the proverbial edge.
Therefore, perhaps leaving was the best thing for him. Though why no one thought about a binding spell, or demon-tamer spell is quite offsetting. Either or both would likely have solved the problem.
Mayhap not completely, though. From what Buffy told me tonight and Will told me months ago, the relationship between my Otherself and his Will Spike was extremely troubled. Ah, let's be honest it's fucked up. I have no idea how they could remedy that situation unless my Otherself asserts his dominance
Damn those gypsies! They ruined my Otherself's life, the lives of his Childer and clan and, through that curse, traumatized my beautiful Buffy. No, her arrival in this world was no coincidence. As reparation for the wrongs done her in her native dimension, she was sent here.
And although I know she loves my Otherself still, I know she is coming to love Will and I as well. In the end, that will be enough
/ "It's never OVER!" /
Eventually His love and betrayal will be nothing but a pale shadow of a memory, and she will understand that it was for me she was born, not Him. Time is on my side in this, as is Love, I no longer doubt that for in this world there are no impediments.
He took it well.
Oh, I know he's shocked, but he just held me as it all spilled out. And right now I'm comfortably numb, able to think about everything rationally (okay, almost rationally) without feeling the pain. Of course, I can't feel the love or the trust or the warmth, either.
/ " when I look into the future, a-a... all I see is you! All I want is you." /
I'm simply numb.
/ " hello to the pain " /
On another level, I'm relieved, too. Keeping secrets, watching my words, editing tales and the occasional outright lies, they were all taking their toll on me. On top of that is all the new information I've had to process since being stranded, the new experiences the emotions.
/ " isn't that where the fire comes from? Can a nice, safe relationship be that intense? I know it's nuts, but part of me believes that real love and passion have to go hand in hand with pain and fighting." /
I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. I offered to let him read my diary when we return to London; we're leaving sooner than planned. Not just because of this, but because Angelus refuses to linger here after the murder. The local constabulary (my, look at the big word; this world has really changed my vocabulary Giles would pleased) are letting us return because they have no reason to hold us. Miranda Hatton can shriek and scream to her heart's content, but no one believes we had anything to do Lady Sees' death. And we didn't we were together all night. Eleanor slipped me a note earlier; apparently, her cousin is upset that I refused to disgrace myself at tea yesterday.
Oh, God, was that only yesterday? It seems like a lifetime ago in another world
But then, almost everything does these days.
Angelus is still downstairs in the study, staring out at the night while nursing the same glass of port. It looks like he'll be there for a few more hours, until the dawn forces him to bed.
I need some air to clear my head.
I think I'll go for a ride.
I slipped into Bath hoping to surprise my family, my lovers, but I'm the one that got a surprise. I was just outside the door to the master suite when I heard Buffy's shriek then came the tears and the rest of it just poured out. It's a wonder she kept it a secret for this long. Oh, I knew some of it, but not enough to construct the whole story.
I think I understand Spike much more, now. Certainly, I can relate to his anger; his relationship with his Angelus was ruined not by him, but by Darla and some gypsies. Yes, we can blame that bitch she did, after all, turn him out. What would have happened if she had accepted the curse and tried to help her Childe? Could she and the others have found a spell to reverse the effects? Could he have found perfect joy and true happiness among his Sire and Childer?
/ "You think you can fool me?! You were my sire, man! You were my ... Yoda!"
"Things change."
"Not us! Not demons! Man, I can't believe this." /
Buffy's reactions make sense now. Her fears, her needs, her innocence all has been explained. Even why, despite all the mentions she's made about missing her Watcher and friends, she's never mentioned her mother. Why bother?
I hope Spike finds a way to reconcile with his Sire. If Angel is even remotely like Angelus, he's probably livid at losing Buffy.
Even though the fool left her.
/ "Love isn't brains, children, it's blood blood screaming inside you to work its will." /
Moreover, I know my Sire thinks him a fool. How could this Angel claim her, then just walk away from his mate and expect life to go on as before? Did he not remember that most others would recognize his claim and stay avoid her and that his enemies would attempt to use her?
I wonder if Spike stayed on the Hellmouth to watch over her, thinking that aiding her might mollify his Sire. Surely he could have left town and still survived
She's moving about now, and I can hear clothes rustle as she peers around the back stairwell. Ah, she's going riding. Without Angelus. She probably just needs some space, but it never hurts to have backup in case there's trouble.
And knowing Buffy
In the dark night of the soul, it's always four am. It's darkest before dawn. All these phrases ran through my head as picked my way back through the dense woods to where I tethered the horse. For the past half hour or so I've had the sense I'm being followed, but my spider sense isn't panicking it's too familiar. So all I can do is retrace my steps in the darkest time of day, when the moon has set and the sun has yet to rise.
My green and yellow plaid split riding-skirt keeps getting caught on brambles and the tiny sounds of linen ripping cuts through the stillness as I pull it free. The clearing is just up ahead, and --
It's blocked.
A slightly familiar voice rings out, laced with shock, fear and no little determination. "Miss Summers how why are you still here?"
I look up to see a woman I last saw six months ago on a cold December evening.
The Slayer.
The End