Regular Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), Nicholas Brendon (Xander), Alyson Hannigan (Willow), Charisma
Carpenter (Cordelia), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles).
Recurring Guest Stars: Robia LaMorte (Jenny Calendar), Armin Shimmerman (Principal Snyder), Kristine Sutherland
(Joyce Summers), Seth Green (Oz), Juliet Landau (Drusilla), James Marsters (Spike).
2.1: When She Was Bad (Original Airdate 15th September 1997)
Writer: Joss Whedon
Director: Joss Whedon
Summer's over and Buffy's on a bummer, which makes Xander and Willow worried and had Buffy further distancing herself
from Angel. When Cordelia and Ms Calendar are kidnapped, Buffy is convinced that the fight to save them and the world rests
on her weary shoulders.
2.1: Some Assembly Required
Writer: Ty King
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Cordelia's about to lose her head - literally! When the parts of dead girls' bodies go missing from their graves, Buffy
and her posse discover that they're being used to create the perfect woman. The only part missing is the head.
2.3: School Hard
Writer: David Greenwalt
Director: John Kretchmer
While Angel's old friends Spike and Drusilla visit for the night of Saint Vigeous, Buffy tries to protect her fellow
students, the Principal and her mother from uninvited guests who have crashed Parent-Teacher night. The hardest part will
be protecting her secret.
2.4: Inca Mummy Girl
Writer: Matt Kiene
Director: Joe Reinkmeyer
A Peruvian exchange student stirs up Buffy's and Giles' suspicions when a student goes missing on a field trip to the
Natural History Museum. But Xander is the one who's really in jeopardy when he falls for the ravenous beauty.
2.5: Reptile Boy
Writer: David Greenwalt
Director: David Greenwalt
The only thing more scary than Buffy and Cordelia becoming party pals is what happens to them at a fraternity bash, where
they're offered as a human sacrifice to a horrible half-man half-snake creature.
2.6: Halloween
Writer: Carl Ellsworth
Director: Bruce Seth Green
There are lots of tricks but not many treats when Buffy's costume causes her to lose her powers and the kids she, Willow
and Xander are trick-or-treating with, turn into their costume characters. Could Giles have something to do with all this?
2.7: Lie To Me
Writer: Joss Whedon
Director: Joss Whedon
Young love can be a pain in the neck, as Buffy finds out when her fifth grade flame unexpectedly returns to the
deliver her to Spike in exchange for the immortal life of a vampire. In the meantime, current flame Angel admits his past
relationship with Drusilla.
2.8: The Dark Age
Writers: Dean Batali, Rob des Hotel
Director: Bruce Seth Green
The future doesn't look bright for Giles or Ms Calendar. Giles' quiet existence is jeopardized when a murder victim is
linked to his past, and Buffy and Angel look for a way to save Ms Calendar from a demon that has taken possession of her soul.
2.9: What's My Line Part 1
Writers: Howard Gordon, Marti Noxon
Director: David Solomon
There's a lot going on for Buffy and Angel and that doesn't include finally going out on their first date. As Angel and
Spike hunt each other down, Buffy encounters her new ally, Kendra.
2.10: What's My Line Part 2
Writer: Marti Noxon
Director: David Semel
Buffy reluctantly joins forces with new vampire slayer Kendra to save Angel, while Xander and Cordelia
have a close encounter of their own kind at Buffy's house.
2.11: Ted
Writers: David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Everyone adores Buffy's Mom's new boyfriend - everyone except Buffy, who suspects there's more to him than meets the
eye. As Giles tries to repair his relationship with Ms Calendar, Xander and Cordelia continue to hide theirs.
2.12: Bad Eggs
Writer: Marti Noxon
Director: David Greenwalt
School really stinks when an assignment that introduces Buffy and the Gang to parenting takes a rotten turn, and things
get worse when two wild west vampires come to town hunting for Buffy. While Buffy and Angel continue to rendezvous, Xander
and Cordelia keep their liaison secret.
2.13: Surprise
Writer: Marti Noxon
Director: Michael Lange
The fate of the world is at stake when Spike and Drusilla gather the dismembered body parts of the Judge to use as the
ultimate weapon against Buffy. Meanwhile Angel's ability to feel human emotion is jeopardised when an intimate moment with
Buffy threatens to destroy his soul.
2.14: Innocence
Writer: Joss Whedon
Director: Joss Whedon
After Buffy and Angel's intimate moment transforms him back into Angelus, Buffy realises that she must destroy him. Giles'
relationship with Jenny Calendar takes on a new twist, and Willow's hopes are dashed when she discovers Xander and Cordelia's
secret romance.
2.15: Phases
Writers: Dean Batali, Rob des Hotel
Director: Bruce Seth Green
When a werewolf descends on Sunnydale, it is up to Buffy and the Gang to protect the mostly-human being from an evil
poacher. But Willow is completely unaware of the danger she is about to face after she turns her romantic interests from Xander
to Oz.
2.16: Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered
Writer: Marti Noxon
Director: James A Contner
When Cordelia succombs to peer pressure and breaks up with Xander on Valentine's Day, he convinces a witch to put a spell
on her. But the spell backfires and soon all the women in Sunnydale begin to see Xander in a whole new light.
2.17: Passion
Writer: Ty King
Director: Michael Gershmann
Angelus's obsession with tormenting Buffy takes a dangerous turn when he starts edging closer to her heart and home,
forcing Buffy to have a serious talk with her Mom. And Jenny begins doing everything in her power to right her wrongs, especially
with Giles.
2.18: Killed By Death
Writers: Dean Batali, Rob des Hotel
Director: Deran Sarafian
Sick with a raging fever, Buffy is admitted to the hospital where she encounters a young child who brings with him nightmares
of her past and present. Xander attempts to protect her from Angelus's fury while she's in her weakened state, which causes
Cordelia to become jealous.
2.19: I Only Have Eyes For You
Writer: Marti Noxon
Director: James Whitmore Jr
Buffy enlists her friends to help a tortured spirit haunting the halls of Sunnydale High find peace. In the meantime,
an anguished Giles tries to find out if the spirit is really Jenny trying to impart a final message to him from the beyond.
2.20: Go Fish
Writer: Elin Hampton
Director: David Semel
Something's fishy when a monster starts preying on members of the High School swin team. While Buffy takes it upon herself
to become the protector of the star players, Xander goes undercover to discover the truth about the missing teammates.
2.21: Becoming (Part One)
Writer: Joss Whedon
Director: Joss Whedon
A web of conspiracy, suspense and heartbreak surrounds Buffy as she determines the time has come to destroy Angelus.
Her decision is complicated when Willow uncovers the secret that may restore him, but Angelus would rather unearth an evil
demon than return to Buffy.
2.22: Becoming (Part Two)
Writer: Joss Whedon
Director: Joss Whedon
The suspense continues as Hell prepares to swallow the world and Buffy is left alone to stop it. With Giles in the hands
of the enemy and Angelus primed for destruction, Buffy is forced into some treacherous alliances and faced with some major
life-changing decisions.