Xander (returning the stake): "I've been trying to work this out and all I can figure is that you're building
a really little fence."
Buufy: "Oh, this. Actually it's for self-defence. My last school was kind of interesting."
Xander: "Well it's pretty mellow here. You'll be fine once you know your way around. Those guys are the housers. They'd
be genuine hard-core gangsters except for the upper class white guy stigma. Total wannabes but they're OK"
He calls out to some slacker types at the foot of the steps.
Xander: "Dudes! Surf's always up somewhere in the world!"
Buffy: "Guess it's not that different on my side of the hill."
Xander: "Well, try your hand at it."
Buffy: "Ok, let's see..."

Buffy: "That would have to be the theatre club."
Xander: "Well spotted, what gave it away?"
Buffy: "They're always way gesturey. What is the homework?!"
Xander: "I didn't get the homework! And them?"
Buffy: "Um, film club?"
Xander: "They spend their time deciding that every movie is an existential meditation on Freudian sexuality."
Buffy: "Even 'Muppets Take Manhattan'?"
Xander: "Especially 'Muppets Take Manhattan'."
Xander: "Ah...the dirty girls."
Buffy: "Why do you call them...oh, wow."
Xander: "They have views on hygiene. It's pretty intense."
Buffy: "So which group are you affiliated with?"
Xander: "Well, I've applied to a few but it doesn't look good. Although I haven't heard back from the Dirty Girls!"
Xander: "Willow! You've met Buffy right? She might
be going to The Bronze tonight."
Buffy: "Willow, what's wrong?"
Willow: "You didn't hear?"
Buffy: "Heard what?"
Willow: "In the women's locker room. They found someone."
Xander: "And?"
Willow: "They found someone. I mean, someone..."
Cordelia: "...dead!"
Buffy: "Dead?"
Cordelia: "Way dead."

Buffy: "Dead?"
Cordelia: "Way dead."
Xander: "So not just a little dead then?"
Cordelia: "Don't you have an elsewhere to be?"
Buffy: "Are you guys sure?"
Willow: "I heard it from Miss Ramsay. He was in a locker."
Harmony: "I heard he used to go here, and that it was a gang thing."
Willow: "You think he was killed by someone?"
Cordelia: "No, I'm sure it was natural causes. He
crawled up in the locker and died of old age."
Buffy: "Um, I gotta book. See you guys later, OK?"
She rushes off.
Cordelia: "O..K..."
Principal Flutie exits the Womens Locker Room looking slightly nauseous...

Buffy: "Principal Flutie?"
Principal Flutie: "Bambi..Betty? Wilma?"
Buffy: "Buffy."
Principal Flutie: "Buffy. I am so sorry about this. I know it's your first day. I just wanna say, we very seldom...we
almost never have dead kids stuffed in a locker. I have a very strict policy about that."
Buffy: "So it's true?"
Principal Flutie: "Oh yeah. I know it's hard. Certainly not the welcome I would have planned for you. I know you're upset,
confused. You've probably got that thing like when you burp and you got that vomity taste in the mouth. I just want you to know, that we're all here for you. If there's anything that you need..."
Buffy: "Can I look at the body?"
Stunned silence!

Buffy approaches the body slowly, bracing herself for the inevitable. She pulls back the body
sheet and checks the body for marks. The two puncture marks from the Vamp's teeth are clearly visible.
Buffy: "Oh great."