
Fray: Images & Quotes

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Fray: Future Slayer
Battlestar Galactica
Doctor Who
How I Met Your Mother
Veronica Mars
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"In your dreams, you're someone else. A slave. A princess. A girl in school in a sunlit city."


"Bad day..
Started bad. Stayed that way."
"I'm not gonna let it get to me. I'll take a bath, crawl into bed...just forget everything...
"Cause, hey. it may have been a pretty bad day...but at least it's over."


"It is not known when they first appeared...but the vampires were a plague. The elders of several villages met, calling for action. They invoked the strongest and most dangerous magicks they could summon to create a power, a power that could fight the vampires. A power that lives in the body of a girl.
"She fought, and died, and was succeeded by another. And another, throughout time. Always one. Always a woman, a warrior.
"They were trained, sought out and guided by watchers, descendants of the shamans who created the first slayer."

"Why don't you tell me what happened to the last one?"
"Because I don't know...It was hundreds of years ago, in the twenty-first century. What we know is this - there was a battle. A slayer, possibly with some mystical allies, faced an apocalyptic army of demons.
"And when it was done...they were gone. All demons, all magicks, banished from this earthly dimension."
"And the Slayer? Did she..?"
"I do not know if she lived. But, the demons being gone, she was the last to be called. The line continued...There were girls with the power but they were never called, never trained."


"It hurts, you know. My throat torn open, the animal's teeth scraping bone it was so eager to suck out my blood...
"I knew in that moment I was dying. And I knew, with perfect, rigid clarity, what I had to do.
"You don't dream much, do you Mel? I dreamed. Always before my earliest memories of the world there were dreams. There was the girl. She was different every time. But the same. A peasant, a priestess...hundreds of girls from times we've forgotten, worlds we couldn't picture. She was me. She wasn't me.
"I loved her. I killed her"



"They'll be watching...waiting for me to fall.
"So come on guys. I'm just one girl. No big hero. no protector of justice, not even a bona fide one-hundred-percent slayer.
"So what are you waiting for? Take me on. Hurt my world.
"I dare you."

"No one has been called for two hundred years, the signs are dim..."
"Never the less, the Watchers have found her as well."
"The Watchers. Lunatics and fools."
"They mean to approach her, to begin the cycle anew."
"That must not be."


"I was sent to train you. To prepare you for the coming battle. You are the chosen one, Melake Fray. It is your destiny to lead humankind in the war...against the vampires."
"Lurks. You want me to fight lurks."
"It is not a question of what I want. It is your destiny...You know I am not lying...In your heart you know.
"In your dreams you know. In your dreams you're someone else. A slave. A princess. A girl in school in a sunlit city. In every dream you have great power, you fight them, the ones you call Lurks."



"I've met you ten thousand times. I've killed you in a hundred ways-in a rage, cool as ice, giggling like a schoolgirl...
"Never like this. Like I'm frozen."

"We fought a bunch of years ago. Only guy that ever took me down. Quick too, wasn't even a fight. Killed...my brother got killed."
"Was he younger? Your brother?"
"Older, by about twenty minutes. We were twins."


"Mel. Mel, you can't protect anyone. Haven't you learned that by now?"


"I'm not even a real slayer. All I can do is fight. So it's time I started fighting. Time I let them know I'm in this. Let's make some war."
"You do not want a war. You have known violence. You have suffered loss. But you have seen nothing of war.
"The Slayer fights most often alone, but in times of battle she is called upon to lead. This will be hard for you, harder even than killing. You're hardly a part of the community, let alone a respected one. People will not listen. But you will make yourself heard.
"I have a gift for you. It is a weapon forged eons ago, for the slayer alone. Lost for centuries.
"Carry it, for it is your sword and your scepter. Let it proclaim you the hero - and the monster - that you will need to be.
"Make your war."


"Fray": created and written by Joss Wheon
Penciller: Karl Modine
Inker: Andy Owens
Colourists: Dave Stewart & Michelle Madsen
Published by Dark Horse Comics Nov 2003

Site created April 2004.
All logos, images & trademarks featured on this site are the property of their respective owners.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM, Angel TM & Firefly TM are © UPN, WB, Fox etc.
Serenity © Universal
Ultimate credit, of course, goes to Joss Whedon.
No infringement is intended.