Ext: Berryman High School. It's the beginning of a new school day and amidst the students arriving
the camera pans up to reveal Berryman's newest arrival, Buffy Summers.
She looks as if she hasn't a care in the world...then a look of nervousness crosses her face like
anyone at their first day at a new school.
She checks where to go, looks up at the school one last time, before purposefully joining the
throng heading inside.
Principal Flutie: "I don't think you'll have any problem adjusting Bunny."
Buffy: "Buffy."
Principal Flutie: "Just remember our personal rules: no gang colours; no fur; no hanging from the rafters
in the cafeteria screaming "Meat is Murder" on Sloppy Joe day...that became very popular last year. Had to put my foot down."
Buffy: "Principal Flutie..."
Principal Flutie: "Betty?"
Buffy: " I just want you to know - Buffy - to know that I'm not here to cause trouble. There's not going to
be any incidents at my old school."
Principal Flutie: "Well I certainly hope not!"
Buffy: "No, I'm here to have fun...but, I mean learning. Fun with learning."
Principal Flutie: "Don't worry, I think you'll fit in just fine."
Ext: Berryman High. Willow is sitting on a bench, reading. Xander runs across to her.
Xander: "Willow! You are so very much the person I want to see!"
Willow: "Really?"
Xander: "Yeah. You know I kinda had a problem with the Math."
Willow (somewhat crestfallen): "Which part?"
Xander: "The Math. Can you help me out in third period? Please, be my study buddy?"
Willow: "Well, what's in it for me?"
Xander: "A shiny nickle."
Willow: "OK, but you shouldn't be having a problem with it, Xander."
Willow: "Mr Worth says you never pay attention."
Xander: "I pay attention - just not to him!"
Willow walks off - into the direct path of...
Cordelia: "Willow, nice dress. Good to see you've seen the softer side of Sears!"
Boy: "Hey Cordelia, going to the Bronze tonight?"
Cordelia: "Not with you."
Harmony: "But we're still going right?"
Cordette: "Who's playing?"
Harmony: "Dingoes Ate My Baby. They rock."
Cordelia: "Grunge, wow. What a new look. I knew flannel was so over but I can never tell what's coming next!"
Xander: "I don't know about you, but I'm scared."
Cordelia: "Excuse me, was I talking to you? Has any girl ever spoken to you of her own free will? I don't think so."
Xander: "You know, I've often wondered why that is."
Cordelia: "Got a mirror?"
Xander: "Check back tomorrow. I'll have that devastating comeback ready."
Buffy crashes into him...
Xander: "Oh, sorry about that."
Buffy: "Oh that's OK, I was totally fazing."
Buffy: "I'm trying to find the library."
Xander: "Oh, it's over there."
Xander: "I don't know you, do I?"
Buffy: "I'm Buffy, I'm new."
Xander (as she wanders off) : "You're new and improved."
Xander: "Oh hey, you forgot your...stake?"