
Buffy/Angel Timeline

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Dates taken from the Buffy & Angel Magazine. Click here for details.

Unknown: The Shadow Men create the first Slayer.
880AD: Aud becomes the vengeance demon, Anyanka.
1609: Darla is sired by The Master.
1753: Liam is sired by Darla and becomes the vampire Angelus.
1764: Angelus & Darla murder the wife and children of Daniel Holtz.
1860: Angelus sires Drusilla.
1880: Drusilla sires Spike.
1898: Darla gives Angelus a young Gypsy girl to feed on. In revenge, the Gypsies curse Angelus by restoring his soul.
1900: Spike kills his first Slayer during the Boxer Rebellion.
1977: Spike kills the Slayer, Nikki Wood.
1996: The demon Whistler shows Angel the new Slayer, Buffy Summers.
1997: Buffy burns down Hemery High School to destroy a vampire nest and is expelled from school.
March 1997: Buffy and her mother, Joyce, move to Sunnydale.
April 1997: Angel dusts Darla to save Buffy.
May 1997: The Master drinks Buffy's blood and throws into a pool, where she drowns. Xander revives her and she dusts The Master however as she was technically dead, the Potential Kendra is called as the next Slayer.
Sep 1997: Spike and Drusilla arrive in Sunnydale.
January 1998: Angel loses his soul after sleeping with Buffy and becomes Angelus once again.
February 1998: Angelus kills Jenny Calendar.
May 1998: Drusilla kills Kendra. Joyce learns that Buffy is the Slayer. Willow restores Angel's soul however Buffy kills him to close the portal opened by Angelus.
October 1998: The new Slayer Faith arrives in Sunnydale. Angel is returned to Earth.
December 1998: Anyanka arrives in Sunnydale and creates an alternate version of the town without Buffy.
January 1999: Buffy undergoes the Cruciamentum, a trial on her 18th birthday. Giles is fired by the Watcher's Council.
February 1999: Wesley Wyndham-Pryce is appointed as Buffy and Faith's watcher.
May 1999: Buffy and the Scoobies prevent the Mayor's Ascension by destroying the school on Graduation Day. Angel leaves Sunnydale for Los Angeles.
October 1999: Doyle persuades Angel to become a champion for The Powers That Be. Angel, Doyle and Cordelia form Angel Investigations.
November 1999: Spike is captured by The Initiative and implanted with a chip that prevents him harming humans.
November 1999: Doyle sacrifices himself to save a group of demon refugees, after passing his vision gift to Cordelia.
December 1999: Wesley arrives in Los Angeles and joins Angel Investigations.
April 2000: Faith arrives in Los Angeles where Angel sets her on the path to redemption. She surrenders to the police and is imprisoned for murder.
May 2000: Angel learns of the Shanshu Prophecy, which predicts he will become human again. Wolfram & Hart resurrect Darla.
May 2000: The Scoobies defeat Adam and The Initiative is destroyed.
August 2000: Monks turn a cosmic key into Dawn Summers, to hide her from the goddess, Glory.
October 2000: Team Angel moves into the Hyperion Hotel and Charles Gunn joins Angel Investigations.
November 2000: Joyce Summers is diagnosed with a brain tumour.
December 2000: Riley Finn leaves Sunnydale.
Decemver 2000: Darla is sired again, by Drusilla.
February 2001: Joyce dies of a brain aneuryism.
February 2001: Angel sleeps with Darla, who conceives a child.
May 2001: Giles kills Glory/Ben and Buffy dies to save Dawn and the world.
May 2001:Team Angel visit Pylea, where they rescue Winifred "Fred" Burkle.
October 2001: Willow raises Buffy from the grave.
November 2001: Darla stakes herself to give birth to Connor.
January 2002: Cordelia agrees to become part demon so she can survive her visions.
March 2002: Wesley kidnaps Connor in order to prevent the prophecy "The father will kill the son. Holtz takes Connor to the demon dimension, Quor'toth.
March 2002: Xander leaves Anya at the altar.
May 2002: Connor returns from Quor'toth as a teenager.
May 2002: Tara is killed by Warren, turning Willow to the dark side. Xander stops her from ending the world by telling her how he loves her.
May 2002: Following a series of trials, Spike wins back his soul
May 2002: Connor sinks Angel to the bottom of the ocean, whilst Cordelia ascends to become a "higher power."
September 2002: The First Evil starts sending Bringers to hunt down Potential Slayers.
October 2002: Wesley rescues Angel. Cordelia returns from the higher plane, with no memory.
November 2002: The First Evil destroys the Watchers' Council and opens the Hellmouth.
November 2002: The Beast is unleashed in Los Angeles, turning the sun to darkness and massacring the entire staff of Wolfran & Hart with the exception of Lilah. Connor and Cordelia conceive a mystical child.
January 2003: Angelus is summoned to help fight The Beast.
February 2003: Cordelia murders Lilah.
March 2003: Wesley breaks Faith out of prison to capture Angelus. Willow comes to Los Angeles to re-ensoul Angel.
Willlow brings Faith to Sunnydale to help in the war against The First. Caleb, the First's preacher, defeats the Slayer's forces and gouges Xander's eye out. Buffy is ousted from leadeship.
April 2003: Cordelia gives birth to the goddess Jasmine and falls into a coma. Angel uses Jasmine's name to break her spell over the world and Connor kills her.
May 2003: Lilah returns from the dead to offer Team Angel Wolfram & Hart's new Los Angeles office. Angel accepts the deal in exchange for a new life for Connor.
May 2003: Buffy discovers the Scythe, a mystical weapon which she uses to kill Caleb. Angel brings her a mystical amulet to use against The First.
May 20, 2003: Buffy concludes the war against The First. Willow uses the power of the Scythe to turn every Potential into a Slayer. The amulet, worn by Spike, incinerates the entire army of ubervamps together with its wearer. Anya is killed in the battle. The survivors escape as Sunnydale collapses into a crater.
October 2003: Team Angel take over Wolfram & Hart. The amulet Angel gave to Buffy arrives in the post together with an incorporeal Spike.
November 2003: Anothe package arrives, this time returning Spike to flesh and blood. Lindsey is subsequently discovered to be responsible for these events.
February 2004: Cordelia seemingly awakes from her coma to help Angel defeat Lindsey and reclaim his destiny as the Shanshu vampire. Angel later discovers she died in hospital without regaining consciousness.
February 2004: The demon Illyria possesses Fred's body, killing her.
May 19, 2004: Angel and his team assassinate the members of the Senior Partners' secret power club, The Circle of the Black Thorn. Wesley is killed in the process and Lindsey is killed by Lorne. Angel, Spike, Gunn and Illyria then face Wolfram & Hart's army of demons, giants...and a dragon.
Approx 200 years later: Melaka Fray is called as the first in a new line of Slayers.

Site created April 2004.
All logos, images & trademarks featured on this site are the property of their respective owners.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM, Angel TM & Firefly TM are © UPN, WB, Fox etc.
Serenity © Universal
Ultimate credit, of course, goes to Joss Whedon.
No infringement is intended.