Buffy: " I don't suppose you'd be sweeties and attack me one at a time?"
Vamp 1: "You watch too many movies."
Buffy: "You can never watch too many movies."
Willow edges backwards as Buffy and the vamps fight.
Buffy: "Oh, ow! That was my favourite spine."
Xander: "Buffy!"
Buffy: "Get Willow out of here."
Xander tosses Buffy a broom.
Xander: "Head's up!"

...which she puts to good use against Vamp 3.
Xander: "Can you walk?"
Willow: "Ugh, Mom was right about boys."
Xander: "We gotta get help."
Willow: "Xander, do you usually carry a purse?"
Suddenly she's grabbed from behind by the female vamp but is just as suddenly pushed to one side.
Female Vamp: "God I hate leftovers."

Meanwhile Buffy's trying to see off Vamp 1 with the broomstick when she "accidentally" stakes
Vamp 2 who has crept up behind her. He falls to the floor, dusted!
Buffy: "See what happens when you roughhouse?"

Meanwhile the female vamp has caught up with Xander.
Xander: "I don't like any girls that I'm afraid of!"
The vamp grabs hold of him and tries to bite him.

Willow's watching, horrified. when she notices the "purse" Buffy gave Xander.
She grabs a cross and places it against the Vamp's forehead and holds it there until she's dusted.

Back in the auditorium, Buffy's struggling with the two remaining vamps. She runs from Vamp 1,
up scaffolding straight into Vamp 3 but manages to knock them both down with a couple of well-placed kicks.
She's clearly exhausted.

Vamp 1: "Who are you?"
Buffy: "I'm the Slayer."
Vamp 3: "A slayer?"
He's outta there!
Buffy: "Better face facts. You've run out of time, you've run out of friends. And nobody likes your
The Vamp makes a break for it, Buffy looks to see where he went.