ngel and Spike -
Two vampires, two souls and two Champions fighting on the side of good for the chance of redemption and
the heart of a Slayer. Angelus and William The Bloody - Two of the most evil and malevolent demons ever
to conquer and massacre the known earth and certainly two creatures that no one would want to meet face
to fang during the annual Feast of The Dead. Yet as the full moon rose over England's capital city on
All Hallows Eve, over 900 people gathered for such an intimate encounter as the men behind two of the
most popular characters ever to grace the Whedonverse: David Boreanaz and James
Marsters joined forces once more to host and headline Halloween 2004. Held at the York
Hall in Bethnal Green, London. Getting David and James in the same place at the same time would
have been a big enough attraction for most fans but when the likes of Angel's principal female
Amy Acker, one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's deadly and most elegant vampires Juliet
Landau, the original leading man from the film that kicked off the phenomenon, Luke Perry
and the executive producer/writer behind some of the most amusing episodes taken from paper to screen,
Jane Espenson were added to the mix, then the weekend could never have been anything more than frighteningly good.
Spike's sire, Drusilla: Juliet Landau
Buffy's first love, Pike: Luke Perry
Halloween 2004 was an event put together in partnership with www.JamesMarstersLive.com and it was an experience that both actors had been involved with from the beginning. "We are all hands on with this event. We want to do it our way," David had said prior to the fan gatherings, a sentiment shared by his partner in crime James Marsters who had boldly stated, "The Halloween event will offer honesty, hilarity and poignancy. It all depends on how brave people are with their questions. It takes two to tango. Both David and I will say just about anything." The main festivities were due to kick off on Saturday 30th October although the fans got their first interaction of the weekend the day before with the opportunity for early registration. With the first 100 fans to register being guaranteed to be the first in the photo queues with David and James on opening day, the queues spiraled right around York Hall causing curiosity amongst those stuck in London's congestion traffic. The organizers had asked their attendees to submit their questions for David, James and company a few weeks beforehand daring them to be as bold and as inquisitive as they wanted to be. Questions spilled in from everywhere and so for some opening the registration pack on Friday must have felt like looking for one of Willy Wonka's Golden Tickets as they crossed their fingers to see if they had been one of the lucky ones to have a question chosen. Whether successful or not, no one walked away from registration empty handed because, as well as receiving the fluorescent bracelet that was to be the entry into the event all weekend, each and every attendee was given a Halloween treat goody bag made up of pens, sweets and postcards as well as a free copy of either the Buffy or Angel magazine.
An early start was called for on Saturday, as there was so much to get through during the day. Each fan in attendance was allocated a row within the hall dependant on their ticket number and this row number would be used when calling for auto and photo sessions. Only a photo and auto session with David and James had actually been included in the cost of the ticket and so tickets for the same opportunities with the other guests were on sale at the rear of the hall along with some newly commissioned (and extremely amenable) photographs of David and James taken during a photo shoot at David's home in L.A. especially put together for the Halloween event. Unfortunately, having everything in one place and having only one person handwriting the photo/auto tickets for the supporting guests led to long queues and some confusion as some people waited in line only to have to leave it as they were called to their photo opportunity with David and James while others were being called to photo and auto sessions that tickets were still being sold for. There also seemed to be a little disconnect in communication between the main stage and the photo/auto session area as more people were being sent to the relevant sessions than the queue control could handle leading to a lot of people mulling around in a very confined space as well as some rushed-off-their-feet stewards who to their credit kept the atmosphere bright and cheerful despite their inevitable frustrations. The photo sessions themselves were taken in the dark recesses of the York Hall basement eerily decorated with a graveyard backdrop. David and James conducted a joint photo session with attendees having the not entirely unpleasant task of standing in-between the two handsome men as their picture was taken. James was very warm, shaking everyone's hand as they took their place, sharing memories with those he had met before while welcoming those he hadn't with a kind word. David was a little more laid back but no less charming, unleashing his trademark smile and the occasional hug. The auto sessions actually took place in the same room separated by a partition to the rear of the basement allowing the fans a lingering glimpse of what was going on at all times.
In the main hall, fans were kept entertained by screenings of not only Buffy and Angel episodes but by music compiled videos, the guests appearances in other TV shows such as Andromeda and an absolutely hilarious compilation of Angel outtakes, some of which had not previously been seen on any DVD box-sets (especially those taken from Season 5 and David trying clothes on in the changing room in an extended clip from the Season 2 episode Reunion). The stage itself had been decorated with all things Halloween including broomsticks, bats, spider's webs and a big inflatable black cat holding a pumpkin that would freak David out all weekend. The organizers had kindly asked that no part of the event should be recorded either on video camcorders or audiocassettes, a request that was reiterated fairly but firmly throughout the weekend. Five minutes before each scheduled Q&A, those who had been fortunate enough to have a question chosen were asked to form a queue to the side of the hall. The pre-submitted questions before the event actually turned into one of its highlights as it prevented the kind of repetition often found at other conventions keeping most of the Q&A sessions fresh and original. Jane Espenson was the first guest to hold a Q&A and she easily proved why she has built the reputation of being one of the sweetest and nicest people in the Whedonverse as she was very open and genuine but strangely enough, Jane's Q&A actually happened before the 'official' opening ceremony which happened shortly after.
Buffy executive producer/writer, Jane Espenson
Each guest was brought on stage to a loud and boisterous reception with Jane, Luke, Juliet and Amy being the first to be introduced. Then it was the turn of the two headliners. James came on stage to a cavalcade of noise and took the plaudits while striking a classis Spike stance. David followed to an even louder and enthusiastic crowd reaction, (although it was mightily close), and with the kind of humor that he was to provide all weekend, he took the opportunity to have a small dig at some of the accusations that had been thrown his was way during his last UK appearance in Brighton in 2003. "Before anyone says anything," he shouts over the crowd, "No I am not hung-over, I am not jet-lagged and I'm not in a bad mood, I'm just here to have a good time and let's rock this place!" The crowd didn't seem to want to disagree with him. It wasn't too long after the opening ceremony that David conducted his solo Q&A session. Dressed casually in camouflage combo pants and blue hooded top (which he removed later much to the delight of the females in the audience), David took an instant dislike to the large inflatable cat sitting in the corner of the stage. Grabbing a broom handle, he began to bash it repeatedly. "What can I tell you, I'm a dog person," he explained as a reason for his actions before sitting center stage in readiness for the first of a long line of questions awaiting him.
There was no way that David could play the same character for eight years without being asked about his time on the show and yes he was asked to sing Mandy and give a little demonstration of the 'unique Angel' dance from Season 1 episode She both of which he did with great hilarity. David was on fine form. He was relaxed and witty if not a little mischievous and suggestive. He was asked why he thought that Angelus held such an appeal. "Angelus was wicked and there is a part of him that is dangerously strange and some people are attracted to the danger," he suggests, "he relished slow pain and he's a very twisted guy. I definitely enjoyed playing him." Yet were there times when David felt anything but cool and instead felt a little bit more of a prat, "Season 4 had some huge arcs," he admits, "Cordy and Connor just freaked me out. It was weird to see that and there would be other times when I'm jacked up against the wall by some monster and I would think, 'This is stupid'." Was this the same kind of reaction David felt when he first heard about the storyline behind the episode Smile Time? "Oh God! I thought they were on the magic mushroom stage when they came up with that one," he laughs before admitting he had it easy, it was his cast members that suffered filming that episode, "It was very hard to do for the other actors just to keep a straight face." David was of course asked about the addition of James to the Season 5 line-up and it is no secret that David considers it to be a good move, "My first reaction was great as we had worked together on Buffy and he enhances Angel's role," David explains, "Spike brought out the humor and the quick wit and he was a great addition." Spike was also the second vampire with a soul searching for redemption, so does David have anything that he needs to be redeemed for, "Oh God, there's so much. Considering I was raised a Catholic there is just so much that I couldn't even begin to go into," he sniggers mischievously and you just know that he is rerunning some of those nasty deeds in his head, "I was not a good boy and well I can’t even go into that," he laughs. Well if he can't be reformed, would he want to be immortal, "No but then again I am immortal in a weird way as I'm captured on screen." He spoke with disappointment that Angel was over and joked about the kind of lame programs that been commissioned to replace it venting his spleen particularly on a small little show called The Mountain for some reason.
"I thought they were on the magic mushroom stage when they came up with that one." David on Smile Time
Since the end of Angel, David has been involved in a couple of movie projects and spoke a little about his roles in the forthcoming films: Mr Fix It and The Hard Easy as well as the possibility of a starring in a new television series where he plays a married cop leading another life as a hit man unbeknown to his family and colleagues. He had just flown into London straight from filming in Canada and had been away from his family for just under a month and mentioned missing them very much especially his seeing his son dress up for Halloween. Considering his close relationship with his wife and child, David was asked if there were any plans for a brother or sister for little Jaden, "Well I have been away for three weeks," he replies with a glint in his eye, "so who knows. I hope to be blessed with another child, as I consider it a gift from God although Jaime and I have actually thought about adopting." If given the chance, he would start trying for his second child a lot sooner than planned and in the most seductive of settings as he was asked where he would go for a romantic weekend. David mentioned that he had been looking through a travel magazine and could picture himself on a white beach in The Maldives with his wife and huge carton of Haagen Daz ice cream. David's active imagination ran away with him as he began to describe exactly what he would do and it wouldn't be the last time that the famous ice cream brand would creep into conversation in a wishful way. David always comes across as a man with strong family ties and cites his father as one of his best friends and inspirational figures so is there any piece of advice that his father has given him that he would pass down to Jaden. "Respect people, your reputation and your name. Hold onto your name." he answers simply.
What was interesting in the James Marsters Q&A session that followed is that very few people actually asked James questions about his character Spike and more about his theatrical aspirations and musical career. James seemed a little nervous when he first came out, pacing the stage with a little excited agitation, which was in complete contrast to David's outstretched, languorous approach just moments before. He told the crowd that he had spent a couple of days in London prior to the event and as well as making an appearance on MTV'S TRL he used the opportunity to replenish his CD collection by spending about 600-pounds at the Virgin Megastore at London's Oxford street store. England should feel like James' spiritual home as he has a great affection for one their most famous bards, William Shakespeare and would love to tread the boards of some of the most famous theatres in the West End although he admitted it couldn't happen for at least 10-years due to family commitments. During the course of his time with the audience, James spoke a lot about the roles he had played and about the roles he wanted to play. He spoke of Arms and The Man as being something he would be interested in but it was another role entirely that a young girl wanted to ask James about. The poor wee young thing was too scared to ask the question herself but she wanted to know if James remembered anything from a school production he had appeared in where he played the adorable role of Eeyore in Winnie The Pooh. Not only did James remember playing the floppy eared donkey but he recited some of the dialogue in true Eeyore' style, a far cry from the usual sarcasm associated with one of Europe's most feared vampires, William the Bloody.
It's his role as the bleach blond demon that most people associate James with and that has led to this fascination with fans to dissect his every word and to build an online world dedicated to him. Does it ever bother him to have every line he says analyzed and does he ever find it intrusive at all? "It's not intrusive," he comments, "because I'm choosing to be in the public eye and I'll be alright if I'm doing my job right. Fame is a double edged sword but it helps with my music career." James comes across as a genuine and thoughtful man and so when his sincerity is questioned, it seems to disturb him and throw him off guard a little. Someone asked James how much of himself he was actually sharing with crowd or how much is what he thinks we want to see? James took his time answering this, "What you think I am has a lot to do with Spike," he says finally, "for anyone who has purchased the scripts this weekend, you can see that Spike doesn't come across in just words, you have me who gives him immediacy. Good acting is not putting on a mask, that's just hiding. Good acting is revealing yourself." James' other real love is music of course. Although he had split from his band Ghost of the Robot earlier in the year, plans are still very much in his mind for the recording of a solo album due for release in the Spring of 2005 just in time to coincide with a recently announced UK tour. "The album will include one old song called Smile and will include most of the material that was supposed to be on the band's second album," he explained, "At the moment I am putting all my energy into making the album so I will have CDs to sell when I'm on tour." One of the other songs guaranteed to be on the album has proven to be a favorite with those who have followed James' musical path. James describes This Town as, "trying to write a personal song but a story. It's a longing of people wanting something they can't have." It was also the song that opened James' acoustic set later that evening where those in attendance were lucky enough to get a preview of things to come.