Latest news - July 23, 2001
Scheduled writers:
Sources: Jane Espenson (BtVS writer) at Succubus Club ( and Steve DeKnight and Drew Z. Greenberg at the Bronze. Also comments by Jane Espenson at the San Diego ComicCon 2001, posted on the Kitten Board.
Ep#1 Marti Noxon (Part 1 of premiere)
Ep#2 David Fury (Part 2 of premere)
Ep#3 Jane Espenson
Ep#4 Jane Espenson and Doug Petrie (directed by Petrie) Updated 7-22-01
Ep#5 Steve DeKnight
Ep#6 Joss Whedon (musical episode)
Ep #9 Drew Greenberg
Latest rumors:
Posted on Scifi Wire on 7-19-01
Bogus Buffy Spoilers Planted
Don't believe everything you read on the Web about upcoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes: Producers told SCI FI Wire that they've been planting bogus spoilers for a while now. "That's the fun part," Buffy executive producer Marti Noxon said in an interview. "Because we got sort of savvy, ... and also we're trying to track down where the genuine leaks were, so there's stuff out there that's pure hokum."
Noxon said that portions of Buffy scripts that have appeared on the Ain't It Cool News Web site are pages sent to casting directors, which end up in the hands of actors auditioning for roles on the show. But other spoilers are fabricated--including one last year that James Marsters' character, Spike, would be killed off and that Marsters himself would be working on a feature film for Sixth Sense director M. Night Shyamalan.
Still, Buffy creator Joss Whedon expressed exasperation at the genuine leaks. "There's some accuracy there; luckily, not total accuracy, because that would be annoying," Whedon said in an interview. "But we have a lot of leaks. We've had horrible leaks on Angel, and I resent it, but there's nothing I can do about it at this point. It doesn't affect what we're going to do. ... And enough of them are wrong that there's a safety factor. ... I feel so strongly ... about the concept of surprise being so important. ... This desire for insider knowledge is so overwhelming with people, and I'm not sure why." Buffy premieres on UPN on Oct. 9.
Posted by mbg on MBTV on 7-17-01
An acquaintance of mine is in L.A. covering the Television Critics Association thing, and got the chance to talk with Joss for a bit one on one. Said acquaintance doesn't watch Buffy, but got fed plenty o' questions by me. Here are the highlights of what Joss said:
a) Don't expect to see Faith at all, though the powers that be would love to have her -- Eliza Dushku is too busy with movies.
(Side note to this: supposedly a reporter recently asked Seth Green if he'd be returning to Buffy, and Seth got mad and replied something like "That's so over!" Anyone seen anything about this?)
b) On the future of Xander/Anya and the possibility of a Buffy/Spike romance, Joss would say only, "We'll see!" (Gee, THANKS.)
c) There will be no new Watcher for the gang after Giles returns to England -- the point of the new season is about them being grownups. Which will lead to a lot of "I wish Giles were here!" (My suggestion as a motto for the new season: WWGD, or What Would Giles Do?)
d) Yes, there will be a main story arc and a "Big Bad" (contradicting some other spoilers I heard that there would just be some Little Bads this season, rather than one Big Bad).
e) The score for the singing episode -- in which they wake up in a world where all they can do is sing -- is being written. The plan for now is to use all of their voices rather than providing dubbing for anyone.
Okay, I know this isn't much, and there's nothing really exciting, but unless Joss was just trying to spread false rumors to a reporter, the source is good at least. :)
Posted by Buff's Bloke on BC&S on 7-19-01
Well before I start... these are from the Buffy & Angel spoiler phone line in the UK. They are wrong quite a lot but they have always had one or two things correct - and they actually got the Gift spot on up to two week s before (due to new source). But remember the new season has only just started filming so what they have been told is unlikely coz of that too.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED... possible spoilers below...
Joss Whedon has apprently said they will try one crossover with Angel. .
The BuffyBot will replace Buffy... and majorly embarass Dawn at a Parent-Teacher meeting...
Buffy will be recreated not reborn. This will be done by Willow...
Buffy will be recreated like the First Slayer was in the beginning. This was followed by information that normal Buffy will be back but with something with her - the First Slayer? and this will be a major part of the finale which Joss has started thinking about... (!?!)
Ally Hannigan will appear in the lesbian magazine "OUT"...
When Buffy comes back the first big evil of Season 6 will come into the picture too...
The Scoobies will watch the Buffybot be destroyed completely by a gang of vampires...
Remember "Haltz" the vampire hunter from the Darla and Angel flashbacks. HE IS BACK! *dun dun dun*
An old enemies and old friends season...
Will be more vampire hunter flashbacks... including another vampire couple called James and Elizabeth. Angel kills Elizabeth. In the present James returns to kill Darla who he thinks is Angel's true love. Angel tells James "my love died three months ago"...
Important season for all in Angel... group gets closer...
Published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, 7-18-01
"It will be resolved by bringing her back (to life), but it won't resolve her fate. She has a lot to deal with," Mr. Whedon says.
Will she still be a slayer? "What Buffy will be when she comes back, you'll have to see," he says.
He promises no stupid TV tricks, like Dallas asking viewers to believe the 1985-86 season was a dream after Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) came back from the dead.
"It's not going to be simple. It's not going to be a dream sequence. It's not going to be a cheat. We did this knowing we were going to have to bring her back, and that we were going to have to do it legitimately with integrity. It will not be a simple process," he says.
"Buffy is dead. She's really in the grave. I'm going to bring her back soon. It's going to be really creepy."
He won't say more because he doesn't want to spoil the surprise.
"We've had a lot of leaks (on the Internet). We've had horrible leaks on Angel. I resent it, but there's nothing I can do about it," he says. "I feel so strongly and I mean this philosophically about the concept of surprise as being a really important thing for human beings ."
Production starts Thursday on the new season. Buffy fans will see Will ow (Alyson Hannigan) emerge as a leader, replacing librarian Rupert Giles. Actor Anthony Stewart Head, who has returned home to England, will be a recurring cast member. Willow will rediscover an interest in computers, while still delving into witchcraft.
"These kids are just entering the grown-up world," Mr. Whedon says. " Buffy doesn't need somebody to tell her what to do now. She needs to figure it out on her own."
Buffy fans also are in for a treat in November sweeps a musical episode with at least 10 songs. Two-thirds of the show will be sung. "I'm trying to tell the stories as much as I can in the songs," Mr. Whedon says.
Posted by BBOvenGuy on the Kitten Board on 7-18-01
The first Buffy location shoots are on the schedule! Yes, that's shoots as in plural.
Alas, I'm not completely sure any of them are doable, but here we go - check 'em out for yourself:
The first three are on Tuesday July 24, and they're all up in the high desert near Palmdale - not 4 Aces, but rather pretty much the same territory as last year's BuffyQuest in "Intervention" and the desert scenes in "Restless."
7/24/01 10:00 16:00 25933 SAND CANYON RD
7/24/01 10:00 20:00 19802 PLACERITA CANYON RD
7/24/01 13:00 23:00 PLACERITA CANYON RD.,14-FWY - SAND CANYON RD.
Next is Wednesday July 25:
7/25/01 18:00 06:00 1831 W WASHINGTON BL
This location is the Rosedale Cemetary, which was used last year in "Out Of My Mind" and "Forever" and has no doubt been a regular Buffy location since "Welcome To The Hellmouth." It's not in the best part of town to be in after dark, and if they're shooting near the south side of the cemetary they'll be blocked from view by a high brick wall. The north side only has a chainlink fence so viewing might be possible if the shoot is over there.
Last on the current schedule is Wednesday, August 1:
8/1/01 18:00 06:00 GRIFFITH PARK
This shoot is the most doable of the three, except for the small detail that it doesn't say where in Griffith Park they're going to be. Last year when I caught Dawn and Riley and the Snake-monster at the merry-go-round, the schedule said "MERRY-GO-ROUND." No such luck here.
Posted by Kabuki on the Kitten Board on 7-19-01
I don't know if this has been reported in the official outlets yet, but I was recently told that Amber Benson will be upgraded to series regular. She's probably taking the place of Anthony Stewart Head whose role will be downgraded to guest appearances. This means Tara will appear in every episode next season and could tie into what I've heard that Tara's character will be expanded upon -- specifically, that she and Willow will come into conflict, and Willow will gradually alienate herself from the Scoobies. But Tara will remain with the group and take over the witchcraft duties for the Scoobies. The show is also negotiating with someone to take on a recurring role next season, but there's no word leaked out yet as to who this actor is or who their character is. My suspicion: It's the actress who plays Amy. Yep, Amy could be de-ratted this coming season and be Willow's cohort in her path toward darkness. I am -- NOT Hercules! :^)
Posted by xita on the Kitten Board on 7-21-01
(Re Jane Espenson at Comic Con) Anyway, she talked about how she didn't know how many eps she would write this season but that she had already written episode 3 and cowritten 4.
Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:
First of all, Joss's statement of war against Spoiler Whores such as myself is disconcerting at best, depressing at worst. Obviously, I have my work cut out for me if Joss really goes full throttle with an attempt to mislead Spoiler Whores.
Thing is: does he really have the time, inclination, or deviousness to do this? Well, we will see. I am still going to track spoilers, whether he likes it or not.
We still seem to be dealing with three sets of spoilers:
Nothing much more has been added to this spoiler set.
We are still receiving inklings of Willow's increasing power and possible turn to the dark side from Joss's comments to the press.
New this week is an escalation of rumors/statements that Amy will be de-ratted. Part of me speculates that this is part of Joss's misinfo. It's just the kind of throwaway item that could so easily not be true. I can't help wondering if Amy's de-ratting, if it occurs, will be a major non-event.
The location shoot info is the most intriguing of this week's spoilers . The desert location--the same place that the vision quest in Intervention was filmed as well as scenes from Restless--suggests a return of our old friend, the First Slayer. Someone call Sharon Ferguson's agent.
I remind you of this tidbit from Writeguy's spoilers: "Buffy won't be'revived' -- she will be 're-created' using the same method that was used to create the First Slayer many millennia ago in ancient Africa." Suddenly, Writeguy's spoilers are starting to look good.
And everyone is still pretty closemouthed about Spike. Let's hope we get more interesting info next week!
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