Latest news - July 3, 2001
Important Dates:
July 9 - First draft of season premiere due to UPN and Fox
- (Source: Poroda at BC&S 5/31/01 )
October 9 - Season premiere on UPN
- ( Source: Poroda at BC&S 5/31/01 )
- Also: AICN 6-12-01
Scheduled writers:
Piecing together comments by Jane Espenson (BtVS writer) at Succubus Club ( and Steve DeKnight at the Bronze, this is probably the schedule of writers for the first 6 episodes:
Ep#1 Marti Noxon (Part 1 of premiere)
Ep#2 David Fury (Part 2 of premere)
Ep#3 Jane Espenson
Ep#4 Doug Petrie (write and direct; also, return of Jonathan)
Ep#5 Steve DeKnight (updated 6-15-01)
Ep#6 Joss Whedon (musical episode)
Latest rumors:
Slayer’s Sixth Sense 6-26-01
Says season premiere will be October 9. (updated)
Marti Noxon 6-27-01
Noxon is currently back at the show's Santa Monica studios, working on next season. She reports that four scripts are in the can, with a couple more stories in progress. She also says that Whedon is laboring on episode six, the long-awaited all-singing, all-dancing "Buffy."
Steve DeKnight at the Bronze 6-29-01
Ep 5 is in the early early early outline stage. I will give you all one little smidge of info: Halloween. Boo, I say, boo!
Wanda on E!Online 7-2-01
From Ophelia: There aren't going to be sparks between Fred and Angel are there?
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's the current plan.
From fbott13: Have you heard if Shannen Doherty has been cast on Buffy?
Nothing is definite. And if I know Joss, he's fighting it with every genius bone of his.
From sandor1: Please, Wanda, any little Buffy crumb? All my good sources are on vacation (July 4 and all), but I promise you, I'm trying, and I'll spill it as soon as I get it. Along with Roswell, I'll be meeting up with the cast in two weeks, so if not before, I should have gobs and gobs of goodies from that.
Join me in the Crypt of Decryption
Pickings are slim this week. Wanda is giving us more confirmation of a potential romance between Fred and Angel ("it’s all about deepening the divide"), and Noxon and DeKnight are reporting that they’re about up to Ep. #5 in script-writing.
I still can’t help feeling there must be some role for a 20-something female in development if Doherty is sniffing around the show. I don’t think anyone would feel they could pressure Joss to write a role for her.
Since news is scarce, I’ll publish my first prediction for Season #6:
I think Buffy will come back in a cloned body. In the Shooting Script for Forever, Doc mentions cloning in the context of the resurrection spell for Joyce. They took out the line, but I do think they were foreshadowing.
And a cloned body is a new scarless body. No scars from the bites of Dracula, the Master or Angel. "It’s all about deepening the B/A divide."
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