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June 9, 2001

Welcome to this week's report. Some items are edited to conserve space. There may be no report until June 25 as I will be out of town. Possibly I will have an update on Wednesday, June 13.

This Week's News, Spoilers, and Rumors: Jose on BC&S 6-4-01

Hi, Just wanted to report that I met Emma Caulfield at the FSF convention on Sunday in Australia. I was amazed at just how much Emma swore!. Neways to the juicy parts, Emma let a few spoliers slip in The BIG One is * Emma kinda of let this one slip. Whilst she was talking about putting on the contact lenses for Anyaka she said (i was writing this down as fast as I could, but i think its like this) "im dreading cause' i have to put them back on when we go back to filming". Not the only thing she also said that Joss does want Anya to be bad in season six, not forever just for one or two eps. She also said that Anya's past will be discovered and we would find out many more things she did whilst she was a vengence demon. Jose (Information Guy) (Note: the typos are Jose's.--ww)

Wanda chat, E! Online 6-4-01

Is Michelle Trachtenberg coming back next season?
Wanda replies: Yes. And you can expect Dawn to become even more important--she might even take the reigns from Buffy for awhile. As for the others, all the main cast members will be back, although Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) will be bumped from a regular to recurring,at his own request, so he can spend more time overseas with the fam. Tara will remain a recurring role.

Buffy. I was stunned. How? why? She is coming back, right?
Wanda replies: Remember how I told you that whoever dies absolutely HAS to come back next season? Well, Sarah Michelle Gellar does, and she will. Joss is going to somehow resurrect Buffy--or at least a Buffy-ish character, still played by SMG. She'll be there for the first episode of next season, and she'll stick around until at least the end of the 2002-2003 season, because she's under contract.


Dawn ready to battle darkness
Michelle Trachtenberg keeps mum on Buffy plans
By JIM SLOTEK -- Toronto Sun

The last that fans saw of their heroine, Buffy, she'd given her life to defeat the vengeful spoiled-brat of a god named Glory, repaired a rift between earth and the dimension of demons, and saved the life of her sister (who didn't even exist until this season, but was magically brought into existence by monks trying to hide the cosmic "Key" from Glory ... but we digress).

But the smart money says Buffy comes back from the dead, because (a) they've done it before, and (b) the show is called Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Of course, there's buzz that Trachtenberg might be groomed to be a Slayer herself (Vampire Slayer: A New Dawn!). But, again, it's a secret -- one to which Trachtenberg is privy.

"It's pretty confidential," she said. "When I found out, we were all kind of, y'know, on our way out the door, the season was over, Sarah (Michelle Gellar, a.k.a. Buffy) was off to Australia. We found out, and that's where we left it.

"Dawn is still there, that's all I can tell you,' she said.


Buffy To Downplay Giles

Anthony Stewart Head--Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer--confirmed for SCI FI Wire that his Watcher character will no longer be a regular on the series when it moves to UPN in the fall. Rather, Giles will be more of a recurring character, Head said in an interview.

"There will be a couple of shakeups" in addition to dealing with the season-ending demise of Buffy, Head said. "I'm going to spend a bit more time in England next year, so Giles will be spending a bit more time in England next year. That will be a change. I'll be more of a recurring character next season. I'm spending more time in England next year, because I want to be ... with my family more, not because I have any problem with the show. You never tire of Buffy. It's just such fun."

6-7-01 posted by Kestral on BAPS

Also, I have a friend who works at the newspaper, just called me and said she heard that Buffy will come back to life as the new Big Bad next season, fangs and all... anyone heard anything like this, or is this just one of those funky rumors that have no more basis in reality than any others?

6-8-01 posted by Mark and Andy on BC&S

Subject: SEASON 6 INFO

hi, guys
the dynamic duo here again!
got some info on the forthcoming season 6
this is about 80-85% accurate as far as we've been told.
the source is the same one that told us Buffy would bite the dust at the end of season 5.

here goes:
- Willow and Tara are involved in bringing Buffy back with Dawn's help.
- Buffy returns with upgraded powers
- Anya's past as Anyanka will be explored in a series of flashbacks
- big Anya/Xander arc in season 6
- Willow and Tara will both become darker and alot more powerful as they dabble more in dark magick, which will have dire consequences for the gang
- writer Jane Espenson said in a recent interview that a character who appeared towards the end of season 5 would play a significant role in season 6 ( Doc? )
- Hank Summers is in the first 2 episodes (2hr opening ep.)
- Giles will actually appear very little in season 6 (probably around 11-12 eps)as he will be filming a 4-part drama series in the UK during Buffy's sixth season
- Jonathan is set to appear in episode 4
- Buffy actually won't be returned to the living until the end of ep 2
- ep 1 is written by Marti Noxon
- ep 2 is written by David Fury
- ep 4 or 5 will be written and directed by Douglas Petrie
- ep 6 (musical ep) written and directed by Joss Whedon
- also, storylines in season 6 will be more adult-oriented

as we said this lot is about 80-85% acc. any comments will be welcome

6-8-01 Additional mark and andy in reply to: Reddygirl 's message on BC&S

nothing on Spike so far, we've heard he's supposed to have some kind of role in Buffy's return, though

6-8-01 Posted by Nikkala on BC&S

Yeah in Skytext it says that " The girls gang up to bring buffy back" & "Buffy Boss and the guys grow up"

6-8-01 Steve Deknight at the Bronze

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jun 8 15:37:39 2001
Uh... I dunno. Let's see. The two hour season premier will count as two episodes. That's all I can really tell you (without having to kill you and all your friends and family).

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jun 8 15:58:51 2001
All I can say is I'll be writing episode #7, and I think everyone will still be alive or living dead by then.

6-9-01 Posted by Joe on BC&S


When Buffy Comes back she will be bigger faster stronger and 1 enemy will not b hard enough 4 her therefore there will be 2 or even 3 big bads in season 6

Willow will master her wicca powers but get arrested by the witches coucil for not having a license or teacher Tara will also be arrested

Xander may withdraw his proposal 2 anya as he is very upset with buffys death which will resurface his feelings for her and maybe WILLOW causing more triangle type episodes

6-9-01 Posted by Niall on BC&S

Sky Text (yup good old sky text) is talking about a 6 ep arc in bringing Buffy back. Also willow's powers increasing (duh)..but since Joss ain't talking and I'm sure the actors havn't been given the scripts yet LOL it is total conjucture ALTHOUGH sky did get buffy being killed months ago so maybe their source is good ..

OK, join me in the Crypt of Decryption.

Let's start with Mark and Andy's spoilers, since they're the most extensive. However, they also do not really add anything new. The only new items have to do with Willow/Tara/Dawn's involvement in bringing Buffy back (along with Spike) and Buffy's "upgraded" powers. Either Mark and Andy are just as good as I at compiling spoilers, or they are confirming what we already know.

The idea of Dawn being the new "slayer" is raised both in the Michelle Trachtenberg article and in Wanda's chat. This spoiler evokes "Restless," when Spike said (in Xander's dream) that Giles was training him to be a Watcher. Will Spike be Dawn the Vampire Slayer's Watcher?

A Xander/Anya arc that involves Anya's demon past could be a road to exploring parallels between Anya and Spike. Both have demon pasts; both killed and wreaked havoc. Yet Anya has been accepted, and Spike's acceptance is uncertain. Perhaps an exploration of Anya's past will cause the Scoobies to be more accepting of Spike.

Kestral's friend's rumor about Buffy being the Big Bad, "fangs and all," is certainly interesting, though the most potentially inaccurate of all the rumors (Kestrel's friend may have gotten it from the Internet). A Big Bad Buffy would certainly pose a dilemma for Spike. Would he follow Buffy whether she does good or evil, or is he attracted to Buffy's goodness? Would he side with Big Bad Buffy against Dawn and the other Scoobies?

Do you want to: Correct me? Yell at me? Praise me? Send me spoilers or other inside info? E-mail me at

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