Episode 16: Storyteller

Written by Jane Espenson

Andrew has a camcorder and is making a movie about Buffy. His attempts to film Buffy and the others are met with some irritation. Also, Andrew reverts to several improbable fantasies and flashbacks to his past actions, basically romanticizing the past and making himself out to look better than he is. At Sunnydale High, students are becoming more violent, affected by the power of the Hellmouth. Buffy and the others work on a way to close the Seal of Danthazar. Xander and Anya confront the one-year anniversary of their failed wedding with some one-more-time sex, which they hope will lead to closure. Buffy takes Andrew, Spike and Wood to the school to find a way to close the Seal. While Spike and Wood fight the students, Wood tries to stake Spike, but is prevented from doing so by the ongoing fighting. meanwhile, Buffy takes Andrew to the Seal and threatens to use his blood to close it. Andrew finally confronts the enormity of his past actions, and his tears of repentance close the Seal.