Using timeless classical patterns, Joss focuses
the action around three pairs of couples:
Each couple can be described by their purpose within the musical:
Anya/Xander as the Stable Couple, Willow/Tara as the Disintegrating
Couple, and Buffy/Spike as the Forming Couple. Clearly, Buffy and
Spike are the lead couple: both their introduction and their
denouement are held off for last.
Anya and Xander are the Stable (Maintaining) Couple. Of the three
pairs, they are the only ones to sing a duet together. Granted,
there are hints of trouble in paradise; but throughout most of the
musical, they are together. They do very little in the musical
on a solo basis. Of all the couples, they are presented as the
most static and stable.
Willow and Tara are the Disintegrating Couple. This couple does
not really have an interactive duet. They frame a scene where Tara
sings to Willow of her love. Willow is an active partner in the
scene, but she doesnt sing or reveal herself. This hints
at the trouble that Tara later reveals in her solo. Willow is the
actor and Tara the acted upon. This is reflected in the fact that
Tara does the majority of the singing in this couple; she has a
lot to reveal about her reactions. We hear only about her side
of the relationship, her perception of it. Willow really has no
meaningful lines at all. Eventually, she comes to realize through
the musical that she must leave Willow. Its really quite
wonderful how Joss managed to incorporate AHs reluctance to
sing into one of the major thematic arcs of the season.
Buffy and Spike are the Forming /Lead Couple. They both have strong
solo appearances that outline their major themes. For Buffy, this
is her acknowledgement that she is detached from life (going
through the motions) and her desire to feel again (get
her fire back.). For Spike, this is his acknowledge that he
is detached from life (dead) and his torment over feeling again
(you [Buffy] make me feel alive). They also have several
numbers together. Spikes duet, of course, actively includes
Buffy, even though she does not yet sing with him at this point
in the musical. Buffys major solo, where she burns to death,
incorporates Spike in its resolutions. Their one true duet (while
very short) is held off as the conclusion of the entire musical,
in the classical fashion for all lead lovers.
As the story plays out, we have two other couples who feature prominently
in the mix: Buffy/Giles and Dawn(Buffy)/Sweet. These couples are
also used to illuminate the issues faced by the Lead Couple. Buffy/Giles
as a couple represent the dynamic of Child/Father. Giles
song about Buffy, while she trains, reflects his worry over her
continued detachment and his sincere desire to connect in some way
to her. His attempt to penetrate her heart ultimately
fails, however, since Buffy doesnt hear him at all. Shes
cut off from the paternal love he offers. She is eerily out of
step (as demonstrated by her slaying moves) with his emotions and
his meaning. Buffy also refuses to let Giles penetrate her heart
for much of the musical. She doesnt reveal what she sang about
going through the motions and when they discuss the
nature of the problem they face, she responds with the easy platitudes
about facing things together.
Lets compare this with how Buffy reacts to Spikes song.
Although she does not sing during Spikes song, her expressions
and actions show she is actively engaged. She is at once annoyed,
angry, aroused, and amazed. Shes irritated that hes
confessing his love again; shes apprehensive when he breaks
the bottle; shes in active Slayer mode when she pulls him
off the priest. Then, in the conclusion of the scene, shes
afraid to answer the question hes really posing when they
are lying together in the grave: even though Im physically
dead and youre emotionally dead, are we going to live again
by becoming lovers? She flees.
Part of the musical pits the Forming Couple against the Child/Father
Couple. When they all meet up and hear Sweets nefarious plan,
Giles and Spike have opposing opinions about what to do. Giles
advocates that Buffy go alone. Spike thinks this is crazy. When
the group (reluctantly) sides with Giles, Spike tells Buffy he will
watch her back and to forget them.
This is an important moment. Buffy can either follow her fathers
advice, her lovers advice, or her own course. She rejects
her lovers advice. But the way she rejects it is telling:
not on the basis of its worth, but because Spike has hurt her by
saying he wanted her to stay away.
Buffy turns to her father for his advice. Buffy does finally hear
Giles. What manages to penetrate is his insistence that she face
the troubles alone. Since Buffy didnt hear the earlier message,
she takes his advice, but again, she is acting out of emotion, not
intellect. She leaves, perceiving that she has been abandoned
by everyone.
The other interesting couple is Dawn(Buffy)/Sweet. Dawns
themes of feeling invisible are quite touchingly portrayed by her
interactions with the demon who wants to make her his child bride
(a al Beetlejuice). But beyond her own issues, Dawn also represents
Buffys. This is later made abundantly clear when Buffy consciously
repeats the choice of The Gift: to substitute for Dawn. Buffys
desire to submit to Sweet and his song is her deathwish come back
with a vengeance. She can literally emote herself into a flaming
death; shell feel, but it will be an unchanneled, frenzied
world of feeling where getting mustard out and being torn out of
heaven are equally things to sing about. Then, once
she receives the blessing of this sweet oblivion of song, she can
return to bliss.
This is where all the themes intersect in the penultimate scene.
Giles quickly repents his (erroneous) fatherly advice and
shepherds everyone down to the Bronze to provide backup.
But this course of action is ineffectual as Buffy begins a frenzied
dance of death. Suddenly, her abandoned lover appears (having gotten
over his snit), to grab her and save her both by deeds and words.
Spike tells Buffy that life isnt about songs or bliss, its
just this: living, with all its messy complications. And his best
advice is his last advice: fake it until you make it. But Buffy
hasnt just been saved by her lover; hes helped, but
she really (like Dorothy) knew the way home all the time: her alternate
self, Dawn, repeats her dying words that the hardest thing
to do in this world is to live in it.
In confusion after this big revelation, the gang continue to sing,
asking where do we go from here? even though the spell
is broken by Sweets departure. They cant break free
of the song world. Tellingly, it is again Spike (who can never
tolerate too much human society for any period of time!) who breaks
the chain and flees the scene. Buffy, now ready to choose her lover
over her father and her death wish, chases after him, confessing
that she does want to feel. Spike, with the good sense
of all romantic heroes, responds that he wants to feel
alive also. They sweep into a life-affirming, very sexual embrace
because after all, theres no sex in heaven or in songs,
is there?