back to episode 7.18 - Dirty Girls
I have two words for this episode: 1) Awkward The dialogue was all forced, the minister's accent was too hard to hear through, and I was bored, bored, bored. Plus, there was that shirtless Spike again. And y'all know how much that irritates me. Really. It does. What, is Spike trying to break into the sex industry? I'll admit it. I was so bored, I missed the plot. Oh, there wasn't one, you say? I guess it's all for the best then. My dog was licking her butt and I found that much more interesting to watch. Although, Xander getting his eye poked out was pretty intense. But, then my dog farted and I found her behavior more interesting, once again. I have to ask. Why does a dog stare at it's butt wondering what that sound was? Do they not understand the concept of gas? Anyhow. Just a few random comments before I go off and read Kly's review so I can catch up on the events of the episode by someone who likely actually watched it. Buffy and Wood -What's with the friendly ease of their conversation? I'd fully expect Buffy to be angry with him. According to her, the vendetta's only bad because it interferes with her war. So, I guess otherwise, it's fine to kill a person when he had nothing to do with the original crime. And speaking of war...I didn't appreciate the little political jab there. I don't discuss politics with anyone but my close friends and my husband. I don't need the writers' views on foreign policy shoved at me while I'm watching a fictional show. Moving along... He fired Buffy. Okay, she sucks as a counselor. Granted. But what the frilly heck is she supposed to do for money now? I suppose it's a moot point. Half the potentials are dead now. That many less mouths to feed. And Buffy asks to go part time. She was part time. How much more part time can she get? Spike, Buffy and Faith -You knew it would go down that way. What, with Faith having a history of trying to steal B's boyfriends. Interestingly enough, I was of two minds during the cot scene. While the shirtless Spike and all the sexual innuendos were flying, I was very uncomfortable. I didn't like it one bit. I was terrified they would end up in the sack together. But then, they kind of fit together well. They're both rebels without a cause. Tough. Rough. Blunt. Move over, Spuffy. Here comes Spaith. That being said, I loved Buffy's little jealousy fit. Ha, ha!! One more thing. I was a bit disappointed in the fight scene between Faith and Spike. I expected her to get much closer to staking him. It was a yawn worthy fight. Buffy and Giles -So, since his course of action (to wait until they had more information about their foe) was the correct one, are the writers thereby telling us that his attempted murder of Spike was correct as well? You won't be selling me that one anytime soon. Miscellaneous Comments- What's with the southern bell in SunnyD? She traveled all that way to get gutted by some phony man of God? - Hey! Make-up people. Get a burn. Look at it. Immitate it. 'Cuz, this was so fake - Hasn't this poor girl learned any English yet? You just know she's going to be the next in line. - What is with the outfit? She looks like a soccer mom - Did they ever find Buffy's stapler? Did they check under the sofa cushions in Hell? What I Need For Closure
Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow |
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