Jane. Go Jane. Go Jane. Have I mentioned yet how
much I love her writing?
was a great premise. Not only did she give us a new format
for telling this week's story, but she used it to portray Andrew
in a new light. This was so perfect to tell his story.

the collection of items around the room in the opening scene was
priceless. A vintage Star Wars poster over the mantel, an
open comic book illuminated by a spotlight, plus little items like
the skull. I was laughing from the get-go.
no. I think I like Andrew. This can't be happening.
Someone call 911.
seriously, Tom Lenk is great in this role. During his little
narration in front of the hand drawn "Hellmouth" poster:

really conveyed a sense of realism. Andrew seemed like a normal
guy making a geeky home video. He stood in the way of the
poster, fiddled with the remote way too much and made the narration
boring and lifeless. And that's the key - to act nonchalant,
yet convey a message.
we all have to wonder. What made The First choose Andrew?
There are tons of impressionable people right there in Sunnydale.
Why try to convince a guy all the way in Mexico to come back and
kill his best friend? Seems like a lot of work when one of
the SDH students would be much easier to manipulate.
I'll just go ahead and say it. Is he gay or not? He
makes comments about Spike, Warren, and even Xander. Yet,
he seems a little smitten for Dawn and Anya. He's an equal
opportunity kind of guy, huh? Personally, I think it's best
if he plays both sides of the field. He doesn't really have
that many prospects for love given his nerdy personality, and that
will give him better odds.
He finally
learned a good lesson. His redemption does not lie in some
silly fantasy, it lies in himself...doing what's right. Not
making it all up in his head.

What a little
actress! I really thought she was going to kill him.
It did seem a tad out of character for her, but I would have supported
it for the most part.
But the look
in her eyes after she revealed to Andrew that she wouldn't have
killed him was beautiful. She's really come far this year.
She's getting closer in touch with her feelings...and that can only
lead to good things.

Oh, BTW, the
tears to close the seal? Lame. Lamola. Now how
do they close the hellmouth permanently? Sweat on it?
Maybe it takes the sweat of two enemies coming together in pure
love as they consumate their... (Okay. I'll stop dreaming

Does the guy ever do anything but eat?

yeah. He has sex with Anya.
too sure how I feel about all that yet. It seems obvious that,
in their own ways, they each want to get back together, but don't
want to admit it. Xander, because he doesn't want to be rejected
and Anya because she doesn't want to admit she wants the 'big jerk
who left her at the alter' back. <Sigh> And sadly,
I'm not really caring what happens with them. I know.
I'm a heartless, Spuffy whore.
did they have to have sex in Spike's bed?! Major
ewwwww. Not only is that probably the filthiest bed in the
place, but now Spike has no choice but to sleep amidst Xander!spooge.
<Tara shudders violently>

but one interesting bit (something we've known all this time anyhow)
is that Xander is the heart of the Scooby Gang. Even Andrew
notices it. I'm not so sure how I feel about this either.
I guess his heart is fine, it's his Holier Than Thou judgy attitude
that I resent.

If this guy isn't being tortured, he's half naked. And if
he's not either, he's both. My pleas are not being heard,
oh gods of Buffy, Slayer of the Vampeers. Put some clothes
on the guy and treat him with the respect he deserves!
that said...again...let's move on, shall we, gentle readers?
video scene was uproarious! Shades of Victor/Victoria.
James Marsters acting as Spilliam acting as Spike. And I just
realized that this was probably a bit more poignant than I originally
thought. The whole Big Bad. It's all an act. It
always has been. This is what I've been saying for years.
I'm vindicated! I'm vindicated! Woo hoo!

I bet those aren't even real cigarettes either. They're probably
herbal ciggies. Hah! I have your number, Mr. Big Bad
puppy with bad teeth. ;0)
teenager who lives with several "of age" men should be
showing that much cleavage, or belly.

Mr. Gordo's
Cousin "Porkly":

pig lives! Yes, he does. A testament to all the brave
little piggies out there.
I have to wonder. Does the double appearance of the pig have
anything to do with the letter I sent to ME on Mr. Gordo's behalf?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
really means nothing to the actors of BtVS, does it? We've
actually seen more of the guy post mortem than in the first 5 seasons
I just have to mention the distinct similarities between "Superstar"
and "Storyteller". They both envisioned themselves
in a much more important and prominent position than they actually
were in real life. Jonathan and Andrew was a match made in
heaven. Too bad he killed his soulmate.
was looking awfully old in this episode. The make-up artists
need to do a bit more work.

Physical contact.
There was physical contact. NNNOOOOO!!!!!

And smiling.
There was smiling. And joking. I order you to stop it
this instant, or I will summon a demon/dog to eat off your private
parts, you evil, evil Spike deflector you.
did you notice that Buffy called him "Robin" throughout
the episode...until she was distracted in a heated moment.
In the school, she clearly called him "Wood". Ha!
Take that, you B/Wo shippers!
I don't mean it that way! I'm not Andrew.

just mean, wow. Wood actually almost dusted my boy (tee, hee...wood...dust).
And, ironically, Spike was saved by (essentially) a demon.

want to sit down and have a little conversation with this dude,
Robin Wood.
"Look. You're new here, so I'll cut you some slack.
See that incredibly hot vampire over there?"
"Yeah. The one who brutally murdered my mother and orphaned
me at the tender age of four?"
"Yeah, that one. I understand your anger. But really,
you gotta give it up. Spike's a little different."
"The soul? I heard that one already. He still seems
like a dangerous beast to me."
"Well, see, that's the thing. He's been around since
the second season, and you..."
"Season? What are you talking about?"
"Well, you're not real. You're in a television show....oh,
never mind. The point is, there are people - very powerful people
- who have a lot invested in that vampire. You kill him, you
make us mad. Do you really want that, Mr. Fake Principal?"
"And what are you and your little friends going to do to me?
"Ever heard of Riley Finn, Mr. Wood?"
The Wonderful
Imagination of Andrew:

does Andrew fancy Buffy too?

we can at least thank him for this vision to keep us tided over
until it really happens. (Hint, hint, oh dear writers.)

dear. Here come the gutter writers, scurrying out of the woodwork.

Nice unicorn.

I have to ask. Is this one of the writers? We've seen
Marti and Joss and David before.
He sure
does have an active imagination
He can
even change past events in his nerdy little mind:

He's stronger
than Evil!Willow

He was the
brains in the trio operation

you did not scream after you brutally murdered your best friend.
You cried and ran away. Pussy.
Hubby Quote of the Night:
asked why he didn't think this was a totally awesome, hilarious
episode, he replied,
"I don't want hilarious. I want some ass kicking."
a man for yah.

could anyone mistake this for a steak knife? What, are they
doing the dishes blindfolded?
Visual Joke:

head really did explode. Ha!
can't you just masturbate like everyone else?"

the subsequent Andrew reaction is just hilarious.
Caps courtesy of Spirit