back to episode 7.14 - First Date

The Tarabula Rasa Review

by Taramisu

Well, my computer got fried by a virus, so, until it can be fixed, I'll have to do this sans the pretty piccies. Sorry.

Tarabula Rasa Review of First Date

I have not been this so happy with BtVS in a long time. Say what you will about the S/B `ship and its doomedness, as I agree it can't end pretty (ME is so not famous for its happy endings). But you have to admit that it's wonderful to see a caring, thoughtful Buffy after all this time. And this episode had everything that I love about BtVS. Grand humour, snarky Englishmen, suspense, romance, angst, and…well… Spike.

First double take moment of the night:

Buffy/Spike -

"Why does everyone think that I'm still in love with Spike?." Whhhaa- ha-haat?! Huh? Did I hear my ears correctly? Excuse me while I go wash them out, then take some Nitro. Is anyone else having palpitations? <Gasp, gasp, gasp> Since when did she ever love him?

Now, I'm not saying, `wow, she loved him all along', I'm saying she didn't and why is she saying that she did? I'm…totally cornfused.

The amount of `shippy moments were too many to count.

Second double take moment:

How about telling Spike she didn't want him to leave, not because she needed his brawn, but because she wasn't ready for him to not be around? <swoon> And all this right after Spike tells her that his eyes are clear and he knows she'll never love him. This is so true to real life too. How many times have we given up on an idea, only for it to come to fruition once we've let go?

Third double take moment:

Xander is hanging from the Wheel of Evil Destiny, bleeding to death while another Uber!Vamp crawls its way out of the hellmouth. Yet, who does Buffy run to once the threat of Xander's fourth demon date is gone? To Spike. Yes, to the nearly invincible vampire who simply bumped his head again, instead to her bestest friend who really should have gone to the hospital instead of the Summers' Central Station. Wow.

Fourth double take moment:

The chip. Not only did she take it out, but the very first chance she had, she told Giles the truth. Whhaa-wh-whattt?! Who are you and what have you done with Buffy Summers? And not only that, but she takes pride in her decision and defends it to her ex-watcher. Wow. Looks like all those Buffiphanies finally took hold.

Spike -

Okay. I've had it with all you people who say he's too boring. Of course he's boring! He's not an Evil bloodsucker anymore. He's not stalking Buffy. He's not forcing himself on her. Yes, he's not so much snarky, but give the guy a break. He's atoning for Christ sake. Don't make me vamp out and kill all you people whining about boring Spike. I'll do it. I swear. (Besides, the snark will return, count on it.)

Anyhoo, can someone please explain something to me? We all thought there was no way in Hell that ME would give vampire Spike a soul - not when they already did that scenario with Angelus. But, oh! They're going to play it differently this time. You just wait and see. But what do I see? Spike being manipulated by the First - just like Angel in "Amends". Spike all quiet and broody - just like Angel. Spike about to be pursued by a vengeful family member of one of his victims - just like Angel and Holtz.

Okay - break. Here's one huge difference between Spike and Angel. Spike talks to Buffy about perhaps leaving Sunnydale in order to protect the safety of others. Buffy disagrees and asks him to stay. He stays. Angel would have made the decision on his own, and then left, sending her a postcard from Madagascar.

"Dear Buffy. The weather is wonderful. Wish you were here. Sorry I left without a goodbye. Take care. Have a normal life. Love, Angel." </end rant>

Xander -

He's goin' gay. Willow, gay him up. This had to be the funniest speech…EVER! But you just know that if he turned to men, he'd just be pickin' up demon guys. After all, Xander is, was and always will be a demon magnet.

And, may I say, he's picked a wonderful specimen of man with which to start his gaiety. Mmmmm. Scott Bakula. Now all we need is to add Ben Browder into the mix with James Mersters, and we're good to go. Not that the thought of Xander and Captain Archer is a nummy one. Ugh. I think I'd rather see Archer with Doctor Flox.

And, hey! The scene at the hellmouth with Xander leaning against the wall. Are those man-boobs? I think so. Someone get this guy a Manziere.

Giles -

It's about damn time we found out what happened with that Harbinger. Squeaky shoes? If it had been me, I'd have been dead by now.

This man is a bit stressed, no? Holy cow. The SG finally breaks out of their dark period and have a bit of fun - only to be scolded as if they are still teenagers in high school. As far as I'm concerned, the reason they've all lived so long is their wonderful camaraderie and ability to see the funny in dire situations. Take that away and all you have are a bunch of freaks with a really crappy job and very few benefits. I mean, they don't even get medical or dental. Free eye of newt isn't all that great when you think about it.

Andrew -

I'm terribly proud of this guy. I almost wanted to hug him…almost.

And, can I mention yet again how much I miss Jonathan? At least he made it to the last season. The longest running, disposable character. Interesting.

The New SIT -

Like I said, there was a terrific amount of funnies in this episode, and Chao Ahn gave us a fair number of those laughs. Lactose intolerant. Ha! And Giles keeps offering her dairy foods. Oh! The flash cards. I've never laughed so loud. I mean, think about it. Evil lactose and the discovery of vampires all in one day. <shudder>

Nikki Wood -

Oh, come on, ME! You didn't even try to get an actress who looked similar. We're a bit more observant than you give us credit for. Unless, that's not really the Slayer he killed. <shrugs shoulders>

Favorite lines:

  • "He can be a good man, Giles. I feel it."
  • The bidet of evil
  • "Because I'm not ready for you to not be here."


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