Showtime.  To borrow (coughstealcough) from another reviewer, Mr. Gordo gives it two hooves up.  I wasn't riveted, but I wasn't bored.  The one thing I absolutely lurved about this eppy was that is was a true boost for the Spuffy 'ship.  And it's rare when I applaud at the end, which I certainly did.



And now, for a new feature of the Tarabula Rasa Review:

The Hubby Quote


"I think the slayer better upgrade her weaponry to the 21st century."


Agreed.  There's not much that a rocket launcher won't kill.  Didn't she learn that in season 2?


Now, the recap per person:





The ongoing flirting with Willow is a hoot.  "If I wanted to sleep, I'd be downstairs with the other girls."



I like this chick.  She's got faith in the slayer.  She's tough.  She's lesbian.  What's not to love?



The New SiT:


Meet the new SiT: Token



 I fully expect to see her demise by next episode.  I'd say about 10 minutes into it.




Southern SiT:


That is the single worst and inconsistent southern accent I have ever heard.  It's not like there's a shortage of southern girls out there.  We have several states just chocked full of them.








So much for him losing weight.  Poor guy.  Must eat a lot of Ho-Hos during stressful periods.  I mean, face it.  When do the Scoobies not face hard times?








Oh, don't just leave her in prison!  Come on!!  She can kick major ass, and you know she's reforming herself.  I plead with the writers to pair the slayers up once again.  They're hot when they fight demons together, n'est que pas?





Y'all keep insisting that they have something.  I'm just not seeing it.  Nope.  Not at all.  <Yawn>







Poor Willow.  More "black eye".  She ought to use some eye drops.  Maybe she could get some advice from this week's guest monster.





Still haven't seen him touch anything.  I'm worrying.







She's not stupid.  She found a way to rally the troops, and did a fine job at that.  How many of you cheered at her Spike-ism?  "Here endeth the lesson."  She's making a fine watcher.






Now, when a self-professed Spikeaholic thinks to herself, "Jeez!  Put a shirt on that guy for once!", then you know that you've gone too far.  Put a frelling shirt on the guy.  He's not just eye candy, you know.  He's a tremendous actor and an enthralling character regardless of his body.  I want clothes and I want them now.




I love this guy.  Here he is, held captive by some psycho First Evil thingy-ma-bobber, struggling to hold onto his sanity amidst days and nights of torture, and the only thing going for him is a slayer, whom he tried to kill several times, and tried to rape once.  But he still has faith that she will come for him.  In fact, faced with the worst of torture, he quietly repeats his mantra over and over again: "She will come for me."  And when she does, oh, did my heart soar.  She came.  Not only that, but she smiled with little tears in her eyes.  (I could be wrong, but grant an old 'shipper her delusions, will 'yah?)  Oh, and the ease with with they fell into line: her helping him walk and him just accepting help without question.  <sigh>




And so, we have had what we've been waiting for since last year: The Rescue of Spike.  And it was sweet.  Sweet as any honey.  Sweeter than Hershey's.  And I swoon.




Miscellaneous Observations



- That was the lamest monster I have ever seen on BtVS.  Who's coming up with these things?


 Can you imagine him in a sand storm?  "Ah!  My eye!  My eye!  My eye!  My eye..."



- Uber!Vamp isn't very bright?  Is he?



- Why did Buffy stop to put on her jacket before fleeing the house?



- Buffy copped a feel of Spike's butt on the way out of the cave.




Favorite Lines



"How does evil taste?"



"She will come for me."


"I need to go wash up again."


"Here endeth the lesson."



Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow


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