Talk about suspense, dramatic tension, fear...I for one am shaking
in my boots. I'm having a hard time focusing my thoughts so
soon after seeing the demise of the COW, and the vision of Spike
draining blood onto the hellmouth. Ugh.

entire episode was tremendous. I'll just go over some of my
favorite scenes:
walking down the streets of Sunnydale in a black, leather duster.
Was it me, or did he look just like Angel, instead of Spike?
Maybe it's the gay thing.
plug: http://www.channelingboards.com/Fanfiction/IHA
- Join the I Hate Angel Fanclub. It's free and it's worth
it. Come on. You know you want to.)

and Willow meet. As hubby pointed out, if this were reality,
there would be a widening pee stain at the crotch of his pants.
No kidding! The she-witch who flayed his would-be-lover, and
nearly killed him, let alone the entire world...and she's standing
before him while his bags of pig's blood roll on the floor.
That's what I call a life-defining moment...where you just stand
there and wonder if your life will continue, or if this breath is
your last.

up in aisle seven.}
and Mr. Gordo's alter ego meet. When I saw the piggy, I admit
I screamed: "NOOOO!! Run, Gordo, run!" I made
sure to cover Miss Gordo's eyes. She wouldn't have wanted
to see that violent scene. But, I have to ask. How come
Andrew can kill a human being, a friend, no less, but has trouble
(physically) killing an animal?

and Xander discussing what a great job they were doing with Andrew.
They made a natural good cop/bad cop team. Lurved the accidental
punching of Xander and Anya's swift but silent apology. Or,
maybe I only find that funny 'cuz I've done the same thing numerous
times. Not, pumping a guy for information, but accidentally
hurting hubby. I have no control.

attacking Andrew. Woo hoo! Too bad he didn't die.
{There's that darn evil twin again. Down, evil twin.
Down, I say!}

vs the Summers' house. Will he ever get a break? He
hasn't finished the repair from Joyce's return yet. Now there's
holes in the wall.

fighting the minions from Hell. Go Dawn! Go Dawn!

of the watchers. Those were the same guys who came during
Checkpoint. And that was the same chick who did her thesis
on William the Bloody.

and Buffy. Now we're finally seeing the basis for a real relationship.
They both realize the truth: that Buffy used him for her own psychologically
screwy reasons. They both realize that Spike got the soul,
on purpose, for her. And who here didn't swoon when Buffy
was the only one sticking up for the bloodsucker in the living room?
Buffy gently wiping the blood off his face. Oh, and the scene
where she tried to convince him that he wasn't evil, and has changed!
That's got to be the biggest step I've ever seen her make in integrating
the black and the white into grey. She wants to love him,
I think. Okay, that's not really what I think. I think
I want to love him. So, I'll just drop the MarySue
bit and move along? All right? S'alright.

and the FE. So, we're not the only ones who like to see Spike
shirtless. He likes it too.
moment of the night:
blood withdrawal. Oh, come on! Didn't you guys learn
how lame that plot device is last season with Willow?!
thoughts I'm sure everyone else has already mentioned
blood opened the Glory portal, Buffy's blood closed it, and now
Spike's opens the hellmouth. Interesting, eh?
that the First Evil is a vampire. Don't know why.
love the continuity of Buffy recognizing the First's minions.
Of course, hubby was lost as a baby bunny. I had to remind
him about Angel's return and the First trying to convince him that
he was brought back from Hell to serve Evil. Hubby wasn't
impressed. I think he'd rather I get some useful hobby rather
than memorize all the plots and their titles. Hey! It's
not like I try to remember episodes...with Angel in

Giles! What happened? This is just cruel. To leave
us over the loooooooong hiatus not knowing what happened to my second
favorite character. Evil. EEEEvil. Darn new writer.
{Since you can't see me, I'll let you know. I am now burning
him in effigy.}
Wood. What's up with that? I still can't decide if he's
wise to the mouth or not.

was an image I really could have done without. Of course,
it beats OBGyn Spike sucking on an umbilical cord.

primed. I'll be pumping him in no time."
do, pig."
believe in you, Spike."

Wrong episode. I just stumbled across this pic and liked it.
Caps courtesy of Spirit