This is the reason I'm not spoiled.  I know that when the spoilers for this episode came out, everyone freaked.  It caused ranting, bitching, rioting, and all around bad vibes.  The Optimists were pitted against the Pessimists in a unending war that had no real ending.  (Okay, I'm blabbering now.)  But, really, this was a terrific episode...the one that brought me out of my "I wanna be like Mike" retirement here at the Tarabula Rasa Review.  (Oh, come on.  I'm a Gemini.  Mercurial, you know.)  Let me explain.  No, there is too much.  Let me sum up.



Dawn - Can I just say, "wow"?  Wow.  What a brave little toaster!  I can't believe she had the courage to fight the "bad ghostie".  Even though she still sounded like the whiny little brat we grew up with (those screams, AHHHHH!), she was tough as nails, my friends.  Whew!  The gash on the face.  The glass in the feet.  The spell she pulled out of her...anus.  Very nice.  She's actually learned stuff from the Scoobies.




Xander - Yay!  No Xander.  Ooo!  Maybe Spike turned him too.  I'm getting little tinglies now.



Willow - I actually said to the screen, "good girl", when she realized that Evil!Cassie was not there for honorable reasons.  Yeah, it was the suicide suggestion that pushed it too far, babe.  The First Evil wants her out of the way.  He/She/It knows what a formidable nemesis she would be.  And, guys!  We finally got a bit of progression to the season Big Bad arc.  Well cover me with shivers.




Buffy - This is the reason I'm reviewing again.  She admitted it.  She finally frelling admitted it.  Let me paraphrase: "I was an abusive bitch and I think I'm better than everybody else.  Oh, and it's my fault that my men leave me."  We all may have known that for years now, but it's nice that she finally admits it.  That's the first step to recovery, you know.  "Hi.  I'm Buffy S., and I'm a bitchaholic."



BTW, had to absolutely love that conversation between her and the fledgling.  How cute was that?  Jane is a wonderful writer.  I like when they put two writers on one episode.  I think it tends to prevent one person's goofy views of the show from coming out and screwing up continuity.  Which brings me to...



Continuity - Yes, continuity was a character this week.  "It's a thing."  "Insane troll logic."  The references to Angel and...



Scott Hope - Gay, huh?  Who woulda thunk it?  (Sidebar: why are there more gay men than women in this show?)



Andrew and Jonathan - They killed Jonathan!  You bastards!  Poor Jonathan.  Always the trusting fool.  But, then again, Andrew trusted that he was seeing his long lost love, Warren.  I hate that guy.  He deserved to be skinned alive.  (Oops.  Evil twin got out again.)



Lurved the Star Wars geek-speak.  I'm such a loser.  I continued the Yoda part right along with Warren.  "There is another."





Spike - I'm not going so far as to say, "Yay, the Big Bad is back."  No.  I'm not stupid.  There's a good explanation for this.  But still, this is fun.  I always told myself that I didn't like the old Spike.  'All evil and "grr".  Nope.  Not for me.  Give me sad, soulful Spike with the Bed Hair of Redemption, and I'm just fine.'  I think I lied to myself.  Here I am, thinking he's being a sweet, shy boy, refusing to go upstairs for a one night stand.  But no, he was planning on eating that young girl all along...her blood people.  Just the blood!  Y'all need to get your minds out of the gutter. 




I love Spike.  Evil Spike.  Grey Spike.  Good Spike.  Sexy Spike.  Grieving Spike.  So, I give up.  Make Spike however you want him.  Just keep him on screen.


However, I really was hoping that Buffy would realize she loves him during her conversation with a dead person, only to find Spike in the arms of his own Blondy Bear.



The whole episode had a real "Yoko Factor" feel to it.  And that made it even stranger since FX just played that ep. tonight.  The First Evil is pitting them against each other, I think.  Making Spike insane and creating more vampires.  Convincing Dawn that Buffy will turn on her.  Scary stuff.



I found it interesting that they showed the title to the episode at the beginning.  I don't recall them ever doing that before...have they?  Am I insane?  And what was with the date and time?




Some truly disturbing images:

(Or, do I really need more nightmares after seeing "The Ring"?)






One final thought.  Man is Buffy gonna be pissed when she sees the house.  Xander's gonna be realllllly busy.  




Favorite Line:  Basically the whole Buffy speech about treating Spike like garbage.  Yes!!  <Taramisu does the Snoopy Dance>



Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow



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