Ramses's Review

back to episode 7.06 - Him

The soul as a non-issue

by Ramses

(apologies to WtP)

I know, the soul is a non issue. So much so that it was passported. Get over it, Spike is so not important that this week his part could have been played by a deaf mute. A confused deaf mute.(That eyebrow refuses to quit acting) And we also have been admonished that the real storyline hints aren't about Buffy either. Cool.

So what do we get? Just a freaking episode where soul is mentioned a thousand times. And all of it in the silliest terms possible. After last season's the soul's the thing and this season's ATS, we have a denoument that the soul really isn't much of anything.(Now remember, I said as much last season)but hello...shouldn't the mere thought of an evil souless creature fighting for a soul make someone (say a group of vampire hunters and their leader)at least do a little research? Wonder if this might have significance beyond their tiny realm? Instead we have various characters complaining and wondering how this phenomenon is affecting their lives. 2nd souled vampire and it's all about wet towels. (anyone else calling in their sleep for Giles?)

Dawn's questioning, "Like that would make him a better man?" and Buffy nodding...Jeesh. He's not a man, he's a monster. He got the soul in a dark cave from a guy called Lurky. He's a babbling lunatic and he keeps asking for help.(While the cast of ATS battens down the hatches for the approaching storm, Buffy and crew are wondering why this is happening to them and their friends.)

So, it's no suprise that the scoobies (we could call them boobies but that would be bashing) talk incessantly about RJ and his soul and shrug off Spike's bright and shiny. Hey guys! It's not about the soul per se, it's about intent, actions and consequences.

And Buffy, sweetie it's beyond you. What disturbed me most at the end of Him was that Dawn sat there on the couch, full of regrets. Willow, Anya and Buffy do a sly 'oh, what I almost did', we laughed, but really look at how Buffy behaved. Screw the probable sex with a young boy, look at her behavior towards Dawn. Dawn called her Disfunction Queen (Buffy's racking up a lot of nicknames these days) and she was disfunctional. From the 'it seem's real...to you'. (Buffy, it's always real) to the chilling, "With me always looking out for you" as she puts Dawn down with a loving stroke to her hair. And then later, she says, "Sorry Dawny, you were never going to get him". Dawn may have been under a spell but she's right on target when she say's, "you were the one I trusted." Buffy betrayed Dawn and doesn't seem to regret that. She's willing to discuss Dawn's regretful behavior, but seems immune to thoughts about her own. Slayer kills. (Whoa, since when Buffy?)

So, I tried desperately to find the three things WtP hinted at about further storyline. I know all about the spoilers from another website hinting at Xander and new found powers. Sorry, didn't see them. I didn't see Xander controlling Spike, I didn't see Xander looking away from a suspicious Spike. I was deeply confused as to why Xander would room with the evil thing that slept with his beloved. (Either Buffy or Anya) Or why Buffy would ask him. (I think this way oversteps the definition of favor.)

And Anya needs to be protected, but Xander and Spike are on their own? (Trying not to mention the newly souled vampire in an environment where something Big is going down.)

Now, saying all that, I do think Xander is coming up on a huge story. I just would like ME to maybe paint in some broader strokes. Say, how about, giving us a clue. Something that doesn't seem like a bit of lazy writing. (I don't want to read one more bit about Xander seemingly knowing things. The letter jacket was not a clue, it was a joke.)

Willow calling on Hecate. Yeah? Was this one of the 'clues'? Hecate, godess of witchcraft, associated with bad but very often good. She helped rescue Persephone from hell. (Buffy going to hell, Willow needing to be all BB to rescue her.I don't want to say Duh, but Duh.)

And thirdly, Dawn. Dawn is scary. Dawn might be Faith's child. Dawn is scary. Got it.

Can we get back to the soul now?



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