Musings from the Comfy Chair

back to episode 7.20 - Touched


*Kris collapses into the Comfy Chair, eagerly awaiting the chance to see this episode after a two day delay...*

Sorry, fellow Buffy-fans... big projects going down this weekend = your reviewer spending *way* too much time at the office.

But tonight, I got to see "Touched"... and oh, was it ever worth the wait.

<happy sigh>

Quite honestly, I'm brain dead - working 12+ houir days every day this week has taken it's toll. This week, we're going with the quick thoughts:


The hand-held camera treatment of the Slayerettes really helped to reinforce the sense of discord, didn't it?

Is it just me Moment:

Is Buffy’s top reminiscent of the one she’s wearing in the opening credits when she and the core Scoobs stalk through the doorway? If it is, it's rather ironic, considering that cap is from the episode where they all united to defeat Adam...

No words Necessary moment:

“*glare*” – sometimes Spike says the most without any words…

How much Nookie wll the censors allow Moment:

Oh, my... there were lots of them in this ep. May I just say that I *so* didn't need to know that Kennedy's tongue is pierced?

Look who isn't making with the Nookie Moment:

Buffy and Spike, the masters of all kinds of "connections" last year, are the only couple we see who are truly *connecting* with each other in this ep. I'm sure that many other people are going to state this much more eloquently than I can in my current sleep-deprived state, but know that I-liked-this. A *lot.*

Random thoughts:

- I loved the return of Bouncy!Spike when he found Buffy in the house. And the whole Spike and Buffy interaction was just so... <happy sigh> Of course, now that we've had the moment of true love revealed, you just *know* that something's going to happen...

- Andrew. Nerd. 'Nuff said.

Quotes of the Night:

“Back the hell off and let me do my job, alright?” Go Faith! Go Faith!

“I’ve hummed along to your pity ditty!” - Spike, letting his exasperation show...

“That diabolical little torture device, the comfy chair” – Hey, who said that Spike could slam my comfy chair?

“Demons, vampires, women in the penitentiary system…” Faith, commenting on what *doesn't* make her quake in her boots...

Dear Hubby Quote of the Night:

“Okay, so Kennedy’s out trying to die…”

Furry Spike Score:

10 out of 10. We get all flavors of Spike tonight, and as usual, James Marsters pulled off his interpretation with the right amount of balance. This could have easily been a rather campy ep for his character, but instead, it was just lovely. <happy sigh again>


9 out of 10. I was *so* happy with the Spuffy bits, the Xanya nookie wasn't entirely unexpected... but I could have done with less of the "let's see how much we can make the censors squirm" footage. Seriously - the message this ep was pretty important for the storyline... I'm eager to see where this goes.

Sleepy Hugs to all...

Kris <--- who still loves her comfy chair, no matter what Spike thinks.


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